Our favorite Juche streamer and Chunka Luta member is still trying to come up with funds to keep their multi-generational family home and help with his mom's medical bills.
Our favorite Juche streamer and Chunka Luta member is still trying to come up with funds to keep their multi-generational family home and help with his mom's medical bills.
If anyone can send some money their way it would help immensely. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/JucheGang
Here is the link to the facebook post if anyone wants to share that with friends and family on that platform. I don't have a facebook account.
From Leaping Larry just now:
Just got $600 donation today so with the $400 I've gotten so far that's like the first 1k of I want to say 6k maybe? Which also might leave me with enough to dump a load of gravel in the driveway and rent a mini excavator depending on the CPAP machine cost? I'm kind of rough estimating at the moment with the machine and driveway shit but my main concern is obviously my mom (and CPAP machine too really otherwise my partner could shortly face the same issue my mother just did). I just found a letter from collections agency in her stuff threatening legal action if 2.5k isn't paid in the next ten days too, hopefully it's mostly a bluff or I can somehow get that taken care of first off.
Collections agencies are the worst.