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  • My meteorology professor at ERAU liked to call them "Cirrostratus Anthropogenicus."

    Contrails have jet exhaust in them, so mostly air with a bit less oxygen and a bit more CO2, some soot and hydrocarbon based nonsense.

    The really stupid thing is "airplane engine exhaust contains chemicals that are harmful to people's brains" is 100% verifiably true, it's just not jet contrails. It's small piston-powered planes that still run on leaded gasoline. The average student pilot flying a Cessna 172 is doing more to make the masses dumb than a 777 pilot hauling passengers.

    Fortunately, a lot of light sport airplanes are able to run on unleaded automotive gasoline and there's been a proposal to expand the light sport rule to increase what can be an LSA and what you can use an LSA for. For example, it's currently illegal to use a light sport aircraft for aerial photography, because reasons. You have to use a Normal category airplane for that, which probably means a 1960's technology engine and 1960's technology fuel. But, we're fixing it.

  • The Dislike to Ubuntu
  • There was a time when Ubuntu was the distro for the masses. It was the one that "just worked." It was the one you could use for school. They distributed marketing material with a bunch of diverse young people holding hands.

    Now Canonical's website is, by area, mostly corporate logos. They're B2B now, we have lost them, and it shows in their engineering.

    If the system you're shopping for an OS for isn't installed in a room with halon extinguishers in the ceiling, you shouldn't even be thinking Canonical's name.

  • How to use radio/radio modems to communicate with random people?
  • My recommendation would be to find a local ham group and see if anyone will let you use their equipment. In my experience, hams are very often excited to do this, they have a new buddy to play radio with. Many radio clubs have club equipment for members to use and often gather and set it up during events, especially ARRL's Field Day. There's nothing like getting hands on with working equipment set up by an experienced user to see what you really like.

    Licensed hams can supervise non-licensed users, so you can get on the air before you have a license if you have a buddy with a callsign willing to let you at the controls.

    Especially since OP asked about having a "radio buddy," I think this is the way to go about that.

  • Is Google Maps getting worse?
  • 1: I bet sometimes you do. If you've been driving on US-1-15-501, and 1 splits from 15-501, you may ask which highway to keep following. I know of several junctions like that where "go straight" is an ambiguous instruction, especially if one or more lanes just become an "exit."

    2: In many cases I doubt it's about you. It's a layered problem.

    First of all, you have the United States Highway "system." 50 state DOTs each doing things their own way with their own goofy ideas and quirks, some roads designed in the 1740s designed by British or Dutch farmers for pedestrians and horses, some roads designed by wildlife that used to walk through the forest that used to be where this town is now and the people put the roads where the tracks were when they put a village in the forest, some roads that are the way they are because they used to follow a railroad that used to be here, some roads designed by people in the 1950s who were going to revolutionize travel for the atomic age, so your nuclear powered car could whisk you down the highway at 190 miles per hour. And every single piece of this for over 3 centuries now has been done as half-assed as possible, each new layer connecting to all the previous layers as an afterthought.

    Describe an entire continent of the above fuckeduppery in software please. Oh, and while you're at it, there's only 300 million people in the United States, please implement this for Europe, Australia and Southeast Asia while you're at it in the same software.

    And remember, you're designing this software for EVERYONE. You're designing a system to be used by my uncle who has a hatred of Sheetz that borders on religious fervor because you order food in there with touch screen menus. You're designing a system for the idiot who drove into a pond because the GPS told him to "turn left immediately." You're designing a system for the professional driver who knows that I-295 is an auxiliary interstate that diverges from I-95 that will eventually rejoin I-95. And you're designing a system for people who mostly know their home town and could get most of the way there but they haven't been out to the warehouse district a lot so you'll have to give them directions from the highway to the UPS distribution center.

    Everybody from the iOS native zoomer to my 1960's uncle uses Google Maps. You can't design things that make sense to both of these people.


    So some drivers will want some information some of the time. So at the city limits of Daytona Beach, your phone will mysteriously tell you to continue straight on State Route 92 because that's where it stops being called International Speedway Boulevard. Because the non-sentient algorithm deciding when to issue verbal directions often can't tell the difference between a name change and an intersection of two roads. Or even when it can, it may still offer that change to prevent confusing drivers later, because "Turn left onto International Speedway Boulevard." 20 minutes later "Continue following State Route 92." "Wait! I thought I was on ISB! How'd I get on 92? *looks down at phone for 3 entire minutes trying to get the least optimized software in history to scroll the map in a way that makes sense, running over every single toddler in Volusia county in the meanwhile."

    So occasionally it will err on the side of caution and tell you something you might not need to know.

