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  • Now snap some pics of this kitty laying in different places all over this couch; you now have a new meme: Address Space Layout Randomization.

  • Me on my 32GB ThinkPad that spends 99% of its time running only a browser and email client

  • It's great that the system is so efficient. But things do come up. I once worked with an LSP server that was so hungry that I had to upgrade from 32 to 64gb to stop the OOM crashes. (Tbf I only ran out of memory when running the LSP server and compiler at the same time - but hey, I have work to do!) But now since I'm working in a different area I'm just way over-RAMed.

  • I ran with 8gb ram for 7 years because zram would shove my swap into what little ram I had available and it actually worked well enough that I didn't feel like upgrading until this year lol.

  • I was working on an app that needed to run on windows. Between chrome and virtual box, i absolutely had to upgrade to more than 16G

    • Virtual box is not a type I hypervisor. If you are looking for better performance you could try KVM