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Researchers estimate that each additional centimeter of height is associated with a 1.30% increase in annual income.

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Researchers estimate that each additional centimeter of height is associated with a 1.30% increase in annual income.

Late Stage Anglo-American Empire

Researchers estimate that each additional centimeter of height is associated with a 1.30% increase in annual income.

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  • I think of it as a little bonus earned by crying myself to sleep from growing pains

    • Don't forget that constant little twinge in the back when you're older from a lifetime of slight bending because tabletops, sinks, and other everyday designs are all just a few inches out of reach.

  • Importantly, this estimation assumes other factors associated with earning potential — for instance, gender, age, years of schooling, and location — are held equal.

    See, the gender/pay gap is a myth! It's a height/pay gap!

    Academia is a fucking joke