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Nakoichi [they/them]
Nakoichi [they/them] @ Nakoichi
5 yr. ago

  • I know I get it it's funny and highly memeable but I am just sick of it and I don't think we should be perpetuating this narrative.

  • Please stop assuming that this guy is the actual shooter.

    Hexbear posters suddenly taking the feds and NYPD at their word is infuriating.

  • How did you get this out of my brain. This is like, exactly my thought process as someone that grew up in the 90s (born in the 80s)

  • idk I am conflicted, yes it is funny, but also I still don't believe he is really the guy. As someone active in fighting cop shit for decades I just don't take their word on anything at face value.

  • You are doing the same thing I just asked people to stop doing. Stop assuming this probable patsy is the actual shooter. None of this adds up and I am dismayed by all the people taking the feds and NYPD at their word. I'm so fuckin tired of this shit.

  • I cannot keep stressing this enough: The fact that people on this site are so quick to just swallow the assumption that this is the actual guy is extremely disappointing, as are the people trying to excuse this dipshit's politics on the grounds of that assumption. It is insulting to all of us whose decades of work that was not just adventurism, or at best a successful example of propaganda of the deed, has done to positively impact millions of lives in aggregate. I am surprised at the shear amount of liberalism, great man theory bullshit, and a dash of horny posting that has been going on around this.

    Motherfuckers need an equal dose of grass touching and actually reading theory outside memes I swear to fucking god.

    If this means I need to host some kind of workshop as someone that has been deeply involved in fighting colonizer shit, capitalist shit, imperialist shit, etc. for over two decades I guess I could work up a curriculum but god damn this shit is shameful.

    Why the fuck would anyone ever take the NYPD at their word ffs. What is fucking wrong with yall.

  • Especially given he was allegedly still carrying the murder weapon.

    None of this shit adds up.

  • lol where do you think I picked that up. I fuckin love them. Also Jake Flores is one of the hosts of Pod Damn America which is one of my favs. Sadly TMPIDKY is on hold for now.

    Avery's bobby hill impression is so fucking good.

  • Yeah at this point I am 99% sure this Luigi guy is not the actual shooter. People need to stop taking the feds and NYPD at their word like what the fuck people.

  • Right keys, knife, left breast pocket phone, right breast pocket cigarettes, rear right wallet, rear left misc. inside jacket pocket usually a tall can because...

  • Might be a california thing but my sister and I always used dude in a gender neutral way.

    Slightly related I always greet my internet friends when I join voice chat with "sup fuckers"

  • Jealous. I'm too afraid of the idea of socially transitioning, but I totally had a dream last week that I had started HRT and was growing boobs and trying to figure out how bras work.

  • wtf ever nobody can gatekeep real fighting games. Currently I been playing the new Dragonball Sparking Zero (basically Tenkaichi 4) and I love it so much, it is the most Anime shit ever.

    I even recorded myself killing it on the last fight in Goku's story

  • I used to have a digimon pet thing I loved it. One day I forgot it in my dad's car and when I got it back it had died and I literally cried.

  • afaik that should increase its effectiveness if it works the way most drugs do.

  • When I used to work at 7-11 we had a big wooden paddle (sort of like a small cricket bat) under the counter and written on it was "The Attitude Adjuster". It was split down the middle and held together with packing tape. That thing definitely adjusted some attitudes lol

  • I'm personally not gonna defend this guy's shifty opinions I just genuinely don't believe it was him.

  • Not really all that could have been planted. Can we please just wait to hear from this suspect.

  • chapotraphouse

    Alright Daou, I know you're in here. Show yourself!


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    Kant stop me now!


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    Double KO


    Important message for parents.

    Movies and TV Shows

    True Detective: Night Country | Official Teaser


    Seizing the means of production


    Maybe stop being an asshole? You're in our house kid.


    I roll the fattest cleanest joints in the world.


    I have three invite codes for BlueSky if anyone wants them. I need three of our most powerful posters.


    Traffic Congestion


    I need all the links anyone can provide debunking reactionary shit about trans women in sports


    New site tagline


    Hey baby wanna burn down a police station?


    Kill me.