What the fuck Dan?
What the fuck Dan?
What the fuck Dan?
Oh no, I can't believe the guy obsessed with war is a fascist
This is a pretty common take I see among liberal democrats.
Not only is it horrifically racist, it's also a childish idea of democracy.
Just unapologetic white supremacism. "The
are out-breeding us!"Could you imagine how awful it would be to lose control of your own country? Maybe herded into certain regions that are just a small fraction of your original land where access is highly controlled and militarized?
Isn't this literally the justification that was given for the three fifths compromise? Isn't this literally just KKKolonizer brain talking? Why does anyone take this clown seriously?
Isn't this literally the justification that was given for the three fifths compromise?
No. That was about slave states trying to get congressional representation for their enslaved populations. They wanted all slaves to count towards their population for the sake of proportioning congressional seats. Non-slave states (or states with relatively few slaves) wanted the slaves not to count because they had no democratic rights, and therefore would just inflate representation for the slaveholding class. 3/5ths compromise is how it got settled; 3/5ths off a state's enslaved population would be counted for representation in the House.
would be counted for their owners' representation in the house.
the us government was of and for white men, more people than white men were counted for any census and for portioning the house but that wasn't representation for women, non-landowning men, slaves, minor children, or any natives who managed not to get kicked out of the area (the census might've skilled the latter)
Either Palestinians get full Israeli voting rights or Israel relinquishes its claim to govern Gaza and the west bank. They can't have it both ways.
I think this is the best way to explain it to people who don’t really know much about the situation (which is like 99% of white Westerners who aren’t already pro-Palestine). It boils it down into a digestible issue - it’s either autonomy or enfranchisement, Israel is offering neither. Thus it is by definition apartheid. If someone tries to argue they do have autonomy… well this is pretty easy to prove wrong and tbh after all this I don’t think anyone is going to go back to pretending Gaza and West Bank have real autonomy. Only other option is to be like Dan here and say “then the Jewish people won’t have disproportionate control over ‘their’ country”… then at least you’re backing them into a two state solution which, still not great but it should at least break loose most of the propaganda they’ve been fed.
The thing is, zionists like to pretend that Gaza is totally independent already. Because nothing says independence like being blockaded from all sides and having your infrastructure bombed regularly so you have to depend on the people who bomb you to send in food and power.
It's Schrodinger's Border. It simultaneously is and isn't a border, depending on what's convenient. You talk about Israel's atrocities? "Well, doesn't Israel have a right to defend their borders?" If you bring up that, if Palestine is a separate country, what Israel is doing is undeniably an act of war and a war of aggression, then it's "it's not a separate country, though".
Hitlerite History.
Dan Carlin's Hard-R History
god i just don't give an absolute shit about what israelis are going through rn ngl. i feel bad for like, jewish people who aren't settlers that are worried about their families, but wanting anyone to empathize with people who live next to an open-air mass concentration camp is ludicrous.
like, if you live in america, next to a federal prison, are you like, surprised if someone breaks out? no, that'd be insane, you have to accept the nature of the carceral state in some way if you are constantly materially confronted with it.
edit: specifically, everyone near such an unstable situation as caged human beings knows that it's analogous to standing by a bomb. it will eventually go off. the question is just when, and how you've prepared yourself for it, and what happens next.
And in this corner, saying some absolutely heinous bullshit, it's Dan "The White Man" Carlin!
Me when I'm in "The most fascist shit ever said" contest and my opponent is a white man
Gonna take the L every time
"conquest via democracy"
quickly lose control of their own country
Well it's not like they've been doing a great job running things
Dan "Hard R word History"
dan carlin had stefan molyneux on as a guest
Now there's a name I haven't seen in years. I thought he was relegated to the dustbin of fascists no longer useful to the right, alongside Milo and Richard Spencer.
That’s sickening. Dude was always a lib but he wasn’t in the habit of platforming people who were open white supremacists. Molyneux always had the posture of a cryptofascist while literally constantly saying openly fascist things.
Did he just do "replacement theory"?
Mask all the way the fuck off.
Someone who hasn't been turbo-banned should post Camp of the Saints at him until he cries or has an epic
momentlol imagine coming out in public and saying "actually a pluralistic multicultural democracy is bad. We must secure a future for honky children etc etc"
I can't believe I used to think this guy was cool.
