He's done it again folks.
He's done it again folks.
He's done it again folks.
Material conditions determine consciousness
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it"
I’m lowkey worried I could get a call from HR saying I’m being fired for my fucking IG posts
I don’t understand how people politic post on mainstream social media platforms without instantly going insane
they dont ?
I deleted most of my social media profiles but I keep IG so my extended family knows I’m alive lmao
Compared to Facebook it’s way less bad on my brain
It's way easier to ask what a person does for a living than to ask for their political orientation. I have a 100% success rate in figuring out if my coworkers would be open to unionizing based on their position in the company and what their parents do for a living.
In fact, just get rid of the political compass. It should be two questions. "How much money do your parents make?" And "what is your main source of income?" Because those two things are nearly always what determines how a person truly operates.
Where do downwardly mobile middle-class people fit into this framework?
Asking for, uh, a friend.
That means you’re an average Hexbear poster
Recognizing you're downwardly mobile probably puts you into that weird grey zone where you end up either a typical western socialist or weird crank anime fascist based on other, intersectional factors. Liberals don't recognize class and won't acknowledge being downwardly mobile.
That’s honestly such a good political compass. Wealthy parents + shit job (and a boatload of student debt) was the near entirety of the Sanders coalition
well yeah obviously. "what is your main source of income" determines which class you're in, which determines basically everything about you
Death to America