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Nakoichi [they/them]
Nakoichi [they/them] @ Nakoichi
5 yr. ago

  • I support the workers. I do not distinguish between borders. As long as they are not reactionary I support them. What is happening is a tragedy and the pragmatic approach is that the "harm reduction" stance is hastening the seemingly inevitable Russian victory. I just want to see it end and I would rather the side that intervened on behalf of people undergoing pogroms from groups like Azov and other fascists supported by the CIA prevail over the alternative.

    Like I said: Principled. I don't care if Putin or the RF have altruistic motives, but I know why this all is happening and how best it can be resolved with minimal bloodshed going forward.

  • Amazing things really are happening apparently.

    Back when the George Floyd protests were at their peak it was quite clear we had failed on the left to organize enough both from an anarchist or vanguard perspective.

    The contradictions are continuing to sharpen and we MUST be better prepared for the next flashpoint.

  • Hey now give us principled anarchists some credit

  • I would hope the emoji made it clear that "us has never been a democracy" paired with Marx Engels and Lenin would get the gears turning for some people, and anyone that already read any of that would understand the point.

    People are free to ask questions but unfamiliar users from other instances outside of hexbear and lemmygrad and slightly less so are rightfully treated with suspicion.

    Also their comment was indistinguishable from common right wing talking points about US and democracy.

  • Can never be sure these days. I literally had to remove a post from a long time user just yesterday that basically was saying the same exact thing.

  • Nice. We spent 4 years on making all these. There is a repository of them here

    All free to use if you want to browse through them. Uhh be warned there's a lot lol.

  • No it didn't. And are you calling those issues "minute"? Please elaborate.

  • I would be surprised if either country lasts another hundred years tbh

  • That 300 years part is the most fucked thing of it all. They are literally including genocide and slavery as "pretty good".

  • The fuck you mean "former" settler colonial country with regard to the US, Canada, and America?

    You need to seriously self crit and read some decolonial literature. Removing this for chauvinism.

  • You can also just make a hexbear account we have an obscene amount of emojis for more things than most of us even know about at this point.

    This is an extremely tiny sample of what we have in our custom emoji library

  • The problem with that is the sheer amount of bandwidth and storage space required for this

  • It doesn't matter. If it is a bit that is indistinguishable from sincere chud shit it is still harmful and should still be banned. That said I do not believe it is a bit.

  • If your joke is just straight up bog standard racist talking points about China and Mexico you don't deserve the benefit of the doubt and should be banned immediately.

  • Correct especially in rural areas all firefighters are volunteers and/or prison labor

  • One of the fucked up parts is that if you have a felony conviction you aren't allowed to serve as a firefighter after finishing out your sentencing even if you have experience fighting wild fires for no pay.

  • Not quite last week but on New Year's eve a Palestinian comrade we have been working with to coordinate funds and food aid for families in Gaza sent us one of the most surreal images I have ever seen.

    A picture of the fruits of our efforts in the form of the hexbear logo on a huge bag of flour that has made it to the Gaza strip. Absolutely wild that the last thing I saw on our obscure little shitposting site in 2024 was much needed material aid with our site banner and a thank you message in Arabic in the middle of a warzone. We often talk about posting not being praxis but every now and then this wonderful community surprises me in incredible ways.

  • memes

    it's db0ver


    Bit idea


    Trillbilly Worker's Party Episode 341: Sedition Draft 2024


    Holy shit guys UCLA is entering the cool zone.


    I made a giant chelada


    I have no words.


    Well shit I guess we gotta hand it to him this time.


    Presented without comment


    Big things happening in New York right now.


    This is one of the most massive self owns I have ever seen from someone running for public office in the rust belt.


    Israel-Hamas war: Hezbollah fires dozens of missiles at Israel


    Gamers seek legal win that would stop developers from rendering online games unplayable: 'It is an assault on both consumer rights and preservation of media'


    lol. lmao.


    Dirt_Owl wtf did you do?!


    Uhhh... This is your captain peaking.


    Anyone got a link for the Qanon Anonymous patreon stuff? I need more slop.


    The quantum superposition of sectarianism/left unity


    Shot and...


    The revolution will not be sober


    So I saw we were nostalgia posting. I took this screenshot minutes before the sub was banned