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I've finally started transitioning to Linux from windows

That's pretty much it, after several months, maybe even a year of wanting to take the leap, a couple days ago I finally did it. I just wanted to share this cuz I think it's an absolute win, and I guess just see if anyone has any general advice to keep in mind during the process. I ended up choosing Fedora, right now I'm dual booting while I'm still in the process of finding software alternatives and getting everything set up, but trying to minimize my use of windows as much as possible, and so far I've been loving it. I love this community and I just wanted to thank everyone that has given any advice or suggestions in the past, i'm really excited about this and grateful that I could get to this point.

  • I made the switch in 2010.

    I dual booted for a while, one day I realised that I hadn't booted into windows for 3 months. At that point I reinstalled, no more dual booting. I haven't looked back.

    I keep a windows VM, currently has Win10 installed, I haven't had to use it in about 3 years.

    My advice is, keep dual booting. One day you'll realise that booting into windows feels like a chore, you haven't done it in months, so why keep it around....

  • For some of the last really stubborn pieces of software that kept me locked it to at least dual booting windows, I've found running them in bottles is working really well. Bottles has a community preset for Fruity loops Studio, but it wasn't really working. Oh it would run, but with massive input and audio lag, most VSTs just wouldn't work with FL in that install. What does work, is creating a bottle for gaming, and then just installing everything through the "run exe" at the bottle prefix page. After 8 years of dual booting, I finally nuked my windows installs.

  • Post-Snowden and post-Windows, I also started with Fedora, and, well, it honestly didn't go all that well (this of course was my experience! If you like Fedora and it works for you, then 👍! Not here to dis the distro!). Actually, I think it had more to do with GNOME than with Fedora, so it depends on which desktop environment you're using; when I switched DE to Cinnamon all my problems seemed to vanish into thin air. And from there, I just went straight to Mint and have been happy as a clam ever since and never looked back.

    In my experience, running Windows as a VM inside Mint was overall much better than dual booting, which can really get to be a pain after a while (and also I think that the Windows partition will sometimes overwrite the Linux part so be careful!); it sounds hard, but it isn't—if old and senile Erinaceus can do it, you can too! Always happy to provide recommendations.

    EDIT: Also (and again not to step on anyone's toes), I never had good luck using Wine; this is perhaps because I was trying to run Photoshop and other heavy, Adobe-type things in it (this was before Creative Cloud). Other programs might work differently with it, but in every case for me, a VM has worked better. I don't play games (I know, boring), but I sometimes wonder if it wasn't for people's dependence on Adobe products that Windows might finally start losing a lot of market share and eventually end up on the rubbish heap where it belongs.

  • Welcome!

    Don't be afraid to experiment relentlessly. Even if you break your OS, that's just more experience fixing or reinstalling it. Also back up your important files locally and remotely.