Cowboy [any, des/pair] @ Cowboy Posts 0Comments 18Joined 1 yr. ago
I also don't think being autistic makes you a misanthrope, in fact, I think that is a harmful stereotype. Autistic extroverts exist. I'm autistic myself.
But people rejected by society and forced into solitude due to their noncomformative behavior exist (some of them are autistic) and I understand why these guys would rather not socialise or have anything to do with humans
I only agree with the latter half of your post. Being a misanthrop is a bad thing now? If you discriminate against everyone equally on the basis of their humanity, there is no problem. It's pretty based, actually. And dogs are based aswell. Introverts, autistics, anti social mentally ill people... they all probably like their dog more than the people around them because they cannot participate in normal human to human connection. Through their dog they get a chance to still socialise somewhat. So I believe the misantrophic "I trust animals more than people"-people should not be treated as a bad thing
A nazi named Hans is like a frenchman named Francois
Well, A LOT of stuff happend. You could watch a documentary on the topic, I think most of them are pretty objective.
A general rule is pretty much if someone says the Nazis did something good, they are probably lying. Seriously. Even the infamous "But Hitler made the Autobahn" thing is blown highly out of proportion.
It happend.
I think he's just very lonely
Good point. I was thinking of the more bizarre variety of tf, didn't even consider trans people. THAT would be a kink I could get behind and wouldn't think of as weird whatsoever.
I get cannibalism and guro fetishism because we as humans often develope attraction to the things we are most scared of.
Let me live man
What's attractive about a smelly weird foot
I don't know why but I understand. Some fetishes are just kinda goofy. I will always be more weirded out by the guy with the foot/vore/transformation fetish than the one who's into guro or cannibalism. Yeah guy 2 is objectively more disturbing but I can atleast phantom where he's coming from. But Vore? Feet? Transformation?? Why ???
I have a daily average of 20k steps by the way.
I'm german and my autism diagnosis is coming up soon. For my whole life I thought my german genes were just very strong.