"Conquest via democracy" is an interesting, uh, perspective
Liberals are actually incapable of considering any political action but peaceful protests and voting
until the commies arrive and they all get scratched
Feeling pretty validated for all the times I ignored people telling me to listen to that podcast ngl.
I listened to a bit of his eastern front series and it was all just Westoid pop history, almost completely untempered by post cold war scholarship.
I couldn't get past the first 30 minutes. Just more "two evils on the eastern front" tripe. Doesn't surprise me he's racist
Same! I kept hearing randoms recommending him, especially on Reddit, and I was like "maybe I'll check it out at some point, but is this guy like a real historian or a nazi westoid pop history weirdo?"
It was the latter, I guess.
Great Replacement Theory for Zionists
Dan "the fascists have valid reasons" Carlin
I’ve always thought this guy was a little too into nazis
He's just Gen Z "Freakanomics" guy at this point
So if the small group of elites controlling their government allowed the majority of the population to vote than they might vote for laws benefitting the majority of the people living in the country? Fuck, I'd hate to see that
I can't even understand what he's saying. His sentence structure is shit and so are his opinions.
He’s arguing against a one-state solution because “democracy is two wolves and one sheep deciding what’s for dinner” type bs argument. He’s saying if Israelis let Arabs vote it will no longer be a Jewish ethnostate… which if you’re feeling charitable, you could say he’s not saying that’s good that’s just him articulating what he thinks Jewish folks in Israel think. That’s kind of his “thing”, he always emphasizes trying to see things from someone else’s POV. Which works in some instances but not when people are advocating for genocide and ethnic cleansing.
He's saying that the existence of settle colonialism is entirely based on the oppression and supression of the majority, and thus of course they don't want a one state solution, but that that's hecka understandable really.
We really need to resurrect Sherman and have him sent to Israel under the political command of John Brown.
Revive Gaddafi, Israel would shudder and die
Idk, he's just saying it's not surprising that bad country doesn't do democracy cuz it knows it has an underclass. It parallels the actions of the Jim Crow South. Doesn't seem like an endorsement based on his last sentence, acknowledging that morality is often in conflict with the actions of states
You can read it charitably until the last sentence:
Ok,if they go that route then they quickly lose control of their own country via birthrates and the ballot box.
This is true. If you (correctly) see Israel as an ethnostate this is obvious.
Can you see why they might not be too enthusiastic about what to them looks like conquest via democracy?
I can understand that people who support ethnostates are racist, yes.
You may see this as morally right,but their reticence is human.
And here's where he loses me. There's nothing "human" or "natural" about racism.
Well said
He's acting like it's a legitimate country rather than an occupation force
getting real tired of "these other peoples through their savage nature shall outbreed their more civilised counterparts and therefore must be reigned in"
getting real tired of "(demonic bourgeois liberal ideology)"
everyone who thinks that islamic society is lesser than ours and we need to take control would 100% have supported the British empire
You can just sub in secular humanism for Christianity and it's the same thing
A reactionary is someone who believes in essentialism: that people are identified and wholly defined by a static core character of what they are, that all their behavior is all dictated by this, that the dynamics of humanity are fixed and inevitably fated to unravel in a predictable fashion.
This is the implication here:
An Israeli votes like an Israeli and a Palestinian like a Palestinian, because everyone in the category is the same. Palestinians have higher birth rates than Israelis because this is an inherent parameter of people in each group. The interests of one person are the interests of the ethnic group as a whole.
He spent a lot of time talking about Inherent Japanese Characteristics in his "Supernova in the East" series
I don't think we need to rigorously subject people to professing M-L thought (I'm not even a Marxist myself), but we absolutely do need a rectification where we make sure that everyone in the revolutionary entity has a deeply constructivist philosophy.
God I hate people like this.
cultures and behavior have nothing to do with material conditions, those are determined by blood, which is why every physically fit, semi-wealthy Japanese man joins the JSDF and follows Bushido
That is literally the line people who supported apartheid South Africa were thinking but knew not to say out loud if they didn't want to be seen as monsters.
Dan Carlin a chud?
Yeah not surprised the constitutionalist libertarian guy is reactionary but it still sucks.
least eugenicist PMC
he goes on rogan and was always this borderline tea party constitutional libertarian flag fucker type of person. He was just more polite than most, which is why most of his forum full of Dale Gribble type motherfuckers abandoned him when he said he didn't like Trump. So this doesn't surprise me.
we need hardcore historical materialism. this guy needs to be put in the hardcore dustbin of history.
I thought this was George Carlin at first