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question about masks
  • Thanks for all the replies, I'll be wearing more masks from now on lol

  • mask off I guess
  • Libertarian nationalist....

  • Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor?
  • Killed someones dog

  • I'm sorry
  • Electoralism
  • Im not voting so that I can effectively vote for both of them

  • Electoralism
  • God I love him

  • I'm sorry
  • I couldn't suffer alone 😔

  • Fake rule
  • Always has been

  • Rule
  • I'm too high for this

  • I do actually
  • Honestly I cannot remember a single thing from my ap gov class. I was probably on my phone tbh, didn't know jack shit about politics nor care at the time

  • Scandinavia
  • Banger pun

  • Locked
    Getting back into dating and I fell for a married woman wtf
  • You could not have known and you did the right thing after finding. Sorry you had to go through that though

  • rool
  • Never let others determine whether or not you wear pants!

  • question about masks

    So I live in a part of the US where I haven't seen more than 2 or 3 people wear a mask (outside of a protest I went to) in the past two years. Its genuinely just not done here. I will wear a mask if I feel a under the weather or my allergies are acting up but typically don't wear one. Should I? Would it help? Do y'all wear one everytime you go out?

    As I understand it masks don't prevent you from getting sick as much as they prevent you from getting others sick. Is this correct?

  • The og for anyone interested

  • anti onion action
  • Hell yeah that goes hard. I should start growing some window onion as well

  • Don't fall for it
  • My parents text me like once a week

  • I'm sorry

    I couldn't suffer alone 😔

    Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor?
  • Idk but grape icrecream is illegal

  • Why do I throw up after smoking weed?
  • I sometimes swallow a bit of smoke and get really annoyed by it bc I will feel like I need to burp but be unable to. I will try this next time, thanks.

  • Nothing makes me feel more useless or hopeless than job hunting
  • Holy shit I hate job hunting so fucking much. It feels like it is designed to make neurodivergent people suffer. My last interview was a group interview and fuck I should have just left. Never agreeing to another one of those torture sessions again.

  • The Benefits of World Hunger


    The article is actually decently well written good-faith satire meant to address how poverty and hunger are inherent to capitalism as a system. The title was just too bold lol

    sharkfucker420 ComradeSharkfucker


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