FL wants more child labor
FL wants more child labor
Because the existing workforce keeps getting deported.
FL wants more child labor
Because the existing workforce keeps getting deported.
Conservative agenda:
Put young males to work until they're old enough to enlist.
Get young girls married and popping out babies as young as possible.
Don't think they aren't eyeing up little 13 year olds.
Yeah - see the thing about the evil trans pedos that totally exist and are kidnapping children to chop their penises off - they just aren’t following the rules for sex with children. It’s gotta be between an adult man and a young girl he can groom and abuse into being a perfect child-wife-slave forever (ever notice the baby voice fundie women like the Duggers tend to have?)
Economically, socially, spirituality (even if you divorce the 45 that groomed you into getting hitched at 18 - Jesus hated divorce!) dependent. Of course, once he takes an interest in that sophomore in the youth ministry, it’s her fault for not putting out enough.
"Do you know any kids who have been married at age 12? I do. And guess what? They're still married."
Don't think they aren't eyeing up little 13 year olds.
Judging from the Trump Supporting Pastor just arrested, Matt Gatez and the rest, I assume it's not just eyeing the 13 year olds for work.
If they're following GOP Rep Dennis Hastert's plan, it's not just the girls they're attempting to get pregnant
Nothing says "freedom" like 1920s labor laws.
lol not even allowed a meal break. Can’t keep them healthy and energised for the job! 🤣
What a shithole America is becoming
European here: WTF?
Keep protesting American products please. It actually will help. If trump is losing the US money, he will be reigned in.
But will the reining in end the reign?
It might rein him in on tariffs and attempted land theft but it is unlikely to continue past that. Though I do believe that the boycott of American made may be longer lasting than those threats and as an American I actually appreciate those boycotts. Those in power need to understand what isolationism actually means.
Seconded. Do not buy our products. Build your militaries, sad to say. Save your holidays for better nations.
Hello, I see you haven’t met government bailouts to big corporations 👋 Oh and it appears brand endorsements on White House lawn has just woken up from her nap.
This is what happens when your government loves business more than people. Do not feed the corporations. They will do this to you too.
The south came back in overtime to win the civil war.
The country is gone, save yourselves.
General Sherman's biggest mistake was stopping the push before reaching the ocean.
Ftfy: WTFL
Florida's new State motto is "The Most Cruelty Under the Sun"
The US is regressing more and more. I refuse to call it a first world country at this point.
"First world" etc are political terms relating to Cold War allegiance.
What you mean is "developed country" and there are good arguments that the US has never fully fitted that label. You'd have people coming from "developing countries" to the US and realize that infrastructure and social security there is way worse than in their home country.
Yeah, exactly. First world was allied with the US. Second world was allied with the soviets. Third world was basically everyone else, and was largely considered irrelevant to the Cold War. That’s why “third world” became a signifier of undeveloped countries; If a country wasn’t part of the Cold War, it was likely because they didn’t have enough developed resources or manpower to be considered a war asset. If they were developed enough to contribute, one of the two sides would have already been working on recruiting them to the war.
Yes but the "American Dream" was never that. It was always to get richer than everyone else and so I can just say fuck 'em to the plight of the rest. Or in alternative terms, it only concerns me when it actually directly affects me.
I believe the results of the last election and the ensuing "executive orders" actions are direct proof of that. Also it was proof of the large stupidity of the masses, something the Covid years exposed, but was directly proved in the election results. It was just a matter of time before a high level professional conman was so brazen about it.
USA is a third world country with a Gucci belt.
With fake timbs
Reason number 11,462,821 why you can never, under any circumstances, trust conservatives with power.
Oh. Ok, Florida, see you guys are really taking the dystopia thing pretty damn seriously
They watched cyberpunk: edgerunners and got really inspired by the wrong things.
Have you seen minecraft? Children YEARN for the mines!
They've been the testing ground for every stupid new fascist idea for a while now.
Sorry kids, you're not old enough for a lunch break.
Right? This is.... I never wanna hear "Won't someone think of the children" again after this shit
It builds character. Malnourishment is character.
Why the hell would you want children working overnight on school nights?
“Worst thing a fruit picker can learn is that they don’t have to be a fruit picker.” - Big Fruit
Even worse, that they’re the ones generating the money.
So they drop/fail out of school. An uneducated labor force is a cheap labor force.
An Uneducated Labor Force also ensure those laborers can't compete for better positions, or demand better conditions.
And a fantastic, "ask no questions" kind of military force
Also they don't get taught critical thinking skills to understand why things are the way they are and easier to manipulate. That said my understanding of the general US education system is that it doesn't teach that (or much of it) anyways.
That is irrelevant because they are also removing schooling for the children that will be taking those jobs.
