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Clever guy
  • Yep.

    The highest DC voltage I have been near is around 1000V, it didn't buzz, but 1000V AC also doesn't buzz....

  • Wildlife Photography
  • Maybe, but he can also rip your arm off and beat you to death with it.....

    When wrestling with a toddler, your stance doesn't really matter.

  • Clever guy
  • Yes, but it isn't hosing down with rain.....

  • Clever guy
  • In some way it is comforting, you know the power is where it is supposed to be... Walking around a 11kV switchyard that buzz is good.

  • Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • Yes, but I believe you about the fart.

  • Clever guy
  • At approx 3kV/mm, you would have to be pretty close to a 10kV fence.

    Humidity plays a big role as does the frequency that the fence is running on. But you would be pretty safe standing a meter away, on that dry sunny day in the picture.

    Also above a point, the high voltage causes the conductors to buzz.

  • Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops
  • Agreed.

    And the causes are probably broadly similar; lack of education about how to cook, lack of time to cook, lack of education on healthy food, too much food advertising, ultra-processed foods are too common, healthy foods are expensive....

  • Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops
  • No, but your weird obsession with ridiculously unhealthy food is somewhat interesting.

  • Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops
  • So the answer is to not visit the US then.

  • Watch live: Crackdown on teacher-only days, parents face prosecutions in truancy push
  • There is also the growing awareness, that you shouldn't send sick kids to school.

    My 8yo had a flu, was off school for 8 days until he felt well enough. That was one incident....if you have a one bad sickness and a couple of minor ones throughout the term, you are going to hit your 15 days pretty quickly.

    He actually went back to school a day earlier than I would have liked, because he was missing his friends; and he was mostly better.

    Some families are sending their sick kids to school; they simply cannot afford to miss work. This causes issues for others. This happens every year, worst in winter.

    Maybe if we encouraged kids to be at school, making it easy to get there and feeding the ones who don't have enough food....supporting the families in need. Na, lets just punish our way out of the problems. NB the beatings will continue until morale improves.

  • What are your favorite shows and why?
  • If you liked The Expanse, check out For All Mankind.

    It feels almost like a prequel, set a couple of hundred years before the events in the series.

  • What are your favorite shows and why?
  • Hell, the villains have more character development than protagonists in other shows.

    Also Uncle Iroh, it possibly the greatest male role model in TV.

  • Those cats were fast as lightening back in 1974. People have slowed down since then.
  • I came here to say this.

    We "don't exist" and we want to keep everybody believing that; don't dry to go to New Zealand, it doesn't exist.

  • Not "Appropriate"
  • I was smarter than my teachers regularly; looking back, some were impressed and wanted me to do well and some were threatened....guess which I remember as the good teachers.

  • Ahead of the presidential election, Ben & Jerry’s endorses Kamala Harris with new ice cream flavor
  • What is the flavor "it looks like orange, but is actually just a tub of shit"

  • Mass shooting kills 4, wounds 17 in nightlife district in Birmingham, Alabama.
  • You are correct, the US needs to increase speed limits to even things out again.

  • You'd know instantly...
  • No, most religion is people who don't have the capacity to understand the universe looking for answers to the great questions.

    It is also people defending that they were indoctrinated into when they were kids. Looking this if you remove the people who end up non-religious there is a 86% chance that you will match the religion of your parents; if they are both of the same faith. There is a good reason that we indoctrinate kids; it works....really well.

    I indoctrinate (instill into) my kids into; thinking education is important, reading is fun and questioning and critical thinking is right and proper. We all push our beliefs onto our kids, it is nice when we see it reflected back to us.

  • Smart home
  • THIS

    I work with tech; other than in my home office; there is no tech in my house.

    The voice activated things.....just no. I looked into Mycroft, which looks interesting, but is till a solution looking for a problem.

  • SovCits used fake ID to access Parliament, Government House, police say
  • Deep sigh!

    The lack of critical thinking on display here is so disappointing. The whole SovCit movement is quite sad. These are people who obviously feel they have no control; so they use magical thinking to feel in control of their lives...

  • Darleen Tana fails High Court bid against Green Party investigation | RNZ News Darleen Tana fails High Court bid against Green Party investigation

    Green co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick says the party welcomes the ruling and will now consider its next steps.

    Darleen Tana fails High Court bid against Green Party investigation

    I wonder what option the greens will have from here.

    Kids went hungry at school because teachers ate free lunches, mum alleges | The Post

    What arsehole teachers.

    I empathize with the mum, worrying about the government cutting the program.... They will be looking for any excuse

    The fight for iron sands: the bitter battle to protect New Zealand’s sea-floor riches The fight for iron sands: the bitter battle to protect New Zealand’s sea-floor riches

    Government’s push to fast-track projects in NZ stirs fears deep-sea mining off Taranaki, long opposed by the community, could go ahead

    The fight for iron sands: the bitter battle to protect New Zealand’s sea-floor riches

    cross-posted from:

    > > Government’s push to fast-track projects in NZ stirs fears deep-sea mining off Taranaki, long opposed by the community, could go ahead > > Archived version: > > SpinScore:

    The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how

    Analysis - Artificial intelligence-enabled cameras on billboards, in bus windshields, on petrol station forecourts and in the checkout at the supermarket - all these are here, or about to be.

    The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how

    cross-posted from:

    Best build to create Esmeralda Weatherwax

    As the title says.

    If you don't know the discworld books by Pratchett, Granny Weatherwax it the most formidable character. She is a witch, but doesn't generally use magic to solve problems; preferring to use persuasion and manipulation. In saying that her magic is extremely powerful.

    Maybe a bard with huge wisdom, persuasion and intimidation.

