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That's All Folks!
  • Its only alt right if you are left leaning

    It really just a matter of perspective

  • The Dislike to Ubuntu
  • Its a gui

  • That's All Folks!
  • Its because Lemmy is far left. Either liberal or in some cases full on tankie

  • The Dislike to Ubuntu
  • Because Ubuntu by itself is in the "not great" category. It takes other to make it usable

  • The Dislike to Ubuntu
  • Exactly

  • The Dislike to Ubuntu
  • The benefit of Debian is that it stays the same for a long time. It can be huge timesaver

  • The Dislike to Ubuntu
  • If you open up the kernel manager you can switch to a newer release

    Also I think they now have a version with a newer kernel

  • The Dislike to Ubuntu
  • You can use distrobox with podman to get newer software. You also can use Flatpaks

  • The Dislike to Ubuntu
  • Many of us are still very salty

  • The Dislike to Ubuntu
  • Its not like it is the only option. There are so many better systems these days it isn't even funny. Use Linux Mint, Fedora, Pop OS or maybe even Bazzite.

  • Self-reflection
  • Just rewrite it a few more times

  • So this port from 2004, will recieve support and fix this?.. right?
  • Apparently

    I just though maybe we shouldn't make memes out of racist art

  • The Internet Archive’s Fight to Save Itself
  • They poked the bear and now they are getting mauled. They should of just focused on the Way back machine

  • Firewalls: what SHOULD I block?
  • Cups only listens on local host only by default. Also it requires you to connect to a printer which is unaffected by the Firewall.

  • Firewalls: what SHOULD I block?
  • So some obscure thing you experienced 10 years ago is now the standard? I have been doing this a while and what you are describing is Franky crazy and I've never scene it outside of some business plans with bring your own device.

  • Introducing Proof-of-Work Defense for Onion Services | The Tor Project
  • That's why I posted it. It has been rolled

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • Just keep in mind is unstable and not secure

    Fun to play with. Just don't use it for critical stuff

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • Fire up React OS one of these days

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • Has there ever been a good version of Windows? Old versions were functional but terribly insecure and newer versions are reasonably secure but cloud connected ad platforms.

    Windows 10 is probably the middle ground although the newer versions come with the same anti features Windows 11 has

  • Introducing Proof-of-Work Defense for Onion Services | The Tor Project Introducing Proof-of-Work Defense for Onion Services | Tor Project

    Today, we are officially introducing a proof-of-work (PoW) defense for onion services designed to prioritize verified network traffic as a deterrent against denial of service (DoS) attacks with the release of Tor 0.4.8.

    Introducing Proof-of-Work Defense for Onion Services | Tor Project
    Anyone noticed that ransomeware has made the world a better place?

    That's sounds strange to say but hear me out. Before ransomeware there was no economic incentive for companies to worry about security. There was a strong "why would you hack us" vibe that made it hard to talk management into doing anything basic like locking down ports.

    Nowadays everyone and there mom is worried about getting compromised. I've seen companies who historically didn't care at all about IT suddenly invest heavily in security. We are now much more secure than we were previously as everyone has suddenly realized that the internet had a huge risk. I doubt we will see any of the old style worms we had back in the day that would infect millions of machines.

    Is Pine64 dead?

    I haven't heard anything in months. Maybe there is legal trouble?

    DuckStation GPL Violation - Leah Rowe's Sleepless Rants DuckStation GPL Violation - Leah Rowe's Sleepless Rants

    DuckStation GPL Violation - Leah Rowe's Sleepless Rants

    DuckStation GPL Violation - Leah Rowe's Sleepless Rants

    TL;DR the dev behind Duckstation arbitrary changed the license and is likely commiting GPL violations

    Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System - YouTube

    SS7 is vulnerable to attack. However, the types off attacks on the video don't affect Signal as it requires a pin. (Make sure you set your pin to something strong and secure)

    New copy pasta

    I like riley and the tech news but this channel and gaming linked are ran like crap, 1. Enough of focusing on the negative, every other news place and their mothers already do that. jeez. 2. dont upload these at 9 - 10pm (I'm US based but they're in Canada so I expect its similar). Your audience is not looking for night time news, upload it in the morning. 3. Dog crap thumbnails and titles. I cannot tell you how many I wouldn't click on if I didn't already know that they would talk about at least 3 other subjects rather then just say iOS 18. A lot of people don't care about iOS 18 but do care about say AMD not treating it's partners right or vice versa, so for love of god make your titles and thumbnails a summary of sorts that show at least more of what the video is actually going to be about. "iOS 18 fixes everything (Almost) / AMD Mistreating Partners / Intel lost the PS6". 4. this is explaining 1. more the actual video content for the most part is good, like to the point and good, but the quips are often based in "oop another apple L" and then "oop another intel L" and then "oop another AMD L". This leads to A an incorrect perspective, If you need evidence I will provide but you have went out of your way to make some mean hearted joke about someone or something that it will jsut bend the actual fact giving some people straight up misinformation if they don't see another source or look deeper. B it's just depressing and not fun, I'm not saying we should celebrate a big companies success yeah they are all evil to an extent but can we look at the cup and say it's half full occasionally cause yeah sure Android already had all these features for years but it IS cool that apple users now get to enjoy them too, it just is man. and I have z flip 2, I hate apple! but I'm so tired of the hating everything, not everything you report on is bad but it's like you want it to be. This message is to the writers, also for the love of god get better sources I swear sometimes the segment is purely based on a line from PC Gamer saying "the game is bad". Anyways please fix this or I'm out because I'm tired of this crap.

    Nextcloud Hub 9 creates global collaboration network - Nextcloud Nextcloud Hub 9 creates global collaboration network - Nextcloud

    Nextcloud Hub 9 is released with new federation features, a new whiteboard, form entry in Nextcloud Office and an AI chat UI for the Nextcloud Assistant.

    Nextcloud Hub 9 creates global collaboration network - Nextcloud

    Nextcloud is now federated

    Nextcloud Hub 9 creates global collaboration network - Nextcloud Nextcloud Hub 9 creates global collaboration network - Nextcloud

    Nextcloud Hub 9 is released with new federation features, a new whiteboard, form entry in Nextcloud Office and an AI chat UI for the Nextcloud Assistant.

    Nextcloud Hub 9 creates global collaboration network - Nextcloud

    Nextcloud now supports federation including activity pub!
