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Grebgreb [he/him, they/them]
Grebgreb [he/him, they/them] @ Grebgreb
5 yr. ago

  • I've seen my nephew get berated and mocked for "ipad withdrawal" by his parents even though he's not the one that got it for himself and he didn't decide to move to a suburbs where the only outside activity is listening to lawn equipment.

  • i give them their own movie because they were the only redeeming quality to pokemon

  • My friend has a 5800x3d and generally it runs better in games that "favor strong single core," ie a horribly unoptimized game like Tarkov where even $5k brand new hardware will be unable to run it on certain maps and updates. I have a 5900x and have gotten better performance than him in a game like Kingdom come, even with a marginally weaker gpu. I would get whichever is cheaper unless you specifically have something in mind that you know would benefit from one or the other.

    I only have 4 fans and currently have a reference blower card atm and the temperatures are fine, however this will depend on the ambient temperature in your room to a degree as well. The Thermalright Peerless assassin 120 is also a very cheap cpu fan that rivals the ~$100 Noctua ones.

    The "general standard" for a lack of a better term for psu's is to get an 80+ gold certified. I wouldn't cut corners on it but I also wouldn't go deep on the other end and get an extremely expensive one. I have a 750w Powerspec one that most people consider mediocre I haven't had any noticeable issues with it. Cables can be a pain in the ass so if you're able to I would get a semi or fully modular one.

    To my knowledge Logitech mice frequently have a ton of problems but they all do to a degree. When I was looking for a new mouse while back, it generally seemed like Logitech had a ton of complaints and Razer's quality dropped significantly around 2014. I have 32gb of ram which has been way more than enough for every game I have played so far, I wouldn't get 64 unless you know you need it or plan on using it.

  • the hurricane picks up one tower and throws it into the other

  • i fucking love cats

  • All of the bugs are mostly gone, fireflies have completely disappeared. I barely even see flies anymore even though just three years ago one would randomly get stuck in my room at least once a month.

  • Starting out by mining iron is very safe but can be boring, first time I did that I also played it too safe and didn't really do anything. There are abandoned towns you can find with a lot of stuff to sell that I think is more enjoyable. Iron however is very great for strength training. To get the max bonus for strength training you need to be very encumbered and carrying someone. Shift clicking on a lot of things will set that character to do a job so you can automate strength and athletics training.

    Dark ui mod is extremely good and worth using, There are also a few performance mods that are worth it if the loading times bothers you. Making simple mods yourself isn't that hard, like giving your faction its own color or creating a custom start. The game has a bug where your turret guards may end up falling through the floor when reloading, one of the big utility/performance mods fixes this. You can also only build turrets on the big walls, not the tiny connectors.

    Building bases directly on roads will break ai very frequently, I don't remember the keybinds off the top of my head but you can view roads in game with some dev toolset.

    Healing enemies you down is worth it for xp and, if one is alive to see you do it, it will increase your rep with that faction slightly.

    You get more xp from combat by being disadvantaged, either by fighting someone stronger than you or purposefully weakening yourself.

    Animals level a bit differently, they have ages they go through and they gain more xp when they're younger I think. They also cannot lose limbs.

    You can ally with the starving bandits, generally at the start of a game they will initially be friendly and approach you asking for food. I think any of the none aggressive options improve relations and giving them food can be worth it. Dealing with constant starving bandit raids generally just becomes annoying later on.

  • :steamfront:

  • Also please give me game recommendations to grab.

    kenshi, nightmare reaper, dex, mount and blade warband/bannerlord, grim dawn, divinity original sin 2, baldur's gate 3, project zomboid, barony, disco elysium, partisans 1941

  • I will make it my mission to bot this game as revenge for Runescape claiming ~100 days of my life.