  • Is Google Maps getting worse?
  • A bigger problem I have than occasionally hearing "Keep straight on Highway 20" is "Keep straight on US-20, US-94, US-1, US-15, US-501, US-99, US-98, NC-24, NC-27, NC-17, PG-13, PS-5, N-64, I-95, I-85, I-40, Bragg Boulevard for 1.3 miles."

    It puts the instruction at the beginning, and then it talks so long you forgot what it told you to do. It's how you stack overflow a human.

  • Satisfactory's developers had no idea how popular its 1.0 launch was going to be: 'We try not to focus too much on that stuff and just make it as big as we possibly can'
  • I used to hold up Squad and Kerbal Space Program as the gold standard of early access campaigns, but Coffee Stain Studios blew them out of the water. The update trailers alone have been worth the price of the game.

  • Is Google Maps getting worse?
  • I've seen it do that for decades now, and in at least two cases I see it happen is when a highway enters town and gains a name, like how Florida Route 92 becomes International Speedway Boulevard when you enter Daytona Beach. Or, when another route joins the corridor you're on, like throughout North Carolina US-1, US-15 and US-501 weave in and out of each other a few times along with a few state routes joining and leaving.

    So I think when it hits points like this, it sometimes interprets them as intersections rather than junctions, and its programming requires it to issue a direction for an intersection. YOU might not see it as an intersection but IT does.

  • Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users
  • Is that what that was? I got a grey box with no text in it that popped up over Satisfactory and my mouse control went from the POV to moving a cursor. I was building and it was a brief interruption. I got the actual text via email.

  • It's Wednesday, my dudes.
  • I'm riffing on The Rattlin' Bog.

    A sort of folksy children's song that builds to a silly degree with each verse.

  • linux or windows?
  • Linux for 10 years now.

  • To Americans: How far apart is everything in the US?
  • Living in a small town in central North Carolina (answering these questions in units of city blocks that are ~150 meters long or in statute miles:

    To the nearest convenience store: 4 blocks

    To the nearest chain supermarket: 2 miles

    To the bus stop: ~35 miles (It's a distance to the nearest town with a bus service)

    To the nearest park: 8 or 9 blocks

    To the nearest BIG supermarket: 2.5 miles. The "nearest chain supermarket" is a Food Lion; slightly farther down the road is a Wal-Mart and a Harris Teeter about the same distance away.

    To the nearest library: 3 blocks

    To the nearest train station: 4 blocks.

    Straight-line distance to Big Ben: ~4000 miles. juuuust out of earshot. I don't recommend walking.

  • Musk’s plan to axe X's block button is a real win for stalkers and abusers.
  • I'm saying it now: Get an amateur radio license and pay ARRL dues. We're going to need to protect that bandwidth.

  • TIL it’s the right of women of all ages to go topless wherever men can in the states of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma, including all their cities.
    1. am I the one doing that? And 2. Is it the bulk of the problem?

    Me personally, I have no particular need for legislated prudishness. I don't see much of a difference between the Taliban requiring women to wear a headscarf than whatever red state requiring women to wear a top. A lot of that nonsense is done to enforce a particular religion, and I personally want all religions to be thrown in the toilet with all the other worthless assgarbage.

    There was a point in time when things such as bikinis and miniskirts were seen as scandalously immodest. The people who saw them that way are mostly dead now and we can move on, which is what will ultimately happen here. Some women will start going topless to the beach, the newspapers will write some stories about it, there'll be some arrests, there will be some court cases, there will be some laws passed, and then it'll settle in as just a thing people do sometimes.

    The problem I have is that I think people with cameras are going to be punished for incidentally filming topless girls in ways they're not for incidentally filming topless boys. Shall I illustrate with an example?

    Consider this video of a walking tour of Panama City Beach, Florida. . There are a lot of videos like this, tours of various places around the world, they're filmed in public places, often from streets, sidewalks etc. There's a lengthy segment where the cameraperson walks down the beach and records several boys and men without shirts on. The video is on Youtube, uncensored and monetized. No one anywhere has a problem with this because we categorically do not consider male barechestedness to be nudity.

    The argument here is women and girls should be allowed to be barechested anywhere men and boys are. Okay, so the instant we make that change, we also need to change the rules that say it's not okay to see, photograph, record or broadcast barechested women and girls. It needs to be equally okay to upload pictures of barechested women and girls to Youtube without censor bars or blurs. Because then it becomes "when he does it it's not nudity, when she does it, it's not considered nudity but it is still in fact nudity." You don't get to require people in public to avert their gaze.

