Employee stabs Michigan manufacturing company president during meeting
Employee stabs Michigan manufacturing company president during meeting
Employee stabs Michigan manufacturing company president during meeting
Holy shit who is this woman? Don't know the name but I am interested in reading more of what she has to say.
Lucy Parsons, born a slave and later a widely known anarchist, declared in one of her most famous speeches:
How many of the wage class, as a class, are there who can avoid obeying the commands of the master (employing) class, as a class? Not many, are there? Then are you not slaves to the money power as much as were the black slaves to the Southern slaveholders? Then we ask you again: What are you going to do about it? You had the ballot then. Could you have voted away black slavery? You know you could not because the slaveholders would not hear of such a thing for the same reason you can’t vote yourselves out of wage-slavery.
from this article in jacoffbin
What remains of the IWW in the USA has a framed sweater she knitted for Albert her husband while he was on death row because a bomb thrown by an unknown killed some cops at at a strike he was an organiser for.
Lucy Parsons was unfathomably based and we really should talk about her more here.
As someone else mentioned, she was the wife of Albert Parsons, one of the Haymarket Riot martyrs
just girl thoughts 💅
shortest leftist meme sticker
I think Luigi broke the seal on something and there's no going back
Gotta give it a few years, but I am currently preparing a "Dear Anarchists, I was wrong. Propaganda of the deed can, indeed, be effective..." post.
(*western) anarchists themselves abandoned it after getting socdem benefits
(aside from space program in spain, but they've had franco)raf and 17n didn't, with not a lot of success as a propaganda (vdl miss to the l column)
If there are copycats, it still needs to be shown that it actually is effective in terms of political change. Likewise, if change does happen in the near future, it would be unclear whether it was already in the course of its own development with or without Luigi
It won't change the class relations of society but it may raise class consciousness slightly. Hating the bourgeoisie is an excellent starting point.
Khamenei apology form but for the abstract notion of just killing a guy.
PotD can be effective, but only if enough conditions get bad enough for the majority of people are hurting bad enough. The pressure has to be built-up to the point that the normally "I'm not a political person" types have personally been fucked over badly enough. Otherwise they are able to be kept in line by corpo propaganda about how "evil" the person(s) are for being violent. Law and order and all that.
I dunno, I want to see if it continues past the next week or two. There have been a decent number of times where it felt like there was some meaningful change coming and then people just forgot about it.
Of course, big things do happen, but sometimes it feels like a phenomenon that happens exclusively outside America.
Turns out you can just fuckin, kill em lol
I wonder if it was one of those 2 hour meetings that should've been an email.
if so, I get it. on that alone.
It’s the week before Christmas so probably a mandatory fun meeting where the president announces no bonus this year but everyone gets to leave at 3pm on Christmas Eve!
It's a factory, they all practically speaking shut down on Christmas week, and depending on the factory and what they do (or how behind they are) they could shut down all the way through to new years as well.
At least that's my experience with factory work in the car supply chain, and the factory where this happened here looks like it's roughly doing the exact same thing. Also just as an aside, a lot of factory type work still here in the states almost always has all sorts of problems with retaining workers.
Whoah whoah whoah! Let's not go overboard! The employees get to enter a raffle to win a $10 iTunes gift card.
Hopefully some executives get an early departure from the mortal plane
Goddamn it, I didn't know stabbing was an option to get out of those...
The victim of the stabbing was taken to the hospital and underwent surgery. He is in serious but stable condition, police said.
they can't all be bangers but a snowball has to keep rolling to get bigger
why so serious?
I'm imagining this guy coming back in to work after serving a multiple year sentence and pretending like nothing happened
Or immediately asking for a promotion to offset inflation during his unexpected absence
Who is he, George Costanza?
As expected, the Adjuster's stealth archer build proven to be higher DPS than this mid melee build.
Did he think he was going to parse? Go for a world record? Push his M+ key beyond +5? I'm usually against playing fotm and meta builds but this was a fumble.
Let this be a lesson to everyone, optimize your build a little before engaging that boss. You can't save scum in Honour Mode.
