Don't do this shit
Don't do this shit
Don't do this shit
register new twitter account
put palestinian flag in bio
say some holocaust denial bullshit to make palestinians look antisemitic
collect paycheck from CIA
all in a day's work
While I guess there will be a few Holocaust-denying shitheads even on "our side" (and fuck them, obviously), I want to believe that the high profile ones are fakes created by Zionists, to shit on the pro-Palestine position
As is usual, sometimes it's
but sometimes it's just good old-fashionedWhen somebody's reactionary enough to be fedposting, i still treat them like a reactionary. Fedjacketing people who are nominally on your side is dangerous, it leads to toxicity and paranoia within your community in ways that calling out reactionary takes doesn't. Such actors want you to be suspicious of your own movement, it's in wreckers' interest to normalize accusations of being a fed.
Look, there is basically no organized left anywhere in the US, and barely anything in Western Europe. If people are getting radicalized against zionism, there's fascists that are out there seeking to turn that potential into more brownshirts. It's not hard to believe that, with no progressive movement to guide antizionist action, many confused antizionists are gonna be misled by bad actors, especially online where all the Thiel money has created vast networks and pipelines leading people into esoteric far right ideologies instead of socialism.
That doesn't mean Hasbara doesn't play both sides, of course, but chances are that yeah these people do exist and we need to try harder to get antizionists to be good leftists, not reactionaries.
It's very simple. Radical ideologies spring from oppressive material conditions. When there is no scientific framework to guide the rage and revolutionary potential, you end up with shit like Zionism. You also end up with shit like Hoteps and White Nationalists and every other non-leftist stab at answering the question of "To who does the boot on my neck belong?"
Just because Zionists are liars and terrible people doesn't mean the holocaust didn't happen. They're evidence that it happened along with generations of trauma forced on Jewish people. If there wasn't virulent antisemitism and Western Capitalism didn't conspire to make its own state, then Zionists would be about as powerful as Hoteps. They have state power precisely because the capital owning class gave it to them out of their own desire to isolate Jewish people from the rest of the world.
this is really messed up. comrades don't say this shit, don't believe this shit. the nazis were very litigious in their sick genocide and there is extensive evidence of the holocaust. fuck antisemitism, and fuck people who legitimately use anti-zionism as an excuse for it when it isnt.
Holcaust denialism also gets the
Hello there. I am Jory Micah. Thanks for taking some time to come hang out with me online. This blog is dedicated to my top passions: life with God, Christian response to current events, marriage, empowering women, egalitarian theology and social justice.
I used to think I was a “progressive Christian” until I started hanging out with real progressives. I then realized that I am more of a conservative Christian with a progressive edge. This basically means that I get yelled at by both conservatives and progressives online.
I love the Bible and I actually believe it is true. Yes, even the stories that make no logical sense. I love all the messy people that I can relate to so easily, the simplicity of Garden, the overarching theme of redemption, and the person and deity of Jesus Christ.
Wonder where she gets her holocaust denialism from
Zionists abuse the memory of the Holocaust to excuse away all the fascism stuff they do. The Holocaust happened. It is one of the most documented genocides in history.
I literally was like huh I think I know that name from back in the Bible blogger days lmao
65% chance of channer, 30% chance of fed or Zionist troll, 5% chance of actual human being who's being an idiot imo
People were saying they've been doing this regularly. My money's on channer thinking they can peel off some idiots.
yeah if you scroll their tweets it reads less like a sincere idiot who's picked up some odious ideas and more like a nazi riding the line, and doing it badly. like no non-fash is posting shit like this or this. they're the fabled person who says they're not talking about jews when they're actually talking about jews. except if you look at their posts it's also obvious that they don't genuinely give a shit about palestinians either, and demanding that antizionists disavow this garbage is bad faith bullshit.
silly that there's been so much focus on this tweet. practically every account I follow has been quote tweeting it the past few days 'dunking' on it - all it does is play into the narrative that all anti-israel protests are anti-semitic. some random moron on twitter engaged in holocaust denial, who cares, that's not exactly a rare sight. this isn't a serious problem, no one on this website needs to be told "don't do this".