  • TIL it’s the right of women of all ages to go topless wherever men can in the states of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma, including all their cities.
  • Not just the state. Due process does not exist here, the accusation of sexual misconduct is often enough to destroy someone's life. So it's anyone who chooses to accuse him of something.

  • OceanGate’s ill-fated Titan sub relied on a hand-typed Excel spreadsheet
  • As in, would type up a memo in Excel? Woof.

    Sometimes I want a more free-form tool that can be a journal or a checklist or a spreadsheet so that I can plan and calculate and such. My personal journal sometimes reads like The Martian, "Okay, my solar panels make 165 kilowatt hours per sol, and I need 47 of it for my project, meaning I have 108 kilowatt hours per sol left over..." But I look at things like OneNote and fall right off them.

  • TIL it’s the right of women of all ages to go topless wherever men can in the states of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma, including all their cities.
  • Reminds me of something...I think it was Stormy Daniels or some similar figure talking about her first time working in a strip club, and a local law said that nude performers had to be on a "stage," but there were no technical specifications for said "stage" so they had small raised platforms not dissimilar to a cargo pallet for the girls to dance on near each table.

  • TIL it’s the right of women of all ages to go topless wherever men can in the states of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma, including all their cities.
  • Does "in a sexual context" have a falsifiable definition? I mean, here's an article from the American Bar Association journal about a man who was arrested and deported for "child sexual abuse" for having photos printed of himself kissing his infant daughter after a bath.

    The accuser was the photo lab tech. After the man was arrested and deported, his wife was arrested, their child was removed from them, then the investigation took the whole roll of film into consideration and found there was no child abuse, this was photographic evidence of loving parents caring for their child. "Sexual context" indeed.

    I envision a future where a business owner puts up security cameras around his shop, those security cameras send their video to "The Cloud," an underage girl walks by topless in view of those video cameras, as is her legal right to do so, a closed-source unauditable CSAM detection algorithm running on "The Cloud" flags the video as CSAM, and the business owner gets arrested, his business and/or home destroyed or even killed before an investigation determines no wrongdoing. Because we put the time for reasonableness after the bodies have cooled. We check to see if it's a false positive after the "arrest" has been made. THAT's the ultimate problem I have here.

  • TIL it’s the right of women of all ages to go topless wherever men can in the states of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma, including all their cities.
  • I have an "umm what about" regarding "of all ages."

    Say a 15 year old girl decides to walk topless down main street. Is everyone on that street who has a security camera running going to be convicted of making child porn?

    I don't trust the legislature to have been competent enough to edit the rest of the code to reflect that change nor do I trust the thin blue line punisher sticker crowd to pass up something they can portray as a crime.

  • I don't understand why underbaked borderline raw cookies are such a popular trend.
  • Hypothesis: Want chewy cookies. Try cookie recipe, they come out crunchy. Bake for less time. Cookies chewy now!

  • Double check my Linux gaming build Update w/ Build pics Part List - AMD Ryzen 7 7700X, Radeon RX 7800 XT, Fractal Design Meshify 2 Mini MicroATX Mid Tower - PCPartPicker

    Part List - AMD Ryzen 7 7700X, Radeon RX 7800 XT, Fractal Design Meshify 2 Mini MicroATX Mid Tower

    Greetings buildapc!

    I built my current rig during the parts drought during the pandemic or whatever, I scraped together whatever I could find and then stopped keeping up with PC parts for a few years. Looking to build a new rig, PCPartPicker attached, just looking for some double checking for any details I missed.

    Use case: Linux and Linux only. It's gonna run some FreeCAD and some LibreOffice and a lot of Firefox and a lot of Satisfactory. I'm trying to build it in time for Satisfactory's launch on September 10, I've heard tell of a Ryzen 7600X3D coming imminently that I don't want to wait for.

    I have a Gigabyte M34WQ monitor (1440p ultrawide 144Hz FreeSync) that I'd like to take full advantage of in Unreal engine games like Satisfactory, the upcoming Subnautica 3 and such.

    My budget is $1500, I can exceed that but for every $100 over I'm going to read you a vogon poem.

    This is to be my first desktop AMD GPU. My current rig (Ryzen 3600/GTX-1080) is Nvidia, it was all I could get my hands on, and the 1080 predates a lot of the whiz bang acronyms like DLSS RTX OMG LOL, I have no idea how well any of that from AMD or Nvidia works in Linux, I don't particularly care about raytracing. Word on the street is AMD is less of a pain in the head to deal with on Linux and Wayland stands a chance of running, so...


    Update: Sub in a 7700X CPU and a 7900GRE GPU and...IT'S ALIVE:


    Everything but the case arrived so I decided to go ahead and test bench it.

