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My recent experience with skill based mm in team games has been similarly bad. It feels like it uses a very bad flat score-like system that makes games quickly devolve into extremely lopsided slogs because the system thinks pairing a slightly higher ranked player with some number of slightly lower ranked ones is a good match for several average ones. Practically every game I played would have most of one team's players doing exceptionally poorly with one or two doing exceptionally well, while the other, winning team would consist of mostly everyone doing averagely well.
There is usually a very small window after updates where it feels like everything gets reset and then it's possible to get some more enjoyable matches before it returns to the norm where you can probably determine who will win within the first few minutes.
jessie it's time to bot
Blazing Bit games, Indiestone, Lofi games, and shoutout to Crate entertainment.
They are terrifying.
he also gets a boner in shrek 1
I used to play runescape a lot when I was younger, I think I have ~100 days played on my rs3 account. I've tried getting into it again a few times but the grind coupled with having to redo a bunch of content on old school puts me off each time. Rs3 is too alien to me now and I don't like how it focuses on boss content now because the game just wasn't made for it.
Anytime I get the desire for leveling skills, longer-term progression, and doing things in a large world I play either Zomboid or Kenshi. Twice in the past 6 years I played on a private server which was also kind of fun for a bit with global xp increases.
The discord seems to be an entirely unmoderated extension of 4chan.
That's been my experience with steam, hence
unlimited delay with the miku pedal
Hexcraft Modded Vote Results
How does making a username and sending it to you work with a pirated copy?
ralph cyphereto
The modpack doesn't look bad though, it's the really technical stuff I can never wrap my head around that I end up checking out on. I think that's why I didn't play much on the previous modded server if at all.
In addition to ytdl, video downloader helper is a browser extension that can download a lot videos easily.
do you know if there's something similar for bf4?
gta v update is side content from vice city
I think I had a similar experience but it didn't really register during that quest, instead I went back to the makeover mage years later and just told all my friends I was doing the quest then.