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Grebgreb [he/him, they/them]
Grebgreb [he/him, they/them] @ Grebgreb
5 yr. ago

  • Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy refers to a Steam group or page


  • when that happened and there was a big thread on here/lemmygrad, there were people claiming that keffals had similar skeletons in the closet like vaush.

  • because he considers a single hour of a date to be worth $100K had it been dedicated to work instead.

    for someone i feel like he doesn't really need to worry about missing $100k here and there

  • Well, we all got beaten down on that front. It doesn't help that the only other launchers on PC are fucking EA (I'm puking) and Ubisoft (I no puke left to give).

    I haven't given money to valve in probably almost a decade at this point, the migraine that is using steam combined with piracy has made this terrifically easy.

    Long story long here, somehow Valve turned out to be the least piece of shit of the pieces of shit

    Gabe Newell personally intervened to allow a right wing mass shooting game to be sold on steam, the mod workshop just locks mods to a storefront for monopolization, as if that wasn't enough they also attempted to monetize mods, valve was one of the pioneers in microtransactions, the whole gamification of leveling up from buying shit is just typical predatory garbage that's plaguing the industry now (would not be surprised if they were also among the first to do stuff like this either), an employee revealed that there was an internal "dispute" over whether they should voice support for BLM, and just recently steam had a "celebration of capitalism" sale - this year the ocean temperature so far has literally broken records everyday if I'm not mistaken.

    This is not to mention that steam has negative standards for what is allowed to be on the storefront, to the point that they allowed an extremely low quality game with nazi talking points spewed in a monologue to be sold. I also personally suspected that it was made with intent to target children but I doubt there's any way to prove that. There's probably a lot more that I'm missing since I thankfully do not use that piece of shit of a storefront outside of a friend wanting me to, like I'm pretty sure all of the community stuff is riddled with unchecked bigotry. Also just using steam sucks and from what I remember is pretty much on par with the ea/ubisoft storefront.

  • Youtube has been doing this to me for 10 years now. Blocking channels, videos, and pausing search history mitigates it only little. As time goes on it seemingly helps less and less.

  • Rooster teeth made the Rvb machinima which was really bad and most certainly problematic (I haven't seen it in 2 decades). The only reason why it's remembered is because it was one of the first. Apparently it now has like 20 seasons and uses blender instead of a Halo game. They also made the Rwby anime and, from what I remember from the hbomb video, it was consistently really bad and repeatedly failed at basic storytelling. Its only saving grace were the fight scenes animated by the Master Chief/Samus video guy but he ended up dying. They eventually used racism as a plot element but handled it really poorly, and one of the writers made creepy comments about one of their characters who goes to some type of school.

    This sucks for the workers but in a sane world rooster teeth either wouldn't exist or would have died long ago.

  • Yes, there are multiple claiming he has been rehabilitated because he went through the US justice system and a lot of people dismissing Bad empanada because he's a tankie.

  • Permanently Deleted

  • i would like to piggyback on this thread and asks if anyone knows of an affordable keyboard with a light touch and a large left control key (at least as big as the tab key).

  • im on tankie tube btw

  • britain just got its tooth knocked out

  • my asus mobo let me use a custom picture for the boot logo

  • leave the best movie from 2023 alone you piece of shit

  • made a mistake

    woke up this morning