    Planter Box Contest Entry

    Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I present to you The Tale Of The Cedar Planter Box.

    Solid cedar, mortise and tenon joinery, with a nice bead detail on the slats. Garden hose sold separately, pine straw not included.

    BackInTime turns on my monitors

    I use BackInTime (which is basically a front end for rsync) for backups, and I run one every night at 1 AM. This is on Linux Mint Cinnamon. If the computer is locked/the monitors have gone to sleep (computer isn't suspended), when the backup begins the monitors turn on, and will then stay on all night. I don't want to waste the power or wear out my backlights.

    How can I stop it from turning the monitors on, or how can I get it to turn them back off?

    I built a table for my porch

    I posted this one to ! too, as I do most of my furniture projects, but I'm particularly proud of how this one came out. Solid white oak with genuine mortise-and-tenon joinery.

    A shaker table for the front porch

    I'm working on replacing my porch furniture, and the side table was the worst of the lot so it got replaced first.

    I've built a few little tables by now and I've got a lot of the process down. I used this one as an excuse to practice making actual mortise and tenon joints instead of the loose tenons I've used in the past. The mortises that the center brace sits in were chiseled by hand, the others are routed.

    I'm thinking of making a couple outdoor-friendly morris chairs to replace those old iron ones. That'll be a minute though.

    [SOLVED] {TV series or movie unsure] two characters act out scene from Empire Strikes Back for young children

    I think I saw this in a youtube video taken out of context so I'm not exactly sure when it was made, or if it was a TV show or a movie. And while it could obviously be from any time after 1980 because it references Empire Strikes Back it felt 21st century to me.

    It seems to be a future post-apocalyptic setting, the power isn't on, everyone's dressed in rags, there's scavenging etc. and in a moment of down time two of the main characters act out the lightsaber duel from Empire Strikes Back to entertain the young children who live there, and the kids gasp at the "I am your father" bit.

    What's this from?

    Oak plant stand w/ intermediate shelf

    It's actually just friction fit together in this picture; as I type it's in the clamps as the glue dries. Tomorrow some final touch up sanding and the first of four coats of spar varnish, then a few decades on my front porch under a couple potted plants.

    There's an education in all this oak; it looks conceptually simple compared to the shaker tables I've done so far, right? IT AIN'T! Each leg cambers out by 5 degrees in both directions, and that tiny difference make this project SO much more obnoxious than a table with vertical legs. Laying things out accounting for that compound miter at the top and bottom is "fun." The upper and lower frame rails are no longer the same length, they're different but related lengths. That lower panel? Can't be installed with the frame assembled. Hell I didn't even bother attaching it in any way, it's just captive in there.

    Unlike the previous tables I've built that are held together with floating tenons, the rails are thin and fit entirely into mortises in the legs, which meant some chisel work squaring the corners of the mortises, so I gained quite a bit of experience with chisels here.

    But, another project nearing completion.

    I tabled again

    A simple shaker style table in white oak, finished with spar urethane and kitty approved.

    The breadboard ends on the panels were an education on this one; on the top they aren't strictly necessary, but I felt they were needed on the lower panel so that the movement of that captive panel wouldn't rack the legs. Found out I prefer making the tongues with a router rather than the dado set on the table saw.

    Using a shop tablet that definitely exists

    This is the follow-up to my previous post about a Linux tablet for my workshop. based on the suggestion by , I went with a Lenovo Duet 3i, apparently also known as an 82AT and/or 10IGL5. Sprung for the Pentium version with 8GB of RAM. It has arrived, and I've got it set up to start using.

    The Hardware Itself

    For a shovelware-grade machine, it's not bad at all. I'm sure they were sold in big box stores as the budget tier barely capable of running Windows 10, which is why there's so many of them for sale in barely used condition.

    2 USB-C ports came in handy for charging and installing Linux from a thumb drive. The screen is surprisingly good for a machine of this price point, and it runs cooler than my cat.

    The Linux Experience

    SHOCKINGLY good. Linux Mint loaded right up, though I wouldn't recommend it on this machine. Cinnamon is not intended for tiny touch screens.

    Fedora KDE Spin ran quite nicely, but I ended up installing Fedora Gnome. I generally hate Gnome but for a machine that will run FreeCAD, a PDF reader and a web browser, maybe a calculator, it'll work.

    So far, I haven't found anything that doesn't work. It suspends and wakes from suspend, keyboard works, backlight controls work, both cameras work, auto-rotation works, keyboard works in attached and bluetooth modes, Wi-Fi works...