That's the classic tactic. Find the absolute worst fringe takes and amplify them to paint an entire group with the same brush. It works pretty well since people are happy to believe the worst about their opposition.
They did this with feminism to get the mra and redpill community off the ground. Quite successfully damaged it to this day. People really bought into that whole psycho feminist sjw shit at the time.
Even better. Make the cringe take yourself under an assumed name and then dunk on it.
Consent manufactured.
straight to gulag, do not pass go
The Holocaust story that's bogus is that America saved the world from fascism instead of the USSR.
Rebranding genocide denial as "just asking questions" might be the apex manifestation of
Either this is some bad faith actor in which case he is a disgusting fascist or he is being sincere in which case he is a disgusting moron well on his way to becoming a fascist.
Either way, he doesn't speak for the anti-genocide movement. Neither in Palestine or abroad. Those supporting Palestinian liberation are nearly unanimously supporting a free Palestine in which Jews and Muslims can live together as equals. They are shocked and revolted by the zionist genocide in Palestine for exactly the same reason they are shocked and revolted by the Holocaust.
Assuming that this is a sincere post by a real person (which it might very well not be), this is further evidence that zionism is a hugely powerful driver of antisemitism... Israel is essentially working as hard as it can to associate the Star of David to one of the cruelest, most shocking atrocities of the 21st century: there's a flag flying over a pile of rubble that once used to be a school, and there's a symbol on that flag.
The zionist project benefits from increases in antisemitism around the world, because they've positioned themselves as the final lifeboat for Jewish people.
They actively fund antisemitism through campaign/NGO donations towards fascist politicians and businessmen. And in the case of Ukraine, straight up Nazi militias. It shouldn’t be a surprise that the GOP have people screaming about Jewish space lasers while also calling Israel America’s greatest ally, or that the ADL praising Elon for visiting Israel after saying Jews control the world.
because they've positioned themselves as the final lifeboat for Jewish people.
And as a result, as endless victims; if you criticize Israel, you're a nazi.
I read a report about antisemitic incidents put out by my country's Jewish community. Of the incidents described one was old-school Nazi shit, one or two were traditional western antisemitism and everything else was people misdirecting justified anger over the occupation of Palestine towards Jewish individuals and towards Jewish religious institutions.
The best thing that could happen for Jews would be Palestinian liberation. It would remove the material base for 90% of antisemitism and make them much safer.
Not only that, but the Israeli govt lies regularly about massacres and casualties to fit it's narrative. If one doesn't disassociate Israel from Jews (which the Israeli govt certainly doesn't) then the conclusion one might draw about Jews is not flattering.
All the things the US lies about and this is what you don't believe? 🤦🏿♂️
This is why every lib in this site should be actively organizing to control the narrative. If someone doesn't get their "free Palestine" from a commie, they'll get it from a nazi.
Find a communist org that is already doing this job and get to organizing, or get some like-minded friends and start it yourselves. The resources you need are all over this site
It's also extremely important to support anti-zionist jewish organizers. They're the ones that are supposed to occupy the vacuum left by zionazis
Ethan Klein is going to pull this up the next time he gets criticized in 4 months
I got in an argument with my mother a few years ago about support for Palestine / criticism of Israel. Her argument was basically "we just can't tell apart the antisemites from the legitimate support so we just shouldn't have a movement." It makes me think that the Washington Post decides to write about posts like this every once and awhile and actually write things like that. "but sorry the whole movement is antisemitic" and that's where we get that absolutely fucking insane argument from.
"we can't tell the difference..."
And how is that the problem of the people trying to stop a genocide?
Unfortunately we can't tell the people pushing for genocide in Gaza apart from the people who just believe Israel is allowed to defend itself, so we shouldn't have an Israel
I'm convinced they're a plant/provoker that's was created by the Israeli propaganda machine to cause FUD
Me too, but there's also a lot of genuinely antisemitic people out there that hate Jews.
I knew this exact thing was going to happen. You're going to have people pushing the lie that "oh the jews lied about oct 7th so they lied about the holocaust" and unfortunately it's going to attract people.
