Peak America. It really does not get better than this.
Peak America. It really does not get better than this.
Im crying lmao I was thinking "there is no way this is where its going" and it turns out, yes. there is a way.
Peak America. It really does not get better than this.
Im crying lmao I was thinking "there is no way this is where its going" and it turns out, yes. there is a way.
the kids are alright
I thought this was a very good bit, 9-11 interpretive dance is very awesome to me. But the normies are applauding, not laughing.
I dropped my cheeseburger and saluted. :07:
flight 93 girl is the best part
I had to watch it a few times before I realized the formation on the lower left represents the pentagon.
from when is this
Filing this in my brain next to the god bless the USA footwork vid
Where is building 7?
Kinda hard to do interpretive dance about a controlled demolition.
I have a weird relationship to cheerleading and similar things because they're super impressive and I can admire the athleticism, but it looks so uncanny.
This is like peak weirdness lmao.
Big missed opportunity not to have a Muslim dance troop serve up a cheeky dance at the end to represent the "thousands" of celebrators Trump claims he saw in NJ.
It's so sad America is always the victim I mean
You got some nasty guttural goblin cackling from me outta this one, thank you.
Bush Reagan Raygun did 9/11.