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Nakoichi [they/them]
Nakoichi [they/them] @ Nakoichi
5 yr. ago

  • Yeah its kind of like mgs5 but without vehicles. And you get to join up with based italian partisans and kill Nazis.

    My friend and I just ran through the first two missions and had a blast.

  • Montana and the dakotas being ceded to first nations people is kinda rad.

  • This is semantic drivel. Degrowth has very concrete meaning in marxist terms. It is a shorthand for undoing the decades of horrific damage done to the environment for extractive profiteering.

  • Kinda hard to do interpretive dance about a controlled demolition.

  • thanks someone else got me.

    Also listen to the second to last trillbillies episode the return policy. Funniest shit I have ever heard.

    "we gotta take it back"

    If you work retail you will understand.

  • np. Also you need to listen to the Trillbillies return policy episode.

    One of the funniest things I have ever heard.

    "We gotta take it back"

  • I did NOT have 9/11 interpretive dance in the gym on the USC campus on my 2024 bingo card what the fuck

  • Sir a second interpretive dancer has hit the human towers.

  • blowback season 7 is gonna be great

  • That Sausalito bit hit me real hard too lmao. I live right near there.

  • you know lately I've been thinking about

    how I love beaaaaanis

  • We don't give a damn. We gotta take it back, put it up on the counter let's have a look at it.

    Also the bit about the tinned fish and telling the customer to stick their fingers in their throat to throw up the tinned fish they are returning.

    I'm listening to it again just because of this and no matter how many times it still kills me.

    Fuckin god tier bit. I've been telling people to listen to them for years and this is possibly the best introductory episode. Tom and Tarence riffing on the ethicist is always peak content.

  • That was such a fucking incredible bit. I am giggling like an idiot just at you referencing it.

  • memes

    Have worked both retail and food service and this checks out.


    Holy shit I always thought the DPRK weed thing was just a meme.


    From a friend of mine.


    He's done it again folks.


    What does it all MEAN?!


    If you wondering "Can Israel get more fascist?" The answer is yes.


    What To Know About What’s Happening In Israel And Gaza


    A man named Gabriel Miller speaks during a special city council meeting in Chicago on the many times Is-real has committed war crimes, violated international laws and how people are becoming aware of


    Throwback to that time Kamala's campaign team decided to promote Biden in the hope he might die.


    This was literally an onion headline on Friday.


    War has changed


    Anyone have "US congress person goes to conference in foreign military uniform" on their bingo card?


    What the fuck Dan?


    Remember folks


    lol. lmao.


    HOLY FUCKING SHIT (You'll know it when you see it)


    Dianne Feinstein died and California immediately got better.


    "Nazis and Pedos should be silenced" nerd "Umm well ACKSHUALLY"




    Dianne Feinstein: California Senator finally fucking dies aged 90