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Man charged with allegedly assaulting mail carrier delivering 'Harris for President' mailer
  • I live in a very diverse, quiet, and friendly neighborhood, but I'm still nervous about putting out a Harris/Walz sign.

  • Third day of bomb threats inspired by Trump lies sends Springfield hospitals into lockdown
  • I wish I could say that once the election is over, all this shit will just fade into the rearview.
    Jan 6th 2021 however tells us otherwise.

    I fear the coming months.

  • Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • Who had 30 minutes for the O/U on eating pets?

  • Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • Trump looked like he wanted to avoid it altogether.

  • without saying how old you are, how old are you?
  • Hahah, no, but reordering 200+ cards was just a pain in the ass.

  • without saying how old you are, how old are you?
  • My first coding class was Cobol and we used punch-cards.

    (Side story, nothing strikes a feeling of dread more than the sound of cards being shuffled behind you.)

  • Casualties reported in shooting at Georgia high school, sheriff says. A suspect is in custody | CNN
  • I am so sick of this shit.
    I hope that the suspect "stumbled and fell on his face" a lot while in custody.

    And to all news media... Please do not print, post or broadcast the suspect's name. Do not give them the hard-on they are looking for by having their name in the news.

  • Child medicine
  • It took me until my 20s before I could swallow pills without gagging and spitting out water.
    Then one day something just clicked and since then, no problem.
    I can do one, two or even eight at a time like it's nothing.

  • Use a password manager
  • I used to use a plain text system, "encoded" in such a way that only I knew what the actual password was, and I kept it on Google Keep.
    But that for harder and harder to manage, coupled with, if I were to get run over by a bus, no one else would be able to access my accounts.

    Now I've been using Dashlane for a few years. Not just for passwords, but secure notes as well.

    Works seamlessly on all of my devices and zero complaints.

  • Congress voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden
  • So what needs to happen, since we seem to let heads of state address Congress, is to have a mandatory session where cancer patients all come out, addressing their concerns directly.
    Since it's apparently no longer enough to speak at the ballot box, thinking that the person you're voting for might actually have your good will in mind.

    Let the patients speak. Show the room their pic lines. Let them explain about how shitty they feel most days and read names of those in their families who have died from the same cancer they're carrying now.
    Let them say directly to those who put bias and politics first how disgusted they are with the men and women who are supposed to be the ones fighting for them. Not against them like it's some highschool pissing match.

  • Featured
    Trump documents case dismissed by federal judge
  • And he slides out of another one.... Fucker is so slippery that even bullets don't stick.

  • Women on instagram
  • "I could never reach."
    "Reach what?"
    "You know...."
    "What, your clit??"
    "Yeah, it's like you said, 'everyone gets curious and tries it some time.'"
    "I never tried it."
    " ......."
    " Fuckin' pervert.. "

    (I know that's not the actual line, but the change fits the photo)

  • They don't want you to know
  • Obviously, the dishwasher manufacturers don't want us to know about the gnomes.
    Gnomes with cleaning equipment.

    And when your dishes don't get very clean, that's because the gnomes partied a bit too hard the night before and just aren't up to their normal standards.

    Hmm. That's also a great name for a punk band. Dishwasher Gnomes.
    Going to trademark that right now.

  • White House spars with press over Parkinson doctor visits, Biden's health
  • The longer this goes on, the more it gets to look like something is being hidden, but think about it...
    Officials would never publicly say that the leader of the free world is not quite fully in charge. Bad actor foreign governments would be all over that like a pack of wolves, and who knows what they might try.

  • Big Trouble In Little China (1986 720p)
  • Hollow?
    Fuck it..

  • Sotomayor Offers a Preview of What Trump Could Do as President
  • Trump, Trump, Trump. "All these things Trump could do..."

    How about, Biden could have Trump assassinated as a political rival.
    Done and done.

  • First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • What the fuck are the moderators even there for?

    So much time is being taken with, "let me keep talking about the question from ten minutes ago and ignore what you just asked."

    Sorry people with children. The question that focused on your issues were just skipped over.

  • First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • Agreed. He's not putting on a good showing.
    Biden is on point for the topics, where Trump is just full of shit, but he needs to slow down. One might think he really is on some kind of speed.

  • Detroit Jazz Festival 2023 is less than two weeks away!

    Give a shout if you're going to see some acts in person or catch what you can on the livestreams.

    This week's Tavern Brawl is named incorrectly - Should be "Your Hand Will Always Be Full"

    Yet again, the devs messed up what could be a decent brawl mechanic. By turn 3 or 4, your hand is full for the rest of the match, pretty much guaranteeing that you won't get to play the card you chose. The opponent's hand is also likely full, so they don't receive the cast off card.

    Best way to have avoided this would have been to set player's opening hand to zero cards or expand hand size to 12 or 15. With three cards being added to your hand every turn, you will still eventually reach a point where your hand is perpetually filled, but at least it would take a bit longer and you could actually play the cards you picked and/or received.

    mkhopper mkhopper
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