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Nakoichi [they/them]
Nakoichi [they/them] @ Nakoichi
5 yr. ago

  • I've been saying this the entire time. It's not him but he still doesn't deserve to get railroaded

  • I maintain that this guy kinda sucks but is probably iinnocent

  • Definitely get black mesa source too. It's HL:1 completely remade in the source engine and it slaps.

  • V Rising, at least when I can get people to play with me, and doing some coop Sniper Elite 4 which was just on sale for like $6

  • Based. Also I think what says is probably the most correct assumption. On top of that all the old ghouls that actually did realpolitik and had a grasp of the "great game" of geopolitics during the cold war are dead or dying and we now have a bunch of failsons high on their own supply running the show in both parties.

  • what the fuck you were not kidding that is fucking wild. Way to go China.

    I've slowly been slipping more pro china talking points into the myriad political conversations I have with libs and I sense that the grip of western propaganda is slipping. Like the whole green belt around that desert. Sometimes you can break through the thought terminating cliches by showing them something as awesome as this. Like they are literally trying to save us from ourselves and our stupid capitalist bullshit.

  • I don't usually yell at people on the street but they slowed down for like half a second and I thought they noticed the cross walk sign and then just sped up anyway. I'm wearing a fucking bright neon green safety jacket and smoking a cigarette so I just yelled at the top of my lungs "WHAT THE FUCK! FUCK YOU". In that moment if I could have caught up to that person I would have probably threatened to beat their ass.

  • Wait pistol? Can I make one of these in cali?

  • some of the actions physics and plot elements (the concrete cutters) undermined the suspension of disbelief, but this I am willing to overlook this.

    If you cut at an angle you could easily make a cut like that and lift it out.

  • Hard disagree there it's one of the more interesting of the myriad post-apocalypse shows out there, and actually has an engaging mystery going on throughout.

  • lmao the instant I saw the stalin pic I was like "that's just reagan"

  • just woke up again you wanna play some coop? That's where it really shines

  • Joining the war on Christmas on the side of drugs.

  • I disagree I think it has the best gameplay and diversity of tactics in the series thusfar (I have not played 5) plus there is just something really satisfying about having a friend go in close while you do overwatch and seeing that one pesky guard you aren't sure how to deal with suddenly literally getting both his eyeballs obliterated by your friend perched in a tower 300 meters away.

  • chapotraphouse

    Can't believe of my thousands of comments this is the one that gets turned into a tagline


    Soviet anthem begins playing.


    This site tagline is wrong. These people never owed us shit. They owe their loyalty to capital. We only get what is ours by taking it.


    I just noticed that we lost the time in Moscow widget in the sidebar and wanted to raise this very serious concern with the lemmy devs.


    Everything WRONG With The Guns In Starfield


    It do be like this.


    Democratic congressional candidate runs on platform of "I did war crimes I can't even tell you about"


    Folks, the rock stacking struggle session has entered the National Discourse (TM)


    50th Anniversary of the 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee. Colonized people all around the world know which is the correct side to take in this conflict.


    Get home, sit down and check the site, see a report. "Ah ffs what now"


    Sonic the Hedgehog is 3500 years old


    Nessel's office officially ends Flint water prosecutions without any criminal convictions


    Hell yeah dude.


    A post from an indigenous comrade on the parallels between settler colonialism in the US and Palestine.


    The other day a post came up where someone posted some images with stats about numbers of posts and hexbear was listed as having 302k posts.


    Hating kids is reactionary, read Pedagogy of the Oppressed


    Oh god oh fuck.


    A final what now?


    Extreme Sports Enthusast Takes Up Paragliding, Citing Heightened Thrill Of Being Shot At By Rural Xenophobes.


    Oh fuck yeah dude. I love reliving 2001