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Friendly reminder that we are all comrades here and we should act better on that (myself included).

This is directed at nobody in particular. I know this is a rough time of year for a lot of people and just to remind everyone to think of the person on the other end of the line. We're almost through it, the light is coming back, the Holidays (TM) are over and we made it through another horribly fucked up year. On behalf of the hexbear mods we love you all and we want to keep this place being as cool as it is.

Also want to take the time to acknowledge some of our most consistently wholesome posters like and I honestly don't know how yall keep it up and I salute you.

I could list many others but they are the two that first popped into my head and I wanted to get this post out there sooner than later.

  • I'm fairly new here, but you guys are super cool and the site has been a good outlet for me recently. Whether it's shitposting or honest conversation, it's great to being around like-minded people who can find humor in the things that most people would question my sanity over and value in the ideals that most people do question my sanity over.

    For the last couple weeks of 2023, hexbear has been one of the first places I navigate to when I start my morning doom scroll, and hopefully 2024 is more of the same.

  • it's corny but i sincerely consider those of you i see posting on here my comrades. i want something better for all of us.

    • Not corny. The right, especially Dems and Republicans in the States suffer from a sever case of individualism to the point that it's revered as part of our culture. It's gross. Seeing random strangers show communal values across the Internet to and with perfect strangers gives me hope. The fact that a lot of comrades here and on lemmygrad and in the lefty spaces on reddit have espoused and actively done organizing and agitating makes me even more hopeful.

      I still have a prominent doomer gene in me but still lol.

    • Makes me think about folks back in the day mailing letters to each other all the time across the face of the planet. Just keeping up years of correspondence with people they never got to see face to face.

      Supposedly some cities in like 19th century England had mail service three times a day, people were sending so many letters and notes back and forth. Truly, they were posters o7

  • I keep being amazed at how compassionate, how intelligent, how accepting, how well-informed and how funny all of my Hexbear comrades are. You are all truly awesome and amazing and you all make Hexbear the nicest community I've ever experienced on the internet.

  • Anybody who posts here regularly and has been here for awhile should be assumed to be in good faith and not someone you should be calling stupid or trying to other. Were at different stages in our journey in different areas and that should be respected. Slapfighting reddit/facebook style is reactionary we can come to understandings.

    That being said its also okay to find yourself in that territory, try to get out asap bcos everyone here is good people

    • Yeah and as I said this post was at myself too. Glad I didn't run you off by being an asshole the other day it was a pretty bad week for me.

  • this place rules, i didn't really post after r/cth went to chapo dot chat because im app-pilled and could never get the mobile web app to cooperate. When i heard hexbear was working towards api parity after the reddit exodus i signed back in and resumed my posting praxis. I'm sorry i stopped posting, but I'm back baybee awoopoooo

  • I consider this website to be my found family of funny internet communists. We have our ups, our downs, and the really far downs, but I couldn't imagine what life would be like without you libs. Love all of you

  • I don't have the energy to post a lot but I'm here every day and this is easily my favorite place on the internet. Maybe it's terminally-online but this place is special to me and I love you all

    Also keep being weird (I am weird too lol)

  • Ya'll changed my life in the best ways, and have connected me to more marxist culture and theory than i thought possible

    although we fight here, i have never felt more accepted for who i am than on hexbear and lemmygrad

  • I appreciate all of you on here and the work so many have done to build this community. The humor, commentary on current events, and niche posts on hobbies that grab my interest are always something to look forward to. I also appreciate the support we give one another, especially when it helps lift the spirits of some of our comrades when they are feeling down. It's just good for people to feel appreciated and belong like that. 💛

  • Good post

    not much to add other than what I've said in previous snuggle threads like this, I find it helps me to be a more pleasant poster (if not person) if I actively try to balance out every shit post with something sincere

  • This place has been good for me. Sometimes I can be pretty bitchy and incoherent. Not being able to get meds anymore, and a time on incorrect meds has really done a number on me. is the only place that I'm not a target for being schizophrenic. Thank you guys for tolerating the incoherent posting, because this website is pretty much the only place I have to go when I'm starting to get psychotic activity.

  • I can get heated and passionate because I care. I want by comrades to do better, but yeah... I should do better too.

  • been here since the start. seen some shit, missed some shit too. love posting here cuz I can just freely be my silly ND self with reckless abandon.

    i notice a lot of regulars but i tend to associate posting with pfps these days for one reason or another. i just know that some people here are brimming with love so radiant that it's impossible to not see them. that's every poster. i dont give a fuck if you dont see it in yourself while reading. it's true.

    • Beautiful comment and I don't know from what but I recognize you too lol.

      Also if you have foxhole come join us we about to win a war.

      • Damn I'm having like a memory re-convergence or something lmao.

        Not only do I remember you and from where but I think there's another layer. I just remember you describing the WoW server Emerald Dream to a tee and I couldn't help but guess. To add on to this, I legit think I may have saw your name at one point in-game or on those CURSED forums. Were you an orc warrior maybe?

        I'm not even high and I'm trippin out

  • I've enjoyed this site over the years under different user names, but I've felt welcomed every time.

    It's funny because at first, I thought if I made a new account and posted as normal, referencing in-jokes and stuff, that I would be seen as suspicious, or even a wrecker if I brought up genuine concerns I had.

    But every time, I'm met with genuine openness and the benefit of the doubt and that means a lot.