Is sushi gay folks?
Is sushi gay folks?
Is sushi gay folks?
easy, the more white and bland and unhealthy: based. the more foreign and vegetabley: woke.
What kind of soy liberal are you?
Worse yet, he might be Italian
Soy is the OG woke food and it doesn't get a shout out?
step on me edamame
I'm going to bike down to my local co-op and get a tempeh Ruben and a spicy kale salad to own the chuds.
that salad sounds good as hell
It's kind of weird seeing CHUDs dunk on rich people's preferences, but only when poor people try to do them.
why are u, as a man, eating sushi? To give u energy to go kiss ur boyfriend? Gay
I wish 😔
This is why I fast. Can't be gay with no calories for gay activities
But if you don't have enough energy for gay activities, what about straight activities?
This implies that you aren't having sex with women. Why not? Are you gay or something?
Noodles? Woke. Salad? Woke. Mushrooms? They look like little dicks, woke. Pay attention now - pasta? Not woke. It's going to get more complicated now. Yoghurt? Extremely redpilled. Mustard? Woke. Mayo? Also woke.
What about hot pockets? My large adult son needs to know.
Noodles? Woke.
Pay attention now - pasta? Not woke.
what kind of schools feed their kids sushi?? we're lucky if we get edible food
Why do you think Japan's birthrate is so low? They're all gay from the sushi.
My son only eats tiny little penis shaped pasta
feeding him that $15/Ib, sold out shit huh? how bourgeois
Sushi seems like the cheaper option for an island nation...
Phew, finally they can go back to the correct system - Rich kids get to keep eating "woke food" from home, and poor kids eat slop. Like nature intended.
Do kids not like sushi???
They do, but rich people get their top-hats in a twist when they see poors eat rich-people-coded foods, or anything too "foreign".
It's like the Pokemon censorship of Onigiri to be 'jelly donuts'. CHUDs fight for the 'right' to be ignorant of the rest of the world.
Dicks are made of meat. Ergo, eating meat is gay. Checkmate liberals
Counterpoint: eating meat is straight, giving away your meat is gay. Therefore it is straight to suck dick and gay to have your dick sucked.
Tony soprano was ahead of his time asking junior why he is eating sushi. South of da border
if a guy'll eat sushi, he'll eat anything
Real lack of standards
Clown country. Xi please nuke new Zealand too
I like sushi and I'm very gay. Wait till they find out I breathe air, like every living ✨homosexual✨*
*I'm actually pan but I don't think their simple minds are ready to learn what that is.