what am i supposed to take away from this?
America is kind of shit at making cars hahahah
Deming, whose work all modern manufacturing is based on, was literally laughed out of American industry for his ideas.
He took them to Japan and partnered with a little known company called Toyota.
American companies then begged to learn this magic after Detroit turned into a rust belt. They still make shit cars today 😂
Ford is pumping out cars that cost more than Chinese cars. A Chinese BYD or MG of similar specs to a Ford E-Mustang is literally half the price
Edit to add: they're somehow producing cars at a loss while China is producing the same cars at a profit for half the price
They're producing at a loss because of executive/admin pay, stock buybacks, contracting out work for parts instead of doing it in-house; typical capitalist nonsense.
China truly has caught up, and is beating capitalist countries at their own game. It's fun to see.