honestly it feels like far more of a leftist website then it used to. like, people used to talk a big game but now there are more people who actually know what they're talking about and care about like. imperialism and stuff
there's a fairly strong community of communists and trans people on tumblr but like any other website that isn't explicitly designed as a space for trans people and communists there's plenty of reactionary horseshit as well
thank you for the ironic misogyny in defense of trans women, but i'd appreciate if we didn't have any misogyny at all regardless of how much of a joke it is
yep! "ohhhh when i said 'it hopes i die' i meant the POST hoped i died," did you? did you mean the post is hoping you die? or did you refer to the trans woman who doesn't use it pronouns as it?
he literally admits in the post that the website has had transphobic moderation policies as recently as last year! that's not wrongful! he doesn't even mention that the website settled when it was sued for transphobic moderation policies back in 2022 as well. tumblr's reputation as transphobic is hard earned
like, basically everyone i follow on there is trans! like 70% of posts that make it big these days are by trans people, especially trans women! what a baffling move*
*i mean, it's very obvious why it's happening, but like. if i'm the ceo of tumblr and i see this shit i go "ahh! my users are trans! i should NOT be a transmisogynistic piece of shit!" because i want money and people to use my website
it's wild that it was literally active transphobia by tumblr moderation! i'd assumed it was all passive stuff, them not caring that terfs had figured out how to abuse the system, but no! it was on purpose!
careful he's going to call the fbi for this very real and actionable death threat
it sucked that it kicked off so many sex workers but yeah, tumblr was going strong
and yet! and yet people still argue it's possible to read and buy her shitty books while being a trans ally!
you're calling the cops???? on a comrade????
looking at this guys account, that specific comment was removed but i think it was just bitch, which lemmygrad censors in some other comments
ill be honest it doesn't take much to get me to beg and whimper, but i was not the only one drinking jinro
this meme isn't lying, it honestly doesn't get you exceptionally drunk at all but they put something in there that makes you beg and whimper a little bit
i also don't have any money, but if i had a shoebox i could toss some loose change in there and be free from legal action
i don't know, ask grover furr
man if those are a-cups what the fuck do i have going on?
oh i know, but you expect to be mostly reading stories when you sign up for a class like that, maybe spend a week on some other stuff but mostly novels or short stories