Every detail coming out about this Luigi guy sure. I just don't believe this is actually the guy.
Apropos of nothing I am sure.
We should designate this as suppressed pistol posting week and make it an annual thing.
I would refrain from calling him stupid. If this is the guy he still managed to pull off the most high profile assassination since Kennedy and get away with it for nearly a week (assuming it is actually him)
Possibly. I am still remaining skeptical they got the actual guy.
It could literally be me and I dress exactly as that guy right now. If I were to put on a nice smile in my current outfit they could literally have bagged me, planted evidence on me and the same exact thing would be happening. Only thing missing is that I was at work when it happened.
If anything the outfit he chose was pretty perfect for getting a deluge of false tips.
Every additional detail coming out makes this smell like a setup
Bizarre reason why McDonald's worker might not receive $60,000 reward for identifying Luigi Mangione
Yes it is
I fuckin called it (as did a few others)
There is absolutely zero credible evidence this is actually the shooter, I can't believe you are claiming to be a serious person while taking feds/NYPD at their word and in the same breath claiming to just be here to shitpost.
They made you a mod after all. (for some reason?!!)
I was here from the very beginning and one of the first mods. Don't like it fuckin leave.
Yeah I coulda just banned them but curiosity getting the better of me.
Can you please provide sources or are you just concern trolling? I genuinely cannot tell, because I am certain we could deconstruct that framing of "murdering workers" also Kronstadt is a TERRIBLE example.
Book ban ban lol nice (seriously though this is good with all the red scare 3.0 shit getting pushed right now).
Well fuck they left open an exception for transphobia motivated bans
The bill permits restriction in the case of “developmentally inappropriate material” for certain age groups. The measure also requires local school boards and the governing bodies of public libraries to set up policies for book curation and the removal of library materials, including a way to address concerns over certain items.
Fuck this country
Come on dude you're not even trying. If you just want to come in here and ignorantly troll a bunch of people vastly more knowledgeable about the history of the USSR you aren't welcome here.
The least you could do is post any source for your claims so we can explain why you are so woefully misinformed, regurgitating fascist/liberal talking points, or just straight up lying.
I am not speculating as to motives or the guy's politics, but way too much shit doesn't add up. All I am saying is the NYPD are corrupt as fuck and I wouldn't put it past them to try to put this matter to rest by railroading some random guy.
Yeah this seems entirely plausible as a way to quickly close the case so as to not give anyone any interesting ideas.
I also still don't believe this Luigi guy is not just a patsy. So much shit is inconsistent, or just plain weird about this whole thing, and I would not at all put it past the NYPD to just act on a tip on someone that vaguely looks like one of the two, also inconsistent supposed pictures of the alleged shooter, and plant a gun and a hastily drawn up manifesto just so they can pretend they didn't get bamboozled and give anyone else ideas.
Ouch. Harsh but fair.
If someone shoplifts something on the BDS list, does that still qualify as boycotting the brand?
Yes duh.
Is this a stupid question?
Also yes.
oh neat I used to have one, never knew what it was called lol
lmao I'm a tankie apparently fuck guys I have to turn in my anarchist badge because this dipshit said so.
Infuriating? Nah dude I would be like "yo wanna hit this blunt? What you cookin?"
Both of these removals are tacit endorsement of ableism and racism and this mod should be removed.
Also @ new users that might think we are somehow "red-fascists" or other such horseshoe theory nonsense
So some folks wanted a new silly struggle session that can demonstrate for all new arrivals and visitors the sort of silly shit we debate. So I ask you Hexbears: What is the "midwest"?
Reposting this all time banger for all the new folks here to demonstrate our posting power.