Supposed to be read somewhat /s but also not really /s because that is the plan
Imagine the kids get smart and start thinking on their own as adults. They would no longer vote Rep. Imagine that!
It'll cause them to drop out and become permanent cheap labor that can be exploited due to not having a highschool diploma.
They already thought of that. The department of education has already been dismantled. If there are no school nights there's no problem, right?
Not just children. Anyone who isn’t rich, white, cis, straight, and Christian. If you’re not rich, then you must be a piece of shit, and you deserve nothing, not even the most basic human dignity (according to the 0.01%)
Why the hell would you want children working overnight on school nights? FTFY
Florida does not care about education
the fine for truancy can range from $250 to as much as $500
local truancy officers who have the authority to arrest habitually truant youths
Private prison corpos have to get them some too
So that only the children of rich parents can get a good education.
Haven't you heard? The DOE is dead. No more pesky school to get in the way of these children's productive hours! Ah, utopia at last.
These kids already have jobs, they dont even need school. The ones with rich parents will still learn how to fuck everyone else over in their private schools, dont worry.
Is this the beginning of child slavery?
No, it’s the child slavery 2.0 electric boogaloo
Seems to also be pushing for deregulation of worker hours, with the child work stuff being a nice bonus if they can get it.
Fuck Florida
So they gonna get the right to vote? Cause if they are going to be treated as adult they should get vote.
Let's also decrease liquor and smokes to 8 while we are at it.
Also remove child support cause they are grown up to get their own jobs and health insurance.
f these people.
Health insurance? You think these kids are getting health insurance???
Laughs in capitalism
Cool so USA is importing everything I it had exported to third world countries.
What's next USA?
Edit: Came here to add
Fascism is when Imperialism returns to the Core.
How have I not heard this before!
Police stealing money from citizens. Civil forfeiture.
USA is importing everything I had exported to third world countries
Jinkies, it was old man @reddit_sux spreading human suffering to the third world the whole time!
Damn Samsung autocorrect.
Transferring American achievement on to me.
I'm not against letting teenagers work as long as there are protections. Removing guaranteed meals and overnight work? Nah.
If they’re removing these protections for teens what are they doing to the rights of adult employees?
Employees in Florida (and most states, like ~40 states) have no laws that require breaks. Many states do/did require that minors get them though
Florida infamously removed water break regulations. In a state the military regularly suspends training due to the heat index. I'm starting to get the idea that these aren't good people.
All workers should have a guaranteed meal break on any shift that takes up 6 hours or more of their day, commute included. The economy is supposed to work for us, not exploit us.
Dodged the bullet by being born in the 80s. We played Atari and Nintendo after school, then bicycle patrol around neighborhood
I was born in the 80s. I had a paper route at 13 so I could buy an OG PlayStation. Definitely not crazy shift work, but I wonder how a 13 year old could find employment for some spending money these days.
...born in the seventies, i was working by fifth grade and overnight by high school; longest shift i ever pulled was twenty-six hours without a break...
...kids born in the eighties enjoyed nineties child labor laws, which were kind of a mixed blessing: less exploitation but also less opportunities to earn money...
Kids shouldn't have to be earning money. We are more than a cog in some capitalist's machine. Productivity has massively increased and instead of demanding the gains of that increase we bemoan the loss of "opportunities".
You poor thing
... is this a boast or a cautionary tale? I really can't tell...
Spoiler alert: the children working will also be illegal migrants
That’s the best part, the 13th Amendment says slavery is fine if they’re convicted of a crime, and if they somehow make all immigration illegal…
Here I was thinking this was satire. Then I actually searched it up (source: CNN) and wtf?!
Supplying a source is important and is actually OP's job, to avoid the spread of misinformation. Thank you for doing it for them.
Yeah, completely agree. Taking a photo of a TV screen showing the headline is just lazy.
The state has been easing up on child labor protections for years. Last year, the legislature passed a law allowing home-schooled 16- and 17-year old teens to work any hour of the day.
Ooof. They are literally targeting the people who are active followers of their capitalistic cult. These people are deranged.
Jesus Chirst
404 deity not found
Since the death of God, there's been a vacancy open!
Only the Devil was listening cuz God wasn't there.
Get rid of those doing the jobs that are vital and pretend that the solution is to make teenagers rightsless workers.
We don’t want them getting spoiled on their graveyard shifts with meal breaks
Especially on a school night!
Reason #8,994 why I left FL. My tax dollars no longer contribute to this shit.
I imagine this will work well with the school to prison pipeline.
Slavery's going to be mainstream again
They yearn for the mines!
This is where calling universal school lunches privileged leads to
These will be a majority of white kids, right? Riiiight?
Ducking dystopia.
