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Promised Land
  • The settlements are colonial. Resistance against already existing settlements and settlers is decolonial. Preventing more settlements is anticolonial.

    i mean i guess in that context it would be, but then wouldn't this be an anti/de colonial resistance? Since there are most definitely both going on.

    They’re both relevant in the Palestinian context, I just focused on decolonisation because it recognizes the already existing colonization. I guess it probably should be anticolonial/decolonial to recognize both.

    yeah this was pretty much my thinking.

    I think if you wanted to recognize the colonial aspects it's probably better to just mention the outposts and settlements lol. Sometimes demonstrating a concept is more powerful than the concept itself.

  • Science Journalism
  • yeah. There are so many problems with so many things in so many ways.

    It really doesn't help that people like to grasp onto the "ultimate" truth when it comes to this stuff. Even when there are good arguments for things people will fall head over heels down a mountain just to make a bad argument.

    and it just pains me, i'm not mad (ok i might be a little mad, or maybe a lot) but i'm (also) disappointed in them as well, because we can collectively do better as a species, but we just, choose not to.

    i mean, for the love of god shitpost as much as you want, i love shitposting, it's the best, but just, read my posts on eudaimonia if you have to. It's worth the effort, and it will greatly improve your life. (maybe not my posts, but stop being silly, please.)

  • Send Nudes
  • ok to be clear here, i think the point was that gay men compliment men like women compliment each other.

    Should men compliment eachother in a gayer fashion? Maybe. Does this change anything here? Probably not.

  • Send Nudes
  • yes, you just need an attraction to men first.

    also, phones have a timer setting for a reason.

    Or you can just take a video, and then pull out a frame if you really want to try hard.

    Also also, there are literally people who you can pay for this shit.

    Also also also, nude modelling for painting is a thing.

  • UN members walk out en-masse in protest against Netanyahu address
  • i mean yeah but like, what the fuck is the point? I hate a lot of things for stupid reasons, i feel like as far as the government goes, that's something that i have a pretty direct involvement with that i can pretty directly influence change with. What's the point being mad about it when i could be doing something about it instead?

  • Promised Land
  • well i mean that would make sense but like...

    In terms of the chain of logic here.

    bison are trampling your field:

    • make them extinct
    • build a fence

    i feel like building a fence would probably make sense here.

  • Promised Land
  • The grounds of conflict are colonial! It’s not a religious conflict, it’s Europeans invading Palestine and ethnically cleansing the land of Palestinians.

    i didn't say it was religious, if i did point me to it so i can fix that lol.

    Also they aren't europeans, they're jews? Who historically inhabit the same lands that palestine sits on, that's why israel was put where it was originally.

    Zionists around the turn of the 1900s openly called it colonialism when they were discussing it and in their writings.

    what you think nobody lived in palestine prior to this? That's literally how making new countries works. People are everywhere, the governments around them change, the bodies around them change, colonization is a thing that has happened throughout all of human history. Not trying to defend colonialism, but it's just something that has existed throughout history, it's been done now, if palestine were to "decolonize" israel, that would also be colonization. You might be able to justify it in your mind, but at the end of the day everything pretty much just boils down to colonization.

    Thinking that you can’t learn from historical examples because everybody is too different to ever compare anything is nonsense.

    do you think i'm talking about the conflict specifically? I'm not, i don't think i did once. If you think i do you're either wrong or misreading something. Or you're trying to deflect from the point i was making in order to bait me into a line of reasoning i didn't intend on getting into.

    Did i ever say that you can't learn from historical examples? It sounds to me like you're just making shit up here, but maybe i'm wrong and went into a fugue state and wrote a three hundred page report on this. I'm so baffled as to why you're trying to tell me this right now.

  • Promised Land
  • how are those significantly different?

    Anti colonialism would be against colonialism as you said. Presumably to stop encroaching colonialism, to stop existing colonialism, or to gain independence.

    decolonialism just seems like a really weird specific to use here since normally context would provide that. Also if we're talking about palestine, wouldn't israel be actively colonizing palestine, instead of having already colonized it? Like you can't just start making outposts in a region that you haven't already colonized. You can't just make settlements in a place that isn't already colonized.

    They wouldn't be settlements/outposts if they weren't colonial by nature. Like surely it can't already be colonized if hamas exists. The end game of colonization is literally integration and assimilation. A decolonial struggle would be something like hawaii being brought back to the ownership and independence of the natives.

  • LAPD raid goes from bad to farce after gun allegedly sucked onto MRI machine
  • yeah, sometimes that's normal though. In the case of a giant magnet that will literally rip you to shreds if you have a piece of metal in you, that's probably a reasonable emergency stop procedure.

    Unless there's a second less aggressive emergency stop button that just cuts off the power, in which case this is just a huge fucking shitpost from that police officer

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