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  • Even a college student, I remember RMP being absolutely dogshit. You really gotta sift through all the reviews and hope for nuggets of gold. It suffers from the same problem as any opt-in review system. Angry people leave more reviews than satisfied or otherwise neutral/moved on immediately people. I just tried to find people who got As and read their cons section. Not to say the Ds and Fs aren't legitimate grievances sometimes. On the contrary, the pros the low-grade students report are more meaningful. I guess I'm looking for like "why would an A student talk shit?" And "why would a failing student leave kind reviews?" I did try to remember to leave reviews for teachers I liked, but if the next person used my system, which is certainly not unique or special, my review, as a nerd-ass A-getter, would be promptly ignored.

  • Furr's Natopedia page is wild. The very first line:

    Grover Carr Furr III (born April 3, 1944) is an American professor of Medieval English literature at Montclair State University who is best known for his revisionist views regarding the Soviet Union and Joseph Stalin.

    And the edit history is a war zone. The 2 most recent changes are someone rewording a sentence to make it less biased:

    Furr has written books, papers, and articles about Soviet history, especially the Stalin era, in which he has stated that the Holodomor, the 1932–33 government-created famine in Soviet Ukraine, was not deliberate, describing it as a fiction created by pro-Nazi Ukrainian nationalistsFurr has written books, papers, and articles about Soviet history, especially the Stalin era, in which he has stated that the Holodomor, the 1932–33 famine in Soviet Ukraine, was not deliberate, describing the story of it being deliberate as a fiction created by pro-Nazi Ukrainian nationalists

    with edit summary Word correction - could have previously be interpreted as famine denial, made the language less biased.. Within 4 minutes, it was undone, with edit summary Previous version appeared more neutral.

  • Gonna cry? Gonna shit your pants?

    I guess they should have put “WARNING: NO SAFE SPACES FOR IMPERIALISTS AND GENOCIDE APOLOGISTS” in red on the course catalog.

  • Going to be honest, the bottom right comment would probably be half of us lol. Finding the lectures cool, but struggling to pay attention and desperately wanting to move on to the main part of the course.