-5 int and +5 impulsiveness for michiganites. or maybe for honkeys north of the pyrenees
It's been— two weeks since you hired me
Cocked my head to the side and said, "I'm angry"
Five days since you laughed at me, saying
"Go find a knife, come back and stab me"
I immediately read that with full vocals and musical background. Nice job!
Kind of guy who laughs at a funeral. Don't understand what I mean? Well, you soon will.
You've made Bare Naked Ladies a worthwhile part of history. Fucking amazing post.
Recent quotes have been released coming directly from the CEO:
"oww, oof"
"What are you going to do? Stab me?"
no more half measures walter
Now more than ever
Did the boss take his stapler?
More serious note, wonder if this has any connection to Luigi
The knife was a red handled Stingline.
“It seems to be the popular thing in this day and age,”
*latest fad
He is in serious but stable condition, police said.
It’s not clear why the suspect stabbed the victim, but police are investigating.
Let me guess, terrorism.
Imagine if it was something like a mandatory work Christmas party talent show and he was trying to hit an apple on the boss's head with a throwing dagger.
Lol. Whoops! My hand slipped. 😬😌
Holy shit, did propaganda of the deed actually work this time?
Maybe all we needed was innernette and a few decades to cook in a declining fascist empire
Is stabbing your boss the new quiet quitting??????
On an unrelated note, people should learn a bit more about anatomy
Or at the very least dip the knife in some chicken poop for the disease damage or mercury for poison damage.
I knew that keg full of avian droppings i keep under the stairs would come in handy one day! A good Belter never throws anything away!
Or use a straight razor that has been banged up on the sidewalk to give it a jagged edge, and then soaked in a rain barrel overnight!
Or into a candle to get burn damage!
Is it just me or does anyone else find it interesting the subject of the meeting has been left out?
"so as I was saying, layoffs will start next week and . . . Hey Nathan, whatcha got there?"
okay maybe theres something to this luigism thing
If god was good his name would have been Mario
lets a fucking goooooooooooooooo
Another chief executive
Yeah I'm an ML (Mangionist-Luigist)
I yearn for a country where this is the daily news story instead of children shooting each other because these demons have robbed them of hope.
That executive was no angel
W stabbing
It would be pretty cool if this got so common that people couldn't even keep track of the individuals/events anymore.
Like school shootings...
Right but with deserving targets instead of innocent victims.
not my problem
A few more details here: https://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/2024/12/employees-witnessed-co-worker-stab-company-president-court-documents-show.html
He was wearing a black medical mask and drove away in a BMW. The company is called Anderson Express. The president is named Erik Denslow and he was stabbed on his right side just below the ribs.
The stabber, 32 year old Nathan Joseph Mahoney, left the meeting. Ten minutes later, he reentered the room, walked up to Denslow, stabbed him, then left.
I wonder if anyone used his middle name before this? Probably not.
he was stabbed on his right side just below the ribs.
oh come on, just go for the neck
The establishment does this for serious criminals that they want to absolutely roast. Never mind the weekly shootings that happen in Muskegon and Grand Rapids against civillians or those caught in their crossfire. Those are one off passing by mentions. The whole "if it was me on the street you'd walk right by me"
types of stories.But injure a C-suit? Hold the damned presses wall to wall FULL NAME mother's angry coverage.
Ok so originally I thought this guy, who had only been working there two weeks, joined the company just so he could stab the company president at the first meeting he saw him at.
Now it sounds like he didn't plan this out at all! What did Denslow say??? I NEED MORE DEETS.
I wonder what he said just before he left
The killing of Thompson has given rise to other threats against CEOs.
“It seems to be the popular thing in this day and age,” Poulson said.
Anderson Express Inc. is a Tier 1 supplier specializing in rapid advanced manufacturing solutions for the automotive, military, and power generation industries.
The victim of the stabbing was taken to the hospital and underwent surgery. He is in serious but stable condition,
Dagger, Dirk, Deboner
be the adjuster that you want to see in the world
Finally some good news
This meeting could have been an email
"Police are searching for clues regarding motive"
The absolute refusal to admit that rich people who control your life are insufferable and everyone else hates them.
i fuckin told y'all
Nice and cool and good
Man, I thought this headline said "employee(s) " and got really excited for a second.
The CEO is a crisis actor that just wants to take away my 2nd amendment rights.