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OpSec and Hexbear

Hexbear started during the 2020 BLM protests, where cops were using social media and internet presence to track down activists. They are still doing this, but with less vigor than when police stations were burning down.

This included things like using tattoos on naked bodies, etsy store receipts etc.

Just before the r/cth ban, there was also a problem with chasers and leering objectification, and steps were taken to reduce thirst-posting and the like.

These things combined means that people don't post selfies or direct identifying information. People post their pets and artwork, but I know I have to make a decision about where and when I post things to make things non-trivial for cops or random chuds. I feel like a unique pet name, breed, and rough region could be enough to track someone down.

Even so, I think I'm bad at it. I feel like if someone knew me and read everything on hexbear they could ID me pretty easily (and I know multiple people in person on hexbear, but we've never exchanged usernames).

Idk if there are any hard and fast rules beyond the selfies and direct ID though. I should burn this account.

Edit: removed reference to masculinity

  • I mean there's definitely multiple power users here who have posted more than enough to be identified by a moderately determined adversary. I think the de facto rule really is just that users decide their own level of privacy, and the no-selfies policy is mostly useless.

    Anyone who has ever posted any kind of payment service handle to /c/mutual_aid could be identified by the feds if they had a reason, for example.

    • Yeah, I could easily be found by feds based on my account here, even admit to the crimes I've done on here. I actually know how to do good opsec extremely well, for reasons I don't want to get into. At some point, I stopped giving a fuck because of the negative experiences that I associate with that level of ospec are REALLY negative.

      I'm also lucky that my life is pretty much protected from doxxing. With the way I live, someone could call my employer right now with everything I've ever said on Hexbear and my employer would only ask why they should give a fuck. I don't have my own lease so all public info on my potential address is wrong and only doxxes my chud parents. I'll also never get my name legally changed because I don't trust the state, so that will never concern me

    • I would definitely be pretty easily identified, but I also don't post anything here that I wouldn't say to someone in person or to co-workers on company chats.

      They're much more likely to use information from an account here to bolster a case against you for some action you took than to pre-crime you from your posts.

      Your biggest threat here likely isn't feds, but terminally online right wingers who can connect the dots and try to either harm you IRL, or like send your post history here to your boss.

      • "here random boss of some company i have no connection to: here's an unrelated username to your employee and an IP addresses proving it's them. maybe some unhinged shit trying to convince you their writing style is the same."

        but yeah it is a legit threat that's why don't put anything solid that can connect you to RL. no address, workplace name, etc. nothing that could be placed on a single page in an email and have the connection be instantly made. no HR department is going to read paragraph after paragraph of DIY OSINT that reads like one of those conspiracy walls with red string

        (unless you work in a high security industry of some sort obviously)

    1. Use a VPN
    2. Limit personal identifying content that can be cross referenced. Example: I just got a plane ticket on Sunday to go to Bora Bora.
    3. Never post self identifying material. Example: here's my new tattoo!
    4. If you post something time related that can lead to 2 or 3, change details. Basically, lie. Example: last week I went to Bora Bora. Really it was Fiji 3 months ago.
    5. Don't give them a reason to want to investigate you. There's plenty of Left leaning folk (some of whom probably are pretty far up in corporate and/or government spaces) who quite frankly aren't worth going after. The time and energy it would take to round up people who just think differently, the opposition doesn't have (most likely).
    6. Change your profile on the reg. Personally I don't do this, or do I? (SEE #4)
    7. Go periods of time without posting. The more you post, the more you will likely have a signature in the way you post, what you post about, and who you interact with.
    8. Delete posts (not sure how effective this is but if I feel like my posts are rearing too close to #2 or #3 I'll go back and delete them).

    Anyhow I just booked my trip to Uzbekistan via cruise liner where I intend on instigating the revolution by introducing vegan pilaf. During this time I will only post Kelly emoji to convey my progress. o7 o7 o7

    • Go periods of time without posting. The more you post, the more you will likely have a signature in the way you post, what you post about, and who you interact with.

