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Cromalin [she/her]
Cromalin [she/her] @ Cromalin
4 yr. ago

  • the reason is very clearly stated there, which is that the entire thing his channel was based on was that he was an ordinary cis guy who looked like that and it's now clear that was untrue. he was something used against trans women by transmisogynists regularly. either "why can't you just be a feminine man, like him" or saying he was prettier or some other similar bullshit

    And he is well within his rights for expressing his feminine side while still calling himself a guy.

    of course! i do not begrudge anyone who does that. however, in addition to the above, he on several occasions made videos* that heavily leaned on some super transphobic tropes, about the idea of an attractive women secretly turning out to be a man as this big twist. that shit gets people killed irl, so him doing it as a joke for content is both in poor taste and also perpetuating that idea that tricking men is what we do as trans women. and it's also his whole gimmick to begin with, and that was how i heard about him. he was the streamer/youtuber who looks like a girl but is a man, that was his thing. the fact that he was lying about that for months, maybe longer, is something that it's perfectly reasonable to be mad about for a whole host of reasons



  • ohhh ok. i saw a post speculating on his identity on tumblr like 2 days ago but didn't touch the website yesterday. that's awful, i wish tumblr was better because i do really love being on there with so many other trans people, especially other trans women

    edit: jesus, people are accusing trans women of being transvestigators for suggesting the username "lillyanarkitty" might suggest anything about the user's gender. even if you think it's in poor taste, it sure as shit isn't transvestigation!

    "looking at a person and saying 'i think they might be trans because i see these aspects of myself in them and i myself am trans' is exactly the same as 'this person seems trans to me because i'm a paranoid bigot who thinks anyone who isn't exactly aligned with me must be an evil removed freak'. i am very smart"

  • you don't exactly need to alternate between the two, but it's polite to use all sets of pronouns listed

    i try and use them roughly equally except when i know the person in question is like "mostly she/her but sometimes they/them" to use a close friend as an example

  • rest in peace lilly, i will remember you

    it seems like she didn't want to be remembered like this by the public at large, so i won't say anything more outside here, but i will remember her. i hope everyone else here will as well

  • what you do is you use the pronouns the person uses. in this case, either "his sacrifice" or "her sacrifice" would be acceptable. anything else is misgendering

  • i've mostly stopped listening to "serious" podcasts (aside from blowback when that comes out, and the occasional episode of citations needed) and now listen mostly to communists talking about the politics of childrens cartoons

    • a more civilized age: covers star wars in vaguely chronological order, talking about the political and philosophical implications of the worldbuilding therein. most of the podcast is covering the clone wars and rebels kids shows, but they do the movies and live action shows as well
    • the great gundam project: 2 people watch all of gundam in release order and become communists along the way to understand the worldbuilding better. great coverage of a fascinating franchise that covers so much ground
    • the shrieking shack: people who grew up with harry potter revisit it as adults to talk about just how rancid that series is and how dogshit the writing is in the later books. has the bonus of coming out as jkr started to go mask off so if you're curious about her journey there they cover it in a lot of detail
    • homestuck made this world: leftist academics talk about homestuck and why it's a fascinating microcosm of the broader internet and how culture has developed
  • talk to more women. most of my friends are into some real wild shit and they aren't shy about it

  • oh absolutely, i know many

  • truly this guy is up there with duchamp among artists that makes statements about art

  • i 100% believe your average liberal thinks it is worse to eat at chick fil a than to constantly platform bigots and be complicit in genocide

  • i believe the nyt has lots of people who care about appearing homophobic as long as it doesn't actually require they stop running right wing screeds about removed

    but also this guy for sure thinks the nyt is a super lefty institution and made this up because of that

  • this never happened. i am prepared to believe a lot about the nyt (especially them being rank hypocrites who care a lot about the appearance of being bigoted but not any actual material harm done) but i disbelieve any anecdote by an atlantic writer sight unseen

  • i suppose i didn't!

    a fairy walrus would probably be most surprising of all

  • i would just assume it was some absurd prank, a fairy would involve completely restructuring the way i view the world.

  • ok admittedly this is funny as fuck. what is this guy talking about?

  • that's very much true, and the woman who got targeted at the start was well known for (among other things) talking a lot about transmisogyny. which makes the people bitching and moaning about how people talking about it are the real transphobes even more infuriating if that was at all possible