    A woman brought her own snacks to Despicable Me 4. Then the police arrived A woman brought her own snacks to Despicable Me 4. Then the police arrived | Stuart Heritage

    Many struggling cinemas depend on sales of pricey food and drink as ticket revenue mainly goes to film studios. But does banning outside supplies really add up, asks Stuart Heritage

    A woman brought her own snacks to Despicable Me 4. Then the police arrived | Stuart Heritage

    Just wow!

    What a psycho.

    Air New Zealand becomes first major carrier to drop climate goal Air New Zealand becomes first major carrier to drop climate goal

    The airline blamed difficulties securing more efficient aircraft and sustainable jet fuel.

    Air New Zealand becomes first major carrier to drop climate goal

    cross-posted from:

    > Air New Zealand has abandoned a 2030 goal to cut its carbon emissions, blaming difficulties securing more efficient planes and sustainable jet fuel. > > The move makes it the first major carrier to back away from such a climate target. > > The airline added it is working on a new short-term target and it remains committed to an industry-wide goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. > > The aviation industry is estimated to produce around 2% of global carbon dioxide emissions, which airlines have been trying to reduce with measures including replacing older aircraft and using fuel from renewable sources.

    Legal risk and more paperwork: do health and safety laws threaten the great Kiwi school trip? Legal risk and more paperwork: do health and safety laws threaten the great Kiwi school trip?

    New research shows high levels of teacher anxiety and frustration over legal liability and paperwork for school trips. But there are ways to maintain this crucial part of the curriculum.

    Legal risk and more paperwork: do health and safety laws threaten the great Kiwi school trip?

    I'd hate to see the school trips decline.

    A Comparison of Electric and Chemical Propulsion in the Era of Low Launch Costs — Dawn Aerospace A Comparison of Electric and Chemical Propulsion in the Era of Low Launch Costs — Dawn Aerospace

    Delft, The Netherlands - 18 July 2024 Electric propulsion systems (EP) have gained popularity in the low Earth orbit (LEO) propulsion market over the last decade, largely due to their lower launch costs. This is driven by their relatively high fuel efficiency (specific impulse - Isp) which reduces

    A Comparison of Electric and Chemical Propulsion in the Era of Low Launch Costs — Dawn Aerospace

    cross-posted from:

    A Comparison of Electric and Chemical Propulsion in the Era of Low Launch Costs — Dawn Aerospace A Comparison of Electric and Chemical Propulsion in the Era of Low Launch Costs — Dawn Aerospace

    Delft, The Netherlands - 18 July 2024 Electric propulsion systems (EP) have gained popularity in the low Earth orbit (LEO) propulsion market over the last decade, largely due to their lower launch costs. This is driven by their relatively high fuel efficiency (specific impulse - Isp) which reduces

    A Comparison of Electric and Chemical Propulsion in the Era of Low Launch Costs — Dawn Aerospace
    NZ First Minister Casey Costello orders 50% cut to excise tax on heated tobacco products NZ First Minister Casey Costello orders 50% cut to excise tax on heated tobacco products

    Casey Costello's order to halve the tax is "something that tobacco companies would have been keen to see," an expert says.

    NZ First Minister Casey Costello orders 50% cut to excise tax on heated tobacco products

    Not sure if this is a good thing or not.

    HTP's may help stop smoking, or just as likely (in my opinion) increase the rate of people starting.

    Seems like a win for the tobacco industry either way.

    Dawn's Mk-II cleared for supersonic flight tests - SpaceNews Dawn's Mk-II cleared for supersonic flight tests

    Dawn Aerospace is poised to begin supersonic testing of its Mk-II Aurora spaceplane.

    Dawn's Mk-II cleared for supersonic flight tests

    Dawn aerospace looking good

    Watch: Greens respond to MP Darleen Tana investigation findings | RNZ News Watch: Greens respond to MP Darleen Tana investigation findings

    Tana has resigned from the Green Party and may remain in Parliament, despite the party having demanded she quit as an MP.

    Watch: Greens respond to MP Darleen Tana investigation findings

    She should be removed from parliament, now that the investigation has concluded and she was found to be corrupt....get rid of her.

    Luxon says he could have expressed 'C-list' remarks 'better' Luxon says he could have expressed 'C-list' remarks 'better'

    On Friday, Luxon said previous business delegations overseas had been "watered down" and a "C-list".

    Luxon says he could have expressed 'C-list' remarks 'better'

    Luxon with foot-in-mouth disease again

    ‘I’m a proud māmā' - Frankie Adams on new role in Moana Live-Action movie – Te Ao Māori News ‘I’m a proud māmā' - Frankie Adams on new role in Moana Live-Action movie

    DIsney has announced the big names of the new Moana Live-Action movie with three Kiwis in the main group of characters.

    ‘I’m a proud māmā' - Frankie Adams on new role in Moana Live-Action movie

    Super cool. I was excited to see Frankie Adams in the cast, loved her in the expanse. But was even more excited to see Rena Owen as Gramma Tala....perfect casting.

    South Australia introduces ‘world-leading’ bill to ban political donations from elections South Australia introduces ‘world-leading’ bill to ban political donations from elections

    Premier says move will end the ‘nexus between money and political power’ and challenges state and federal counterparts to follow suit

    South Australia introduces ‘world-leading’ bill to ban political donations from elections

    When can we get this?

    Quarry company J Swap's fast track plea after donations to Shane Jones and NZ First | RNZ News Quarry company J Swap's fast track plea after donations to Shane Jones and NZ First

    J Swap gave money to Shane Jones, and then to NZ First after it got into power. Now the company is asking for protected land to be opened for quarrying.

    Quarry company J Swap's fast track plea after donations to Shane Jones and NZ First

    This fast track to corruption bill, is more worrying than the budget...

    absGeekNZ absGeekNZ
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