    I think I just saw that graphical glitch mentioned for the first time, I looked over at it and the top panel was near the bottom of the screen. Moving the mouse around seems to fix it, though yeah if that behavior continues or worsens I'm probably going to try either X11 or...something.

    Overall I'd call it "quick but not fast." UI feels responsive, but...put it this way I watched Neofetch run. Any disk operation at all is a bit slow.

    Gnome is...Gnome. I would hate to live in Gnome on my main machine. I think it'll do here; it's mostly navigable by touch screen.

    FreeCAD works amazingly well and is surprisingly usable on a touch screen, though to do anything serious you do need to be able to right click and use the Ctrl key. I think it'll do what I'm after. Going to start building a shelf either today or in the next couple days, will report back how it works in service.

    Looking for a shop computer/tablet that probably doesn't exist

    Let's see if I can keep this relatively short:

    I'm a woodworker, I do my design work in FreeCAD and then I print out my drawings on paper to carry out to the shop with me. It would be nicer if I had a shop-proof device to run FreeCAD in the shop with me because over the past year I found myself saying the following things in the shop a lot:

    • "Wait, let's go in and look at the 3D model."
    • "Ah dang I forgot to note this particular dimension on the drawing, let me go fix that."
    • "I'll measure this part up then go in and do some drawing."

    So what does "shop proof" mean exactly?

    1. Wood shop be dusty. Last year I hauled 250 gallons of sawdust to the dump. To me this means that a physical keyboard needs to be able to function if it's been packed with dust and/or needs to be vacuum cleaner proof. I also think cooling fans are probably a bad idea; a passively cooled device is probably preferable.

    2. Not many outlets in the shop, so it needs a good battery life. I actually don't need a tremendous amount of performance, I've used a Raspberry Pi 3 for the kind of CAD work I do.

    3. FreeCAD does not ship an APK so Android is no bueno, it's gotta be GNU/Linux.

    4. It needs decent usable Wi-Fi because I envision using Syncthing to keep my woodworking projects folder synced between my desktop and this device. It doesn't necessarily need to get signal out in the shop (my phone barely does; I lose signal if I stand behind the drill press) but it does have to connect to my Wi-Fi when I carry it into the house.

    I think this means I'm looking for an ARM tablet that can competently run Linux. Is there such a thing?


    Thanks to everyone who commented, I think I do have a plan of action: I'm gonna buy a used Lenovo!

    To answer the question I posed, no it doesn't seem that a Linux ARM tablet is really a thing yet. Commercial offerings that run Android or Windows on ARM are often so locked down that switching OS isn't a thing, the few attempts at a purpose built ARM tablet for Linux like the PineTab just are not ready for prime time.

    In the x86 world, it basically came down to 10 year old Toughbook tablets or 4 year old low-end 2-in-1s, and I think the latter won out just because of mileage and condition. A lot of the toughbooks out there will have 10 year old batteries in them, and they've been treated like a Toughbook for some or all of that time. The few Lenovo's I've looked at are barely used, probably because of how Windows "runs" on them.

    I'll eventually check back in with progress on this front. Would it be better to add to this thread or create another?

    Are conveyor lifts worse in Update 8?

    I mean, I know Update 8 ruined everything it touched and some things it didn't, but...I seem to remember being able to connect conveyor lifts directly between machines and splitters. I also seem to remember being able to reverse the direction of conveyor lifts while placing them. Neither of those seem to work anymore.

    I think I'm giving up until they've got the SMART mod working in 1.0. Playing this game without the SMART mod feels like playing in a sandbox, but every ten minutes you have to stop and count all the sand.

    End tables are finally finished.

    I guess I got the finish to look okay on the pine legs and such. Looks great on the oak tops and shelves. Sat down to draw these on Nov 1 and they're finally next to my couch.


    As far as I can tell, pine can't be finished.

    I've found my finishing problem: I'm building things out of pine.

    Traditional stain, gel stain, urethane, tung oil, danish oil...on oak, cherry or maple many of these look fine. No matter what I put on pine, it comes out looking like a septic prolapse.

    Do I actually need to do anything to go from GeForce to Radeon?

    My GTX-1080 is getting a little long in the tooth, I'm thinking of going all AMD on my Linux Mint gaming rig here, there anything I need to do or install or uninstall to switch to an AMD card from an Nvidia one?

    I've never done this before on a Linux system; I've got my Intel/Radeon laptop, and my Ryzen/GeForce desktop and that's most of my Linux experience.

    There are emotions I don't know how to express without my glasses on.

    I emote with my glasses a lot. Slowly pulling them off in amazement, sarcastically looking over the top of the rims, etc. How do people who can actually see handle it?

    captain_aggravated Captain Aggravated

    Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast

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