      Nice try mods, you will never make me touch grass.

    • Go periods of time without posting.

      I have no superiors to relieve me of my duty. You bulldozed them all to a mass grave for trying to free humanity.

  • Afaik the implementation of Lemmy this is a real problem due to federation to other instances, you can post things here that end up somewhere you don't want them to and if you delete them it's not certain if they will also be deleted there as well. It's been stated for a long time but it's one or the other really, you can't have a decentralized social media without federation, and you can't have full privacy with federation. I might very likely be wrong about the specifics of this, but this should be also taken in account when considering to post something more personal.

  • Good post and should be stickied.

    The culture generally leans towards anonymity but there's some leeway for how much you personally.fond necessary. I've got a record, anything I post here really doesnt matter, it's posting consistent with my arrest record. But I still try vague and keep a general culture of relative anonymity going on. I've described my tattoos but I'd never post a picture of them, I'll post pics of the inside of my house but not my house. If you go through my lists it's pretty easy to tell.ehat city I live in but I've never explicitly said so. I'd say probably my piss poor level of personal security is thr bare minimum and I'm a bit internationally sloppy cause if feds are looking me up.its gonna get a we'll established file and it's a waste of their time. Others, maybe not so much. Just be cautious, there's people out here to whom jail is less of a big deal. Be a cautious cat as standard practice.

  • Electronic Frontier Foundation has a good collection of articles and guides that are not just practical but teach you how to think about your own particular situation: Surveillance Self-Defense

    First thing is you need to think about your "threat model". Which means what information are you trying to protect, and why? There is no universally "best" way to do anything. Tactics that might increase security/privacy in one situation might impair it in another. Like if you are trying to avoid getting doxxed by random internet people who take a dislike to you that's one thing, but if you are trying to avoid government (which government(s)?) spying that's another. If you are trying to avoid government spying, is it to avoid legal prosecution, or to avoid covert interference in your organizing (ala COINTELPRO)? They can be totally different kinds of surveillance so you need to have different strategies to avoid them.

    Also need to consider that making an extremely elaborate or onerous plan that you will never bother to actually enact, or requires a high degree of technical skill or perfect execution might not be practical. They might interfere with your purpose too much.

    This page covers the basics of how to think about your own goals, fears and priorities. It's very generic but is a good overview. It's really key to think about this ongoing to avoid falling into the trap of following advise that might be perfectly reasonable for another person but counter productive for yourself.

  • For voicing your opinion about activism,
    I'd recommend to at least use:

    • A burner account,
      do not post your opinion through your daily account.
    • A paid, no-log VPN or Tor when posting.

    Above should cover the needs of most people.
    But if you think you're a high profile target,
    then following would also be smart:

    • Alter you writing,
      do not post in similar writing as your main account, e.g. if you usually capitalize each sentence, don't, if you usually use emoji's, don't etc etc.
    • Use a privacy oriented OS to post on,
      e.g. no Windows, no Apple, no closed source Android fork, but do use QubesOS, or TailsOS, or GrapheneOS.
    • Only use chat clients with E2EE (End to End Encryption) and without identifiers, e.g. SimpleX.
  • One thing that I've thought about:

    My phone and many others automatically sync their photos and downloaded images to my Apple or Google account. If the feds thought an account was yours, that would be an easy way to confirm it.

  • In addition to this (and because of the inevitably of just flat being honest when posting) I have a tendency to 1.) add deliberate misinformation occasionally to poison the info (like saying I grew up on the west side of Philly, just spending most of my childhood days shooting basketball with the boys), and 2.) burn accounts after enough time has passed. My current one is long overdue for that treatment.

  • My OpSec has been lacking recently across all social media. I need to set up a new internet identity entirely but I'm too lazy for that.

