This fucking bot is still out there messaging
This fucking bot is still out there messaging
I've seen this bot here since January, and the fucking thing still doesn't let up.
This fucking bot is still out there messaging
I've seen this bot here since January, and the fucking thing still doesn't let up.
"Listen. And understand. Nicole is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are phished!"
Is it a phishing attempt? I figured it was drive-by malware or camgirl spam or something
Last time this account made it's rounds, someone found a pic they'd posted of a buttplug with an old, bald white man clearly reflecting back off of the shiny parts. The account immediately deleted the photo after that user pointed it out.
That doesn't answer what their intentions are but they're obviously not good.
Get ready to be "pig butchered".
Pig butchered? I'm already halfway there!
There is always that vanishingly small chance this is a real person confused as to why nobody responds and their accounts keep getting banned. :-)
Someone who truly just wants to make new friends! Nooooo
That must be why missy29 now goes by nicole.
"Why doesn't anyone wanna be my friend? I've asked everyone... Asked them multiple times!"
I still don't see any settings to block PMs on the mbin side. I would at least like to filter to people I follow or something with the option to fully disable PMs.
FFS got another one after posting this.
I blocked the whole instance the account is on, but tbh I don't know what good that does.
Unfortunately, nothing. Always comes from different instances for me. Whack-a-mole
I mean I want to block my ability to be PM'd at all (or maybe by just people I follow)
Its started hitting the microblogging side of the fediverse.
You can add me on Friendica
Well that's a huge red flag right there. Nobody uses Friendica. is annoyed at you now.
i actually made an account a few weeks back just to take a look at it
I've blocked like five of their accounts. I wish there was a setting that would block PMs/chats. Anyone who wants to talk to me can do it in public.
Here you go! :
Theres an instance for that stuff actually, lemmynsfw dot com. It is, in fact, not safe for work. Unless you work in the porn industry. Or perhaps as an artist of some sort.
Even then, some of those girls look too young. If you see anything too sus make sure to anonymously report the page to relevant authorities.
Or Spam detection. A standard Bayesian filter would catch these with reports.
Who thought "you can call me fediverse chick" would work? Please tell me no one has fallen for this fucking thing.
I clicked on her video stream months ago when I saw it. It's a real person. She was just typing into a computer, smoking a cigerette. Then I got bored and closed out of it.
Does she know her picture is being used to spam Lemmy?
I gives me "penguin of d00m" vibes
I wonder what this bot is trying to do. The friendica being just a weird profile, the discord just had a bunch of confused basement dwellers and I haven't seen any creepy links trying to rob us..
Hi, I'm Nicolas, but you can call me the TSAR OF THE GREAT RUSSIAN EMPIRE
Still like you more than Putin.
After hearing about this for months, I have finally also been the recipient of them xD
I just find it most amusing that their room for chatting is "hell"
I got only one, but I didn't block it so we'll see.
It's a shame people can't just seek out friends at random for real, but in this day and age it's obviously a scam.
Granted, Lemmy people... idk, I guess a Lemmy friend is the kind you dm when you accidentally break your Linux. Or idk, discuss Marxism? Lol
Blocking doesn't work since they create new accounts on bunch of different Lemmy instances every time.
I think the issue is the "random" part of it. If I had a back and forth with someone on a gaming or LGBT or political organizing community, and the exchange was pleasant and they wanted to chat more, I wouldn't be opposed, but if I've never interacted with someone and they are essentially spamming any and everyone the same copypasta, yea that's not someone I want to interact with. Shout out to lemmings that help with Linux too.
it's from different users on different instances blocking won't work :(
I reported this bot twice.
I've gotten 4 or 5 messages from this bot, also since about january.
Got a few myself! Looks like whoever is behind it keep registering on different instances.
Would be interesting to know why they do it
I'm afraid they're doing this to harass whoever's that girl in the picture
What is this, like, the opposite of occam's razor? The least likely, most esoteric possible explanation is the true one?
How that possible? Looks like a random photo, or whatever.
I've only ever received one from them. One of the fediverse's flaws is no central blacklist so if your instance isn't moderated well and actively you're gonna have a bad time.
I think I remember them talking about tools and lists to share between instances but idk what the progress is on that or who was in charge of it.
What's the purpose of such a message?
Almost all of these turn into attempts to get the target to buy into some crypto scam or other.
It's not meant to catch people who are moderately aware, it's meant to catch the stupid, ignorant, and easy to manipulate. Being an obvious scam is part of the utility - it saves time by naturally filtering out anyone who is too aware to actually give them any money.
Ah. Gotcha. It's super annoying. I wish there was a way to block messages based on keywords, but this isn't really the purpose of Lemmy. I guess, neither is scamming people, but here we are.
I could swear the photos were different for me, but yes I also got the "friend request"
Wow so many people got it.
Ugh I know. Do I look like I'm after something like that? Stupid bots.
Not Nigerian enough.
Instance checks out
I "finally" got one as well.
Yeah I wish this bot would fuck off for good.
Me neither. We're so unlovable, even the bots stay away!
Amazing. Like OP, I've lost count.
