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It's a very unique experience
  • It's good!

  • Bizarro Kool-Aid Man
  • But the goatee!

  • "Agents Mulder and Scully, F.B.I."
  • I never watched it, but wasn't Californication big?

  • I'm simply not fast enough
  • Just brutal

  • Clever guy
  • Gotta meme to keep it alive

  • Sike!
  • Pure evil

  • I'm simply not fast enough
  • I've been making one-move blunders in daily games this week... I have no excuse.

  • Sike!
  • Totally agree

  • Actress Dame Maggie Smith dies at 89
  • We'll miss you, Professor. =(

  • Sike!
  • Yeah, let's please stay here for a while.

  • Might not even have to change the acronym
  • Does that confirm it?

  • Sike!
  • I actually looked it up before making this post, because any time someone uses either version of the word, this comes up in the comments. Apparently both "sike" and "psych" are considered correct, although it seems like "sike" is more commonly used, so I went with that one.

  • Workday wellness check
  • It is a joke, lol

    This guy makes these terrible concepts for apps and stuff:

  • Microblog Memes The Picard Maneuver
    Cartography Anarchy The Picard Maneuver
    This really puts the size into perspective
    Clever guy
  • You're describing my pre-internet childhood.

    (It wasn't a 10k volt t-rex fence though)

  • 🙋🏻 me!
  • A genuine self-report, lol

  • Clever guy
  • It's actually a PhD in trombone. Someone misheard it one time, and nobody has ever thought to follow up.

    "Oh, Alan? Yeah, he has a doctorate in bones or something."

  • Political Memes The Picard Maneuver
    It's just business, you know.

    Obligatory: this meme uses POV wrong

  • Yeah, probably. I know nobody who says it is actually thinking that way - it just hits my ear a little differently.

  • me_irl
  • Yeah, I think it was gen Z that started saying "my crush" instead of "someone I have a crush on" years ago.

    I've always thought it was a weirdly possessive way of phrasing it.

  • Might not even have to change the acronym
  • I always forget this, thanks

  • Help me ID a book from a hazy 1980s childhood memory
  • After some unproductive googling, here's a random guess. The cover art style doesn't really match (not sure if the inside is different), but it has a deep sea diver and a lady underwater, who I can only assume is the "Ghost Queen"