We miss you
We miss you
We miss you
Luckily those things aren’t dead, you can still play them!
Those companies do everything they can to make it as hard as legally possible.
I can hear that Ocarina of Time screenshot.
Same — everyone has so many memories of that game. For me, it reminds me of playing games with my brother, he would read the prima strategy guide and help me get through the dungeons. My father bought ocarina of time for us both for Christmas. We got drawn in to the magic of that game for several months after.
You got classic video games buried in dirt and forgot about Atari? There are more copies of ET in the ground than anything else. Lol
Are there still? Did they leave most of em? I thought a bunch got sold off to patrons of that dig attempt.
Oh shit! You’re right! I never read about that.
We still talk about how many of your cartridges got buried in a landfill.
Yeah nintendo still sues communities trying to port oot to a more modern engine xD.
Shit, I still have a working Genesis.
I think I have three of the damn things.
They just keep popping up like mushrooms. Same thing with Gamecubes.
I've had a hard time finding cheap working GameCubes.
Me too. I like to play Xmen 2: Clone Wars and Bubsy on it. I've been thinking of getting an 8bitdo for it so I can play it wireless with my PS4 controllers.
The 8bitdo wireless Genesis controller is pretty good and faithful to the original.
I hear emudeck for the Steam Deck is amazing too, but I never got around to installing it.
Old video game nostalgia can be easily cured by trying to actually play them today. A lot of them have aged...poorly.
There are a few rare gems, but gameplay design has evolved a lot. It's worse than watching comedies from the 50s.
My first Zelda was BOTW so I decided I would play Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask. Man, the amount of aimlessly walking around and boring empty fields gets old very fast. Puzzles are either trivially obvious, impossibly obscure or super hard.
I've actually found the cure to my old video game nostalgia is watching old lets-plays. Usually I can skip a whole bunch of the creators video and get that nostalgia bug outta my system in a few hours without spending any money.
I started the pixel remaster of ff6 and I'm surprised how well it holds up
I first played FF6 when it was already retro(I was a Sega kid) and it bacame my favorite FF, even higher than 7 which holds huge nostalgic memories to me
Many people still play OoT, especially with mods.
I'm playing through Jade Cocoon right now. These games aren't dead.
That game was so cool! So many wild combinations of monsters to make, such a neat setting
I don't know what you're talking about, I play three of these systems regularly.
Amiga I still love you
Love MGS1, but Yell Dead Cell is one of the best boss themes of all time.
I'll let you go out in style.
Mega Drive is still getting good mileage here. Recently played MSG on a ps emulator. I have the discs and a PSX but played it on my odroid go ultra. Got stuck figuring out how to change the discs virtually so that's how far I got in the game.
Is that Lain?
This picture is way too sinister, unrelated to this being a meme
Every time i see it i have tears coming
I know, I started seeing it a lot after losing my cat recently, and it stings a bit. =(
Last year I bought an original 8 bit Nintendo system with Super Mario and Tetris ... two games I grew up playing for hours and hours. I hadn't played them in years and I thought I should buy one just to have on hand because they'll probably disappear and become unavailable in the next decade or two (assuming I'll live that long ... lol)
I bring it out once in a while just to play it and get frustrated as I try to remember where, when and how to run and jump through level 8
My OG NES is quite possibly my most played out of all my retro consoles. It's currently loaded with Duck Tales, for meme purposes.
Mine also has an emerald green power light (because I can), the lockout chip is clipped, and I modified the cartridge connector so you don't have to press the carts down to play them anymore (because that blows people's minds).
"You're all together on one piece of plastic smaller than a thumb!"
I got a Miyoo Mini very recently and have been playing a lot of games since. I can't put the thing down for long at all!
A surveillance camera?!
Does PS3 count?
Only if you want to make me feel old
These all recently reached the point of having released closer to the PS3 launch than to today:
Rainbow Six Siege, Just Cause 3, Star Wars: Battlefront (2015 version), Rise of the Tomb Raider, Black Ops III, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Broforce, Yoshi's Wooly World, Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection, Concrete Jungle, Soma, Super Mario Maker, Tearaway (PS4 version), MGSV Phantom Pain, Armello, Goat Simulator (PS4 version).
Just to cherrypick a few.
GTA V released even longer ago than that.
I know I can emulate, but there are times when I wish I still had my old Playstation. I left mine behind when I had to make a sudden break from an ex of mine about 20ish years ago. Somehow I ended up with a controller and the mouse, but I have no idea how they got separated from the system itself and ended up in my possession.
Hold up, the playstation had a mouse?
Yes, but not many games used it or supported it. I think mine came with the game Discworld or perhaps I bought it separately for that game, I don't recall.
I still rock my Genesis. 😎 I brought it to Europe with me.
Gdamn, had a recent talk about it...my sister remembers! It's so good when you do have someone to play it with as a child...
I keep their memories close by, in several hard drives, and frequently play them over my network...
We did a run of Secret of Evermore with the 2 player mod this december, was super fun. I love rpg's from that era.
So...go play them? yikes ...
So...you go play them too? Yikes ...
So... 4 player Mario kart then at my house? Yikes...