  • i can't give this account up. i have alts but meh.

    had to grab that 3 letter name.

    i don't communicate like this anywhere else on the web nor have i ever (or have i???)

    so yeah pick a unique style and make it different. also be vague and lie lots.

    there are a few people here i trust. we've shared some mutual info so i guess mutually assured destruction or some shit. but yeah i wince every time i see a real life selfie

    here's an idea: make a selfie but have it be AI generated

    • I'm pretty cavalier about my opsec just because my IRL activities are wayyyy more likely to land me in hot water than anything I post here, and all the local cops and fash already know I'm a communist because of organizing work and spreading the good word of the immortal science but I also get why we have these rules and try not to set too bad an example (except that one time I posted my halloween makeup because it was too cool not to share)

  • The thing i personally think people should be focused on is compartmentalizing their internet activity. Cross-site tracking is pretty much everywhere these days. So if you have a twitter, instagram, lemmy, reddit, pintrest, whatever it is you do online. If you do not want your activity on lemmy to be linked back to those accounts you should be using a different browser for lemmy, preferably something like Librewolf. Privacy focused. If your really feeling paranoid go ahead and use TOR browser to login to lemmy. Assuming they dont block TOR connections here I've never tried.

    Burning your accounts not a bad idea either. Back when i used reddit id make new accounts regularly and never use the old ones again. With lemmy i dont bother tho. Even if you make a new account regularly on a site as small as this its pretty easy to see if an account showed up around the time your old one went inactive and then followed all the same communities your old one did. Not a big assumption that is your new one then. the way you type, and words you use can also be fingerprinted and used to ID you across accounts. Of course you can take steps to prevent this type of tracking too if you want.

    If what you want tho is to not get some chud sending you death threats thats pretty easy to accomplish. Make yourself a new account, dont post any personal photos, and only give very vague information about yourself. For example, How old are you? I'm in my 30s, 20s, etc. Dont say the exact number. Whats your name? Its Xiisadaddy as far as your concerned. Whats your gender? Irrelevant need to know only. Chuds arent that smart. They can only find you if you hand it to them on a silver platter.

    Now let me see if i can find out some info about you from this account: Based on your profile just a quick glance tells me, your a woman, live in australia, seems like maybe you or someone you know was in the military, you live in an area with public transport that isnt good, a food desert, your landlord has a meth test cause in your lease, probably live in an apartment building, you have a niece, and siblings, and are autistic. I'm guessing late 20s, early 30s? Took me maybe 10mins to get all that. Don't feel like putting in more effort, but yeah id say you need a new account. Thats some pretty specific stuff an internet stranger just found out about you in 10 minutes. (reply to this and let me know if you want me to delete this comment btw so its gone too if you decide to get rid of your account)

    Funnily enough ive been considering making a new one too this might be what pushes me to do it.

    • Even if you make a new account regularly on a site as small as this its pretty easy to see if an account showed up around the time your old one went inactive and then followed all the same communities your old one did.

      Fortuntely, I only follow the defaults and the last time I burned my account Hexbear closed down new accounts for three days >.>

      I think my main cross-account doxxing would come from artwork I personally have been created and I think both communities would enjoy. Reverse image search would out me pretty fast, especially if the post gets no traction (if a post goes viral, then its more likely it would be posted by a rando).

      (I think being on hexbear and autistic doesn't actually change anything)

    • I think your overall answer on the social side of it was good. Compartmentalizing etc is a good way to think of it. But I feel compelled to challenge any specific technical advise. In general because it's impossible to give advice like this without knowing more details about the recipient. There are ways it could easily backfire by someone just blindly following it.

      If you do not want your activity on lemmy to be linked back to those accounts you should be using a different browser for lemmy, preferably something like Librewolf. Privacy focused.

      This plan doesn't really make any sense. The idea of breaking things up by browser doesn't scale like hardly at all. You can only have so many browsers installed on your computer. And they tend to be extremely resource-intensive so you can't be running many instances. A more reasonable way obtaining every benefit possible from this concept would be the use of profiles.

