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Nintendo would "rather go in a different direction" than follow AI trend, says Miyamoto
  • For me, it's their greed regarding old titles. I bought some older games on the Wii and/or 3ds stores. Well, those go away and you don't get a license for that same game on the new system (even though, presumably, all the porting/emulation work has already been done). Little things like that

  • fuck the tests
  • People can pull <table> from my cold, dead hands.

    (though I'm usually only using it to display some status just for me and not for external consumption; the UI side can have a JSON if it ever comes to that).

    I used to be a full-stack dev, but I've been pure backend for so long now, everything I knew is outdated or deprecated.

  • fuck the tests
  • I physically reacted to this post with a combination of disgust, anger, and fear. Do tests. All of the tests. Randomize the order in which your tests run. Cover all branches.

  • When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution?
  • Yes I inverted it to burning coal is called the industrial revolution because I think it's neat way to look at it. I'm thinking through the history of energy: We burned wood. Then we burned coal. Then we burned oil. Then we burned atoms.

    I was referring to this part, but the premise of the whole question in the OP is incorrect. We burnt coal before the industrial revolution, during, and after it. One could argue that the industrial revolution was more or less impossible without coal, but that's not what was stated.

    The OP left a lot out of the history of energy as well as how it impacted various technologies for mechanization and automation.

  • The new Unity 6 game engine demo looks spectacular but is it enough to convince developers to return?
  • I played with Unity a bit and have a pretty fleshed out game idea. I can do the dev side on my own with placeholder assets when I finally have the time to sit down and do it, but there's no way I'm doing Unity after the way they treated their customers. Same with Unreal because of my distaste for Epic.

  • What's inside the QR code menu at this cafe?
  • I keep meaning to look more into how qr codes work. I always wondered if there were possible attack vectors if a bad actor exploited a flaw in the decoding of the image. My mind went to a zip bomb for no apparent reason (a tiny file that unzips to a massive amount of data on disk)

  • I redid the meme with what hurts me
  • I enjoyed working with Rust once I got into its workflow. The borrow checker and lifetimes suck for people not used to the concepts. The funny thing about languages with lots of safety features is when people just unsafe things, an option in many languages to give oneself plenty of rope for a self-hanging (or, "footguns" is the hip new way of saying that).

  • Happy 25th deathday to the Mars Climate Orbiter!
  • Cool! Do you follow Japanese spaceflight at all?

    Not really. I tried interviewing as a dev on a satellite company's site, but apparently they require that one be a citizen for various reasons. I did want to go see a launch when I first moved to Japan, but it worked out to be rather difficult and doubly so as I had no driving license at the time. I might have to look into it again as that would be pretty neat.

    Doesn't that mean chicken or bird or something? I

    tori does mean bird, yes :)

    How do people handle the "ple"?

    プリーズ (pu ri (long vowel marker) zu). Final 'u' gets devoiced in most cases and, anecdotally, many who say the word a lot devoice the first one as well. So pureez with the quality of the u varying from non-existent to schwa to normal (kinda like oo in moon but shorter)

  • Happy 25th deathday to the Mars Climate Orbiter!
  • I live in Japan so it's on my mind. Tri would end up like 'tori' or 'turi' though a lot of speakers might reduce the o a bit in the former and the 'u' might devoice in the latter being closer to "t'ri". "Triple" is a word that is used (mostly for baseball, I think) and some people do reduce the inserted vowel quite a lot.

    I wouldn't use 'san' because it doesn't make sense outside of Japan (and, I suppose, close enough for Sinitic languages and those with loans from it). I went with 'tri' since it's already a root meaning three (from Greek I think? I never remember which are Greek vs Latin).

  • Happy 25th deathday to the Mars Climate Orbiter!
  • I've mostly killed imperial (well, US Customary) wolf by living outside of freedom-unit-land. Not so much intentionally, but my brain doesn't like miles and the like anymore. I do wish a third of a meter had a standardized nickname because 'about a foot' (about 30cm) is something people use all the time (including those that have never known the imperial/us customary system).

  • I redid the meme with what hurts me
  • I still sometimes bang out small perl scripts for things that are too annoying/complex for command prompt and shell scripts but not worth writing something in, say, Go. I never learned python which is probably why I never use that.

  • I redid the meme with what hurts me
  • I still sometimes bang out small perl scripts for things that are too annoying/complex for command prompt and shell scripts but not worth writing something in, say, Go. I never learned python which is probably why I never use that.

  • I redid the meme with what hurts me
  • I think experienced programmers may have a different route to a degree. A number of years in one language, for instance, including fairly complex production settings, etc. and having to transition to python for a new job or company or decision from someone higher up the food chain. I did it from a largely perl and PHP background for both Rust (a tiny bit of experience before, but not a super complex environment) and Go (zero to prod in a few months dropping in rewritten portions of the former PHP monolith). I can talk about memory usage, race conditions, etc. but would be completely screwed with anything internal to python or its quirks.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Reddit -\> Beehaw until I decided I didn't like older versions of Lemmy (though it seems most things I didn't like are better now) -\> (died) -\> (died) -\> fedia.

    Japan-based backend software dev.

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