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  • And when you click the "all in" part of the handle it takes you straight to the official podcast handle.

    lmao imagine having your web devs code a special little icon for this one podcast...

  • As we bend back, however, we must acknowledge that the world isn't fair and everyone has a different starting line in life.

    'egalitarian liberalism' and it's consequences... When will liberals learn that this is a fake bourgeois ideology? It's no different from classical liberal nonsense when broken down. I'll just let Samir Amin explain further:

    The contemporary version of bourgeois emancipating reason, John Rawls' egalitarian liberalism, made fashionable by an insistent media popularization, provides nothing new because it remains prisoner of the liberty, equality, and property triplet. Challenged by the conflict between liberty and equality, which the unequal division of property necessarily implies, so-called egalitarian liberalism is only very moderately egalitarian. Inequality is accepted and legitimized by a feat of acrobatics, which borrows its pseudo concept of "endowments" from popular economics. Egalitarian liberalism offers a highly platitudinous observation: individuals (society being the sum of individuals) are endowed with diverse standings in life (some are powerfill heads of enterprise, others have nothing). These unequal endowments, nevertheless, remain legitimate as long as they are the product, inherited obviously, of the work and the savings of ancestors. So one is asked to go back in history to the mythical day of the original social contract made between equals, who later became unequal because they really desired it, as evidenced by the inequality of the sacrifices to which they consented. I do not think that this way of avoiding the questions of the specificity of capitalism even deserves to be considered elegant.

    • Samir Amin, Eurocentrism Second Edition, page 16
    • egalitarian liberalism' and it's consequences... When will liberals learn that this is a fake bourgeois ideology?

      Never, because egalitarian librralism provides liberals with what they most want - having their guilt assuaged. They don't care about ever providing equality, but if the "advocate" for it (through empty actions like awareness raising, optics, and voting blue), they can feel like tgey are the "good people" and don't have to feel guilty about their privilege