The FBI responded to my FOIA request on HB
The FBI responded to my FOIA request on HB
TL;DR no records found. Either HB really is a bunch of libs or I didn't word the request well enough. Never done one of these before.
The FBI responded to my FOIA request on HB
TL;DR no records found. Either HB really is a bunch of libs or I didn't word the request well enough. Never done one of these before.
Too lib for even the FBI to care lol owned
we had a big laugh about this in the office earlier
Fucking CSIS tracked down a friend of mine when he had been homeless for 10 years cause a distant cousin wanted a job there and they wee doing background check. They have a file
Tracking down people who use phones and pay the respective bills is these agencies job. Doesn't mean they have a file, at max implies they don't need one.
I guarantee one of us will do an adventurism one day, and their account will probably make mainstream news.
It already happened, it was UlyssesT and he killed Kissinger. But he made it look like natural causes so no news for us.
I hope I'm in the b-roll
If I did, they would have to spend a half hour segment explaining who Slavoj Zizek is and the pervert's guide to ideology.
No it's all shitposting comrade.
I hope not
Now we're on their radar. Smh
This is a good bit.
"Do you have a file on us?"
"No. Would you like one?"
Yes officer! Specifically what do you have on user UlyssesT
It's not too late to nominate this as the worst post of 2023 right?
a little late for 2023
Now they’re going to start catching on to us.
Maybe it's all under still.
I mentioned the old URL in my request
Does that count? Mentioning something in the comment field or wherever you put it? I'd think you'd need to include it in the proper request itself or another request. But I don't know. Just seems like a bureaucratic thing where they'd conveniently not include that because why would they go the extra mile in transparency and being helpful?
+15 to that idea
Haha, that was you?? Sorry, but everybody in the office thought it was extremely funny.
did you ask them about beanis?
We should do a foia request and it's just beanis. No actual request, just "hey check out this dope ass bean"
I remember when 4chan did this as a bit. They did it a few years later and a big file happened
Isn't there some exception if there's a current investigation?
TL;DR no records
Why didn't you just go down the hall and talk to Fred
You could have just DM'd me bro
You would have done something wrong. There is a file for fucking everything. That being said, also don't cause now it'd more likely to be paid attention to
This is the sloppiest bust I've ever seen! Detective Howard Dean. I've been working this case for the last three years, and you guys barge in here like a bunch of terrorists at a tea party!
Like GrosMichel said maybe try, but imo doing it for 'chapo trap house' searching through for anything related to fanbase(I know I know) and go from there, see if there is mention of 'forums'
That would be the one. We know with some certainty the FBI was interested in the old r/cth sub.
The website with help you to make FOIAs, followup on them, and then share the results.
You can also see a lot of past FOIAs to learn about what works and doesn't work.
locking this cuz my brain is fuzzy from the nye hangover and i dunno what to do with this. i willlet someone smarter and less drunk take over
Did you ask anyone for advice on how to do it?
Also why would the fbi give any info if they had it?
They technically legally have to, if it's not part of an active investigation or a "threat to national security" to do so. Among other exceptions.
They've released some juicy shit before. Usually super redacted and past when it would be really useful.
But really we don't know to what extent they illegally withhold stuff.
They technically legally have to, if it's not part of an active investigation or a "threat to national security" to do so. Among other exceptions.
How can you be this fucking naive? Do you expect undercover cops to blow their cover when you ask them if they're cops?
What part of "all cops are bastards" do you not fucking understand? Let me break it down so even you can understand:
All: This means every single cop is a bastard.
Cops: The FBI are cops.
Are: This is the copula that links the subject and object together, so like the = sign.
Bastards: Bastards tend to maliciously lie and not tell the truth.
All cops are bastards: Every single cop, which includes every single federal agent in the FBI, are people who lie for malicious reasons.