I have had bigger audiences while talking about historical materialism at a cash register.
I have had bigger audiences while talking about historical materialism at a cash register.
I have had bigger audiences while talking about historical materialism at a cash register.
I'm pretty sure the guy in the middle actually got kicked out of the UCLA protests after trying to sabotage them and adding Haz to the lineup of speakers invited to it
Something similar happened in Atlanta. Norm Finkelstein flew in to speak then turned around at the airport when he heard Jackson Hinkle was also invited by some rando organizer/saboteur.
[squints] is that him with the fanny pack? he looks a lot different than the last time I saw him
I don't recognize any of the others
From left to right: idk, Carlos Garrido, idk, Eddie Smith, Two-hole Haz
Who are these people?
Jackson Hinkle and Haz. (Patsocs)
Really sad to see the Midwestern Marx guys cozy up to the patsocs. I really liked them when they had first started making stuff.
Many such cases with angloids
I'd like to point out that none of these people show up in ANSWER Coalition protests, go to the ALBA-TCP conferences, bring Global South voices to their shows, join the People's Forum for anything, never sat down with Vijay Prashad, belong to any parties that I'm aware, supported RFK, I mean, the brainworm, thought the dumbass petit bourgeois Freedumb Truckers from Canada were ''revolutionary'', joined the LaRouchies in some ecofascist bullshit, get laughed at by the people they claim to wanna turn around, and got no fucking movement behind them. The ''Rage Against The Warmachine'' march they organized like a year or 2 ago, happened like a month before one the PSL did, and the numbers spoke for themselves. These motherfuckers have no convening power.
Anybody falling for this just has to remember these things I brought up. These people are not where it matters, building movements and relationships with other resistance movements abroad or within the core. You don't see them marching with the Red Nation guys, or building coalitions with indigenous, black and brown people. When they convene you barely see any color, just a couple of pasty ass knuckleheads bouncing off sunlight in the middle of a 4th of July sausage fest with no women in sight. Like our Hexbear friends like to say: deeply unserious.