NFTS: Non fungible Trump suit
NFTS: Non fungible Trump suit
NFTS: Non fungible Trump suit
The Krassensteins aren't exactly in a position to call anyone else grifters.
edit: Lol, they even had an NFT site themselves, I had no idea.
From the outside it looks like he's just doing satire but deep down he's really doing market research.
Is this considered grifting in your eyes or is it just good old fashioned capitalism by a man who might be running low on money?
The number one poster in our hearts is become the number one grifter in our wallets.
He's our big wet boy!
MAGA the Gathering
ngl every time something like this comes up I feel like an idiot for not getting in on the grift
For real lol my current rig was viable for early crypto mining and I was like "lol nobody is stupid enough to pay for that shit" and boy was I spectacularly wrong.
tbh at this point if anyone falls for this shit it's entirely their own fault