Zionists are literally invoking the Holocaust and wishing it on Palestinians and even some Jews. So goofy that these people over “correct” to the point of somehow being more wrong than the neo Nazis in Israel
You do not gotta hand it to them
truly the most disappointing thing is that now all the Nazis screaming about Zionism are now at least part correct
I distinctly remember that the first time I heard the word Zionist it was in an online forum from one of the least reliable sources I have ever directly interacted with and I suspect that experience is not uncommon. It took me a while before I even was able to accept that Zionism wasn't just a racist conspiracy towards the Jews.
So for all we know this is a fake person who is the sock puppet of an actual zionist who wants to make anti-zionists and Palestine supporters look bad.
Even though I know by all evidence that it would maybe be a bad thing: the anonymous internet needs to die. Every comment needs to have like a name, address and age, as well as latest ID picture. People should not be allowed to be free from the consequences. No more hiding behind sixteen accounts and making the narrative that thousands of people support something when it's actually just shy of a hundred people who actually support the bad shit in the world.
To reiterate, I KNOW THIS A HALF ASSED THOUGHT OUT BELIEF THAT I HAVE NOT PUT MUCH THEORY INTO. I know it would harm leftist a lot. I am just sick of the internet as it exists, and if someone put out a drastic measure like this, well I just want to grill.
Under a socialist state it would be fine, though yeah, under capitalism, putting a person's real life name to all their internet activity would just be abused.
Full name and address attached to the description of my wikifeet account
Maybe a better alternative would be certain sites have a badge for non-anonymity. Then people can decide on their own if that makes a particular person or particular post non-credible or not.
I still think israel has a moral obligation to nuke germany.
Making a case for a slice of Italy on the basis the Romans created the diaspora
Mario is antisemitic.
Writing on a post it note: "do not be a nazi" and pasting it on my monitor
fucking deep cover Zionist, either in actuality or in effect
First they came for the REDACTED and I said nothing because Zionist Tears are delicious.
No idea what happened next
I am not proud to admit I have had to do some self crit of the gamer words I have had an instinct to use with this situation. So I get the instinct, but we have it in us to do better
The Holocaust is one of those things that's just simply not up for debate: it happened just about exactly as people said it did
We have physical proof from the camps themselves - with the Soviets being the first to liberate concentration camps, and being the first to begin preservation of evidence
We have documentation from the camps, actual papers telling us exactly what they were doing. We have bodies, tattoos on survivors, empty Zyklon canisters. We have the actual minutes of the meeting at Wansee where the cold calculus of the Holocaust was laid out
While the aftermath of it has occasionally been politicized, usually around Israel, the simple fact of it existing isn't political. There's a good blog with an unfortunate name called Holocaust Controversies that debunks a lot of Holocaust denial and will provide primary sources frequently to do so
Hey, so a couple things:
You have to honor them when you call for them, This means, no paragraphs of text BEFORE OR AFTER the disengage call. No posts responding to people responding to you, just report them saying you called to disengage.
This discussion went far off the rails. I understand where you're coming from, I think. It sounds like you want some recommended academic sources that cover precisely what the nazis did. After all, it wasn't just camps, there is also all of the scientific research they destroyed, the piles of dead bodies left in pits, and many more atrocities, too many to name.
It sounds like you don't want to just do a google search, because you're worried that you'll get twisted american sources, like you would if you searched for stuff about uyghurs or the holodomor.
This is not unreasonable.
Personally, I think I could use an academic review of the exact horrors of the holocaust myself. Been a while since highschool. However, this post in the dunk tank is not the appropriate forum for it.
I would like to invite you to make a post on askchapo, or another appropriate comm, asking for recommendations for reading to learn about the holocaust.
I've issued a temp ban because I think things got worse than they should have here. It will expire in 5 days.
If you want to message me personally about any of these topics, I have some academic friends, maybe I can hook you up with some good papers on the subject. Otherwise, for this topic specifically, you'll probably get some decent sources from even just a google search.
Mr goldbergstein in poland in the 1940s probablt has jothing to do with current day israel, hwoever, in this essay i will describe why he actuallyy did do everything and why the jolocaust was justified