Oddly, it very well may be, considering that any “not white “people who show up to get job jobs will be deported just because they’re not white.
That guaranteed meal break should be extended, not rolled back. After 4 hours every worker should have a 30 minute break to eat. It's not just humane, it's common sense that fed people work better. Even if you exclude the 30 minutes from their hours, which I bet was already what was going on.
30 minute PAID break. The break lets them be more productive. The pay helps them be less stressed.
It's good policy that helps the employers, even the ones too dumb to know it.
You eat on your own time you lazy laborer!
The VAST majority of US states (last I checked it was ~40 states) have NO law requiring breaks of any kind for workers. (Sometimes exceptions for minors and medical reasons). And there isn't a federal rule either.
Most employers do allow/require them, but with spotty enforcement.
It's actually insane. And generally no limit on shift length either. They can make you work 36 hours no break and fire you for looking tired.
Yeah I was so confused when I saw they were rolling back the 16-17 year old meal breaks, I thought it was federal law requiring breaks every 4/5 hours.
But no, as seen here, few states actually have any legal protection - https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/meal-breaks#Texas
This is some Avengers level bullshit.
onion right? right? turning the debate on "free meals to school kids" to "should we feed kids working in the mines". Nice progression M'URICAH
Well, it's Florida. These kids will be washing dishes and cleaning rooms at resorts until the oranges are ready to pick. Try to go underground there you'll just hit the ocean.
Americans: End abortion!
World: Oh, are you worried about what your gods might think?
Americans: Huh? Nope. I just needs that there little fucker flippin' muh burgers. I aint 'spected ta do it muhself.
William Blake's The Chimney Sweeper (1789) entered the chat
When my mother died I was very young,
And my father sold me while yet my tongue
Could scarcely cry " 'weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!"
So your chimneys I sweep & in soot I sleep.
Why are they doing this? What do these people need so badly that they think this is a good idea?
What do these people need so badly that they think this is a good idea?
"Wage slaves" is the only answer I've found that fits the available information. Some of them are being misled by others, but some must understand the impacts of what they're asking for.
They're kicking out the immigrant wave slaves because of racism, so now they need child wage slaves to fill the gap. They just need someone desperate and powerless to exploit.
Guys who wrote this bill probably: "The children yearn for the mines."
Florida sliding further backwards doesn't surprise me at all.
But on a good note it looks like Florida's Free Kill Law might finally be ending after 35 years of horrors to all the Floridians and tourists caught in it's trap, no thanks to the Republicans though.
Trabulsy noted that lawmakers passed the existing restriction in 1990 to reduce insurance rates.
“Lo and behold, insurance rates did not come down,” she said. “It’s about time that we change this law and put the courts back in the hands of Floridians.”
That's something, anyway. I hope we stop falling for "we will lower your rates", because we know they won't.
Greedy fucks are never going to lower a price. They must extract all available profit or they have failed.
So thier reason for actually doing it per the article was to attract more MD to the state to cover the shortages, I don't think that was the main problem for the shortages
I can see Trump defending Dept. Of Labor and OSHA
I think you want "defunding". (Probably spell check broke it.)
No no, you don't understand, the free market sets wages! If the boss can't find workers at the rate they set then they have to raise wages ....hire children!!
How dare you speak ill of the holy Corporation! It is superior to all of us lowly humans. If it needs a child sacrifice to function then we must give up our best children!
Read the fine print tho: "Due to lack of migrant workers." What's that again? Lack of migrants you say? Whatever could be causing that?
It also wants to starve children! FREEDUM
Not just children. Anyone who isn’t rich, white, cis, straight, and Christian. If you’re not rich, then you must be a piece of shit, and you deserve nothing, not even the most basic human dignity.
And they get a trial 90 license to fly a jetliner?
Some people think that education might be important for the jobs of the future. Qualifying for university is an option on such a future.
Other people think fuck the future, we need more people taking a career path that starts as a dishwasher right now.
Very few of these other people will question "what was wrong with the dishwasher we had?"
Very few of these other people will question "what was wrong with the dishwasher we had?"
Conservatives: She kept talking back so I gave her a good slap.
How else are they going to teach those leeches how to fend for themselves?
I hope the sarcasm is obvious there.
In days past it may have been.
Sadly, you need more opportunity to get away from your parents to stand a chance
These people want to "fuck" kids in every meaning of the word.
Reduce minimum age for sex workers to twelve...
Don't fucking give them ideas!
I keep saying this is all a front to reduce age of consent. Once you establish teens are as capable as adult it goes down hill. Plus they cant vote.
They are probably already jacking off to such ideas in the GOP.
Jesus they just can't stop winning eh?
Wow. What the hell. None of that is acceptable.
Something something pizzagate