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From the latest manor lords update.

I feel like this is not so much a bug as just a fact of living in medieval times. They drank more booze than water. I say they should keep the ale consumption as is and just make it easier to grow hops. I want my villagers sloshed to the gills in historically accurate fashion god dammit.

  • is Manor Lords actually good? is it Historically Accurate (derogatory) ? i wanted to get into it but as far as I could tell, there's only two options for women leaders and in classic fashion one is white and young and the other is white and old :/

    I'm hoping that's not the case, it sounds like an interesting city builder to try out

  • has anyone else had the issue where livestock just doesn't get bought for years on end? every playthrough I set a family at the livestock trader to buy like 50 sheep, and 3 years later they've bought 1, even if I had money to spare in all that time