      Even ignoring all that, I am still skeptical. Basically the benefit of the dedicated browser/profile concept is that it somewhat compartmentalizes system data which is exchanged with the remote host, ya? Is sharing a lot of cookies with gmail or facebook or cnn or whatever other websites you are going to? Does it make sense to pick 1 special website that will get the special secure treatment while all other browsing is done in.... an insecure environment? Are you opening external links in this special browser or are you copy/pasting them into your general purpose browser? And what about the large amount of fingerprinting that would remain consistent between browsers/profiles, such as IP address and other network infos, system environment, browser settings, session times etc? It doesn't really have much of a hope to accomplish the goal of keeping the accounts discreet.

      It also doesn't consider use of mobile devices, apps etc.

      Overall this kind of strategy could only even possibly be appropriate if you are considering a very specific adversary, namely one who has insider access to server logs, network traffic etc, of other computers you interact with on the internet. I guess multiple different remote systems in order to triangulate the information. So the owners/operators of servers, or someone who is able to obtain access (like by hacking or a warrant). If you have such an enemy this would hardly be sufficient and it'd be better advice to go straight to TOR. On the other hand, OP seems specifically concerned with "pervy men" who almost certainly do not have such access. It would be better to focus on the social compartmentalization to avoid divulging so much information that some creep can easily compile a dossier on you and track you down.

      Setting and maintaining boundaries like that is not easy especially in a comradely social situation. I would avoid adding a bunch of dubiously-useful technically complexities. On the other hand it could possibly help to self-enforce. I like to use browser profiles to segregate off certain tasks. Like I have one for school work. It has a different color theme than my usual one and it reminds me not to wander off into other stuff getting distracted. I am not logged in to anything fun in that browser and I keep all the bookmarks on topic to school. The session can be opened and closed when I decide to start and stop working. It probably has a very minimal benefit in preventing my school-work online ID from getting mixed up with other online activities but I wouldn't rely on it at all. It's mostly just a mental thing.

    • If your really feeling paranoid go ahead and use TOR browser to login to lemmy. Assuming they dont block TOR connections here I’ve never tried.

      .w*rld blocks Tor a lot of times, .ml hexbear do not

  • This one hunna. I wish I could show you guys my pet and tell you all about him etc, he's the best thing in the world and there are so many cool facts to share about him and his type of what he is. I'm very proud of him. But alas, it is not to be.

    Someone prolific and popular here posted about a cringe food item they saw IRL and I immediately knew which country they're from. Its hard to avoid not leaking your own info if you want to be a normal sociable and fun person on here.

    I try to obfuscate by switching up my language here and there in certain ways but its not enough. my identity could be triangulated by matching metadata to posts linking out to eg youtube on the odd occasion i post a series of songs to the music comm in a given day. Fortunately other than framing Luigi for that time i shot the ceo I never really have to worry about threat vectors with the resources to ID me via that level of sophistication.

    Remember to assess your threat model realistically. Problem is any random chud could recognise my pet without needing to be NSA tier, so while I dont have to be so paranoid as to avoid posting a series of music videos I'm watching, i do have to worry about shit like pets and tattoos and photos of my garden or of irl of any kind. I'm not a threat to anyone with power but my real world area does have natsocs with enough time on their hands to go walking in numbers masked up for shows of force.

    I guess what I'm saying is be realistic, be reserved and dont get paralysed by the worst case scenario situations. Because we wouldn't even be posting at all if we engaged in truly serious activities, or thought one day we might do something funny irl.

    Remember they caught dread pirate roberts off a fkn historic old question he asked on stack exchange probably made long before he had any idea his little coding project might potentially attract serious heat. Its probably too late for any of us to scrub accounts and get away with cool hijinx

    If you really mite do a hardcore direct action one day then yes, be paranoid af. Otherwise just make sure a nazi tourist on the site cant ID you because they happen to live nearby and see you on your daily walks with your ferret.