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The glass is NOT half full
  • Literalist: The glass contains about 50% water.

    Nihilist: The glass doesn't matter.

    Anarchist: The glass is now full of piss.

    Absurdist: the glass is now upside-down without spilling the water.

    Me: I don't know who's glass this is so it's going in the sink.

  • Make me look a little cooler
  • I mean there's no street legal car in the world that can go 420 so you'd probably just get that ticket thrown out. Still have to pay the court cost though which is bullshit.

  • How do I make sure to bundle myself and my dog up properly in -20F windy weather?
  • Well for you sound set. You want to dress in layers, and you want to avoid sweating.

    I have no idea what kind of dog you have. Honestly here in Chicagoland my dad's had a number of rescue dogs over the years, and the answer depends on the dog breed. The smaller and less furry a dog is, the less you should expose them to the cold. You may have to have them just go to the bathroom on those little absorbent mats inside if they don't want to go outside. And the dog will let you know that it doesn't want to go outside in the freezing ass cold.

    But if you've got a larger dog, especially a very furry one or a breed that likes the cold (like a husky for example) you'll have any easier time.

    But the most important thing is to pay attention to your dog when you're outside; it'll let you know when it's not happy about where it is.

  • 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱 POLSKA GUROM 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
  • This is absolutely outrageous. As an American I should have the right to buy land mines at an IKEA too. I mean I don't know what I'd use them for, but unlike guns, I don't need to be a good shot in order to use them. Maybe I could go deer hunting LMAO

  • Maybe a bit optimistic, but one can dream
  • I mean no because even if all of the gamers in the world instantaneously switched away from windows, everybody else in the world - specifically the masses of idiots out there and businesses, not that there's that much difference - would still keep on using Windows because they don't give a fuck.

  • How much resources are spent fact checking because bots like Mila Joy are lying?
  • I mean I wouldn't ever live in California, but not because of what these talking maga skin piles keep saying. I just revise to live in a disaster-prone region. I mean California has a fire season. Fuuuuuck that. Same goes for hurricane territory.

  • My job feels like I am scamming my employer
  • This reminds me of the old saying "It's better to have something and not need it than to need something and not have it." Insurance is largely built around this principle. Not counting the corruption in exorbitant prices that's a different topic.

    Are you familiar with firewatch duty? When somebody is doing any work that could produce a fire in an environment, they need to have someone there to supervise who can do something if a fire breaks out. Grab an extinguisher, hit the alarm, stuff like that. This is pretty normal in businesses, because if the guy doing the work say, welding, accidentally said some self on fire, there needs to be somebody there to put it out. The chances of it being necessary or extremely low, but the consequences of not having someone there in an emergency are extremely high.

    This can lead to situations that seem silly. A buddy of mine was once on fire watch duty while someone was repairing a manhole or sewer grate or something like that in the middle of an empty parking lot. He just grabbed it off his chair and sat there shooting the shit with the guy while hanging on to the fire extinguisher for like 4 hours. There is nothing to catch fire except possibly the guy doing the work.

    Anyway, keep on doing your job. On the off chance that you need to do something, it'll be good that you were there to do it. If not, at least people can sleep happier knowing that the job is being washed over by people who know what they're doing.

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