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Nakoichi [they/them]
Nakoichi [they/them] @ Nakoichi
5 yr. ago

  • And this is something you should reexamine about yourself then if you don't understand the significance of racism and other bigoted biases in AI.

    I am pretty much done arguing with you because you're a creep and a troll.

  • It also looks like he is doing a bunch of moves from Zasalamel in Soul Calibur.

    This looks pretty sick though.

  • every time one of these creeps comes in concern trolling with some big bold idea for "fixing" problems with moderation it's because they are a creep who got banned for being a creep.

    Also of course one of their posts is in there removed for NSFW and I ain't even gonna look at the context on that one. The modlog on this guy is an entire page long. On other instances it gets even longer.

  • Oh you are correct but I mixed up two comments because you sound so much like the other weirdo I was arguing against.

    Your neutral political commentary is just excuses for bigotry and pandering to fascists.

    You are no ally of ours if you entertain the "necessity" of allowing legislation like this to pass. There is no such thing as a "must pass" build and if the alternative truly is to shut down the federal government that is in fact the objectively correct thing to do. You must be confusing us with people who respect the legitimacy of this fascist state.

    Maybe chill a bit? And best of luck to you in your endeavors in the new year.

    oh fucking hell no you smarmy shitlib.

  • You are no ally of ours and that's why you keep getting banned for being an annoying spammy creepy little shit.

  • oh hay look. Of course this is some weirdo who spams creep shit like this all over.

  • I repeat. Did you actually read any of the concrete argument laid out before you or are you just being willfully obtuse.

  • I sure as shit wouldn't. Did you even read any of what frauddogg just said? Genuine question because they explained pretty clearly why it is a terrible and stupid idea.

  • Cool apologia for signing transphobic legislation you spineless piece of shit.

  • Disabling down votes is good actually because it forces people to engage and not just down vote and move on.

  • I was thinking about eggroles we have a stupid good deal on them right now.

  • No idea never had one. Gonna try it out tonight.

  • lmao no it doesn't nerd

  • The one that says 3rd International. If you don't get approved right away I will get ya when I get home. I'm having breakfast with my mom

  • Could probably just bleach it out real good and redye it from there.

  • I kinda get it there is apparently a whole market around them and get paid or killed depending what kind of corrido you make. Mexico is fuckin wild man.

  • oh fuck yeah hit me up if you want to play. Discord is in the sidebar.

  • China literally just built the largest solar farm on the planet.

    Honestly you should be demoderated from this comm. Eco-socialism is literally the only way to sustain life on this planet in a reasonable timescale. Your only other alternative is eco-fascism which is just a nihilistic death cult view of humanity. I am remembering the human right now when I say fuck you and everything you conceivably stand for.

  • the_dunk_tank



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    Folks this is what a decolonial 5 year plan looks like in the imperial core.


    How can these fucking people be more comically evil? Like this is literally the bit we were doing about school kids with Hamas commanders in their backpack


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    Guy who leaves a lucrative job at Raytheon, not out of moral compunction, but because he couldn't bring himself to violate copyright law at the behest of his project managere.


    Every time I see this I think of how funny it is that Nazi apologist being in bold was not editorializing on part of the admin that added it, the poster put that in bold themselves.