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  • Take your pick:

    1. Nah the female version is forearm fetishism
    2. Nah the female version is hand fetishism
    3. Nah women do not have a sexuality
    4. Yes some women are attracted to feet, we just don't hear about it, just like we don't hear about how women or horny and the like
    5. Personally I blame the patriarcy
    6. Noone has ever actually been attracted to feet. It's all a bit we agreed to do to fool you. Sorry to tell you like this.
    7. Feet aren't real.
    8. Women aren't real.
    9. Fetishes aren't real.
    10. JFKs head just did that and Jackie has a fat ass and some cute ankles.
  • From personal experience I can say yes lol. I had a lady SA my feet in the middle of a Xmas work party. I'll spare the details but there was plenty of witness' and she gained the nickname toes at work. She ended up quiting not too long afterwords

    • :

      • I think its due to two things, the obscene physical power difference between the sexes on avg and the perceived notion of men are always going to consent to sexual relations. Personally, I'm a 6ft 280lbs man with an extensive history in powerlifting and strongman activities and the idea that the avg women could force me into unwanted situations would generally be considered an absurdity

  • i knew one personally in the kink scene. she was a really cool woman and did a lot of social meetups unfortunately never got to meet her in person.

    not my thing but they do exist

  • questions posed by those who have no idea how many ballerinas and ballet practitioners have a foot fetish and are women

  • My partner has a 'footographic' memory. She says she doesn't like feet, yet she can remember the look of any person's feet she has ever seen without even trying. It disgusts me.