I think I am working for an arms dealer.
I think I am working for an arms dealer.
He has a shitload of guns, lives in an RV and basically just pays me to hang out drink whisky with him and do basic handyman shit. This fuckin rules
I think I am working for an arms dealer.
He has a shitload of guns, lives in an RV and basically just pays me to hang out drink whisky with him and do basic handyman shit. This fuckin rules
Should you be posting this?
they posted a few weeks ago a literal picture of them in real life, not that smart
I am highly certain that picture could not possibly identify me. Also I am not really worried about some internet weirdos recognizing me.
Don't blow this for yourself by posting about it on fed hangout site chapo.chat
Nah he's not actually an arms dealer I was just being cheeky.
Currently sitting in jack in the box parking lot while I wait for him to buy us lunch while getting paid for it lol
oh nice, does he sell to politically fringe forum users?
arms dealer makes it sound like he's Nic Cage in Lord of War. Nah, this guy is just American.
Yeah quantify shitload, it's probably like, average American gun nut amounts of guns, which is still excessive sure, but not unusual.
I am being hyperbolic yes but this dude is the most America boomer in existence
Dudes rock
Do you manage a gym for him, and are you dating a female bodybuilder who goes to said gym?
Do you suspect that your girlfriend has the ability to make herself fifty feet tall? Could this ability manifest itself in a bizarre display of magical realism at a narratively convenient moment?
Did you perhaps encourage your girlfriend to abuse steroids because you got off on how muscular she was?
Right on!
Dudes rock