Oh no
I'm never leavin'
This acne makes me too slow
(Push Nicole there)
(God, Rastafari)
Nicole, I love you
I'll never leave you
Without you I turn to stone
Nicole, believe me
Love was meant to be
Consumed by you and me
Nicole, I love you
I'm thinking of you
With every motion I make
When the stars are above you
Know that I miss you
And I'll be there sooner than you think
Nicole, Nicole, Nicole, Nicole
Nicole, I love you
I'll never leave you
Without you I turn to stone
Nicole, believe me
Love was meant to be
Consumed by you and me
Nicole, I love you
I'm thinkin' of you
With every motion I make
When the stars are above you
Know that I miss you
And I'll be there sooner than you think
Nicole, Nicole, Nicole, Nicole
Boo do do do do do do do do do
Doo do dwee doop do do do do do
Doo do dweep doop doo do do do do
Ba ba ba bum
Ba ba ba ba ba bum...
Take a toke of that smoke
Make that joke and crack that yolk
Want to love, rise above in the glove
What can I say? That I'm gone today I can't stay
Go home please please believe
You aren't...cause you're built for speed babe
Ohhh, think of Old...Old Queen Cole
Cocoa Puff man, you know who you are
I've seen your cocoa puff man, Nicole, hahahahaha
Nicole, Nicole
I seen the whole fucking....I seen your cocoa puff man Nicole
Fucking fucking cunt
You never called me.....
Fucking....cunt (fuck cunt fuck cunt fuck cunt)
Fuck that man...fuck
Go and hang up the phone
I'll fucking kick your fucking ass man right now
Fucking bitch - hang up the fucking phone man
Hang up the fucking phone
Fuck man, turn off the ringer
You cunt man, fuck it
Turn off the ringer right now
Fuck it, fuck it, fuck her (ck her ck her ck her ck her ck her)
Shit, yeah, exactly, damn...
Yeah, I've seen your cocoa puff man
We're now entering the cabin
We're going to- we're going to flush the toilet on the air
Get some more cord in here
Oooh, flush Nicole down the toilet, hahahaha
Cause I've seen her cocoa puff man
Fuckin' cunt, wash my hands, wash her rim
Wear the glove, Nicole
How can I say, I'm gone today, I can't stay, Nicole
Hey, who clogged the sink?
It's clogged, man, clogged, the sink's clogged
I'm gonna wash her off my hands and the sink is clogged
Please don't be, it's you I need, cause you're built for speed, Nicole
...Paper towels...
...There we go!...
Nicole! Nicole! Nicole! Nico-o-o-o-le!
Where you at, man? Where you at?
Fuck these shit! Call me back!
How come you never call him?
How come you never call my buggy, Nicole?
Fucking cunt!
You never call my buggy back!
You out there, Nicole? You listening to this?
He called you so many times and you never call him back
You never call my buggy
Did you hear that, Nicole?
Fuck! Fucking cunt!
Call me back!
Got one too. What's funny is this is not even a good photo.
It's like the misspellings in the phishing emails: it ensures only people who will fall for the trick will respond. If some model messaged you out of the blue, you're more likely to be suspicious or you feel that you're super attractive and a model might actually reach out to you. Either way you're more likely to not bite on the bait.
That's kinda rude. Presumably they stole the profile picture from some uninvolved person.
I'm not saying she's ugly or anything this is just a blurry, poorly-lit, poorly-angled photo with no character to it.
Blocking doesn't work sadly
5 msgs per day
Would it be wrong to send it dick pics?
Morally? No. From the perspective of nothing on the internet is ever deleted? Yes. People who get duped into sending nudes will often find (I mean, IF they ever find, realistically, seeing how big the internet it) their picture being used by someone else for another duping operation.
Yes. Unsolicited dick pics are sexual harassment, regardless of who you're actually sending them to. Also, I wouldn't put it past people running scams like this to try and use your dick pics for blackmail.
It's okay, I'll put a little black bar so they can't recognize it's mine.
I feel so honored. Got one of these today.
I've still somehow never gotten one, despite being on here for a while. (I hope this doesn't jinx it lol)
Hi, I’m Nicole! But you can call me the Fediverse Chick :D
I’m a proud Polish girl from Toronto (29 y/o)
I’m currently taking the pre-health sciences program at Toronto Metropolitan University hoping to get into the medical field someday!
It stopped for me after 2, then the last 2 days I got 4 more
Hey there, this the chick you've been talking about.
I need 10,000 give it to me now
Lol, I got mine yesterday. I'd always felt sooooo left out.
Very tempted to change my display name to Fediverse Chick.
Why haven't I gotten one? Where are you all posting?
I am legit curious about that discord server and who is in it
The chat room with a /hell sounds nice.
Other bots
I just got one too
It sure would be nice if you could report accounts as bots.
unfortunately that involves writing to the instance owner/moderator which is too complex for most. Especially cause it's spread across many instances now
Enjoy everyone, we're living through fediverse history. This is our dancing baby (or maybe more like the "love you" worm).
Has anybody actually followed the links? I'm mildly curious where it goes.
I am curious too. We should investigate.
Instance based skill issue, apparently.
Its just a spambot, not everyone has gotten the message.