i refuse to believe this is sincere
I checked the subreddit, it's completely unironic comedy gold.
could make a subreddit like r/IHateSunshineAndRainbowsAndPuppiesAndIceCreamAndNiceThings and somehow fill it with people who actually feel that way. It's that kind of phenomenon that makes me unironically think they make Redditors in an underground lab somewhere.I'm betting it started off as a joke sub and then a bunch of misocynics showed up for real
Why the fuck is there a subreddit called /r/dogfree? Dogs are rad
Some people make hating something other people like their entire personality. These people are called "redditors"
tagline material tbh.
"actually, did you know [popular, harmless thing] is terrible?"
I'm not a reddit or about it but I think dogs being everywhere in public is kind of annoying.
Furthermore, I think dogs being treated like people in a society which has such extreme poverty is emblematic of a deep sickness.
Honestly if ppl are malding at a dog getting a seat at the Oscars and them not getting one, then that's fucking hilarious
fuck all those celebrity circlejerks lol
PissedCaucasian just feels threatened by celebrity dogs for the affection of white women
I gotta say, this image from that sub is hilarious, tho:
Imagine being all "WE'RE LOSING THE CULTURE WAR" but it's about the domestication of the dog.
The post is silly, but western dog culture is still misanthropic, gross, and hypocritical. I will never trust people who say they like animals more than people (weird how they usually eat meat…). They remind me of that lady who demanded the removal of homeless people at a public park because they scared her dog. Also, Reddit doggo language is like nails on a chalk board.
i don't think that's actually that common or really much of an issue at all. homeless people also have and love their dogs.
I only agree with the latter half of your post. Being a misanthrop is a bad thing now? If you discriminate against everyone equally on the basis of their humanity, there is no problem. It's pretty based, actually. And dogs are based aswell. Introverts, autistics, anti social mentally ill people... they all probably like their dog more than the people around them because they cannot participate in normal human to human connection. Through their dog they get a chance to still socialise somewhat. So I believe the misantrophic "I trust animals more than people"-people should not be treated as a bad thing
being a misanthrope is a bad thing, yes.
Yeah, as someone who's mildly autistic I feel much more comfortable around dogs, whose feelings and wants are clearly communicated without speaking, than humans, who don't even directly communicate their intentions with the ability to speak.
Being a misanthrope is a bad thing now?
I dont think it’s a progressive mindset personally. I assume most people on here are against capitalism because they care about people and their well-being and believe that humanity is worth saving in spite of its flaws.
I don’t think being autistic automatically makes someone a misanthrope. Yeah, it’s harder to process social cues, but at the same time I don’t want to believe that I’d chose the lives of my gerbilles over a human if my apartment caught fire or whatever.
Please, Hollywood is too sophisticated for that. Clearly there will be separate “Bestest Boy” and “Bestest Girl” awards.
They photoshopped clapping paws
I was staring at it an hour ago before figuring out what it was supposed to be
I thought for a moment that they folded that poor dog in half to fit it in the seat
I want to be a trainer to a celebrity dog and get to live the high life while smooching my best bud.
Training animals for film seems pretty difficult lol
If your human best bud is cool you can smooch them too you know. This is a hard line all comrades ought to follow.
Imagine hating dogs enough to post on "r/dogfree".
Imagine caring about the oscars having a dog in it.
Imagine your vision of a tragic future being "they will have a 'best dog' award at the oscars"
dogs: exist
some grown ass adult:
"HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED!"Dog allergies are common enough that dogs shouldn't be brought indoors in public without good reason.
Imagine hating dogs enough to post on "r/dogfree".
Over 4.5 million people in the US alone are bitten by dogs every year. Dogs are fast, strong, vicious animals which can and do maul people. All the time. Why pretend not to understand why some people fear or hate them?
Did I say "imagine being scared of dogs"? No, I said "Imagine hating dogs and dog owners so much that you post on a toxic subreddit entirely dedicated to that hate"
It's like someone said "r/incel" is a toxic community and you went and said "Well actually loneliness and depression among young males is a serious problem, why are you making fun of them?"
That subreddit is fucking comedy gold, holy shit this has me laughing so hard
"best dog" would definitely bring ratings back up tho
I like dogs
WTF is with the dogs legs in that photo?
Probably puppet legs to clap along as a gag
ha ha i fuckin love reddit
comrades pls rate my dog
that;s a good dog