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Tlaib Slams Biden for Deploying Troops to Middle East as Israel Bombs Lebanon
  • Our senators are worthless leeches that only exist to argue over problems that will never get solved.

    Let's see them implement policies that actually benefit the average American instead of just their ruling class.

    They all wear nice suits.

  • Is there a way to turn of notifications for replies?

    I don't want to be notified everytime I get a reply to one of my posts. Is there a way to turn this off?

    United Nations wants to treat AI with same urgency as climate change
  • I agree. It's great to have machines do the work we don't want to do so we can do other things with our lives.

    We just need to get over this mentality that those who have more deserve more and those who have less deserve less.

  • Why are people seemingly against AI chatbots aiding in writing code?
  • Personally, I've found AI is wrong about 80% of the time for questions I ask it.

    It's essentially just a search engine with cleverbot. If the problem you're dealing with is esoteric and therefore not easily searchable, AI won't fare any better.

    I think AI would be a lot more useful if it gave a percentage indicating how confident it is in its answers, too. It's very useless to have it constantly give wrong information as though it is correct.

  • ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy
  • Everyone is different.

    I personally think copyright and patent laws need to die. If you can't protect your own secrets, don't rely on taxpayer resources to do it for you.

    White-collar workers were cool with machines and poorer nations taking blue-collar jobs. Now that it threatens them and their money, the hypocrisy is on full display.

  • The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
  • if it ever becomes more popular the same assholes that ruin other online experiences will also wind up here.

    That's kind of the glory of the fediverse, though. We can have communities using the same protocol that never interact with each other.

    There can be completely separate fediverses that cater to different people.

  • The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
  • I've thought about this. Essentially, whenever a channel gets moderately successful they will be contacted by various agencies trying to 'sponsor' them.

    All the people that make video for fun hardly get seen, and if they do it's not long before they sell out.

  • Is there any easy way to install a Linux distribution directly to a USB drive?

    I want to install Debian directly onto my USB drive. Is there an easy way to do this directly without having to reboot to run the installer?

    Laptop Deals john89
    Which gaming laptops have the best hinges?

    Broken hinges legitimately should not be a thing, but here we are (thanks capitalism.)

    Which gaming laptops can people buy and be sure that their hinges will not break even after many years of normal use? I'm fine with paying more if it avoids repairing or replacing it before it's past its usefulness.

    Do Ukrainian field medics carry morphine or something similar?

    Seeing all these videos of soldiers dying and getting injured, it makes me wonder if the field medics carry morphine to ease their suffering.

    How can I add wireless functionality to a simple electric motor?

    I have one of those basic motor kits you can buy off of Amazon. I was wondering what steps I should take to make it so that I can turn the motor on/off with the press of a button, wirelessly.

    I'm still very new, so any information you can offer no matter how basic will probably be useful to me.

    What are some good resources for learning Bluetooth?

    I'm noticing a stark decline in the quality of bluetooth products lately (interference, disconnecting, dubious sound quality), and I'm curious if I can figure out what's going on.

    Are there any good books for learning about the Bluetooth technology used in generic PS4 controllers? I'm not sure if that's bluetooth LE or classic or 5.0, but that's where I would like to start.

    Any books or online resources just to get my foot in the door would be greatly appreciated.

    How can I extend the auto-shutoff timer for a generic PS4 controller?

    The controller I'm using shuts off after about 5 minutes of idle time. I tried adjusting the value in Steam, but it doesn't have any effect.

    Does anyone know where this value may be stored or how I can change it to be much longer?

    Why is compact mode 'not supported'?

    I use it all the time and have for years. Just seems like a weird feature to lock behind about.config and say it's not supported while they still support things like Pocket.

    Does anyone else have issues left-clicking?

    Whenever I left click over something that I can potentially interact with, I have to try several times before the prompt appears.

    Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone know of a solution?

    [SOLVED] Is there a way to start and stop chromedriver/geckodriver with Rust and Selenium (thirtyfour) automatically like in Python?

    So, apparently the chrome/geckodriver processes will terminate on their own if the user sends ctrl+c to the console. It will not terminate on its own if the program finishes running naturally.

    If you're interested in terminating it on your own, like I also was, here is how I went about it.

    ``` use std::process::{Child, Command};

    fn main() { let mut s = Server::default(); s.start(); s.shutdown(); }

    struct Server { child: Option<Child> }

    impl Default for Server { fn default() -> Self { Self { child: None } } }

    impl Server { fn start(&mut self) { self.child = Some(Command::new("./chromedriver") .spawn() .expect("ls command failed to start")); }

    fn shutdown(&mut self) { input(None); // wait for input so you can observe the process self.child.as_mut().unwrap().kill(); self.child.as_mut().unwrap().wait(); println!("shutdown"); } }

    pub fn input(prompt: Option<String>) { let mut input = String::new(); match prompt { Some(prompt) => println!("{}", prompt), None => () } io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("Failed to read input"); } ```

    Can we consolidate identical streaming sites under the same group?

    The streaming sites listed on have plenty of duplicates. Essentially, they're the same sites with different names/skins but the exact same content.

    It would be beneficial to the community if we could consolidate these down into groups according to which ones are the same.

    We can still list all of them, but perhaps do it together so people don't waste their time trying out the same site under a different name.

    [SOLVED] I'm trying to print a tall, thin cylinder, but these rings start appearing around it towards the top. Does anyone know what could be causing this?

    I've printed similar objects with a different colored PLA, but I ran out of it and switched to this.

    Is it possible that this could be influencing the outcome?

    I have tried reducing the printing speed by 50%, but this did not seem to have a significant impact.

    [SOLUTION] The problem was a loose screw. The offending part as well as the new result are pictured below. It's not perfect, which I guess is actually a part of the model this time, but it's good enough for my purposes and way better than what it was before.

    I figured this out by twisting the Z-axis thingy manually all the way to the top to see if I could feel any issues. Towards the top, it would start to 'skip', where I would turn and pretty much nothing would happen. I assume this has to do with the lack of lube at the top because my prints rarely go that high. I checked to see if the screws were loose, and sure enough, the top one was. I tightened it up and now my printer is printing like the beast I remember!



    How come Windows and macOS users don't have to enter their password every time they need administrator privileges?

    Isn't it enough to just enter your password once to login, then receive a warning whenever you're about to do something potentially dangerous?

    If it's such a big security risk, how come the most popular and widely used operating systems in the world and their users seem to be unaffected by it?

    I guarantee, most new users coming to Linux from Windows/macOS are going to laugh and look at you funny if you try to justify entering your password again and again and again.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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