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Sovcit is annoyed.
  • Makes me think of the novel cryptonomicon where the guy had to encrypt and decrypt every message on his finex (may be misremembering that one) laptop.

    For those that aren't familiar it's from the late 90s so tech is dated but a pretty fun novel that deals with cryptography, by Neal Stephenson, long but enjoyable.

  • Childless GOP candidate borrows family for weird photo shoot
  • Talk about an awkward conversation with the fiancee, or a short time before it's called off. Unless their partner is as scummy as the candidate, I see a big future in the GOP for them, assuming they get that seat. Party of family values for sure heh. Nothing like showing lies to show how highly you consider those values.

  • "Agents Mulder and Scully, F.B.I."
  • I always hear Mulder saying his line 'agents Mulder and Scully, FBI' whenever agent characters introduce themselves on other shows. It gives me a smile while I think of him flashing his picture... Well badge.

  • Programming in simple 4 steps
  • Dunno what OS's it supports besides Windows but I use Kdiff for random comparisons regularly, I think it works pretty well untill you get to much larger files (20+ MB slows down a lot). The huge file wasn't code but needed to check output changes for those curious.

    I constantly check git comparison with previous versions to see what changed to break things in a build though. Didn't know there was a way to diff any files in git,should probably just learn to use that one.

  • The winner of every difficulty comparison
  • After reading a walkthrough I'm confident I beat at least one round of the game, heh, maybe I misinterpreted that for the game ending screen (he gets on the spaceship at the end of the round for those that don't know).. If there're no pits in the first round I believe I made it further than that at because I remember them well.

    Though with my memory these days I'm happy when I leave work with everything I intended to so not saying it's completely accurate I mostly just remember ET getting on a ship.

  • The winner of every difficulty comparison
  • Was ET actually difficult or just unclear how to progress? I swear I finished it when I was a kid but the amount of games I've finished in my life is extremely tiny, if things get too hard I just go play something else for awhile (looking at every stealth mission shoehorned into non stealth game). So maybe I just misremembered finishing it but I sure played it a lot before I got an NES.

  • Pennsylvania governor denied drink purchase after forgetting to bring ID
  • Well hopefully you have it when they ask randomly some time. I was carded the first time in almost a decade, was a surprise but gotta be ready for it when you purchase age restricted products. If anything someone as a governer should be happy people are checking, as annoying as it is, since the rules are (supposed to be) for all.

  • Trump Directly Blames Harris and Biden’s Words for the Latest Attempt On His Life: ‘Their Rhetoric is Causing Me to Be Shot at’
  • Well Trump has no imagination so that's simple for him, not sure I'd say that about all conservatives, just the simple ones. The ones that have an imagination are possibly more dangerous but least none of them are running for president...this time.

    That said can you imagine how stunted someone would have to be not to have an imagination? If so you're probably better off mentally than half the presidential candidates.

    Edit oh right 3rd party... So better off than half of the realistic presidential candidates.

  • Trump Directly Blames Harris and Biden’s Words for the Latest Attempt On His Life: ‘Their Rhetoric is Causing Me to Be Shot at’
  • There's no where like that for rich( or pretend to be billionaire?) orange people that I can find. If he was noticably poor I bet something could be figured out without much hassle.

    Such a shame there's no institutional protection for the pretend billionaire oompa loompa class when they invite violence.

    Maybe the survivors can sing him a song.

  • IT'S LIVE! 1.0!
  • I bought it a few years back but never got that far into it but have seen some YouTube plays of it at the time so I'm curious what's new. I spent like 400 hours in factorio before bothering to launch a rocket so need fewer games going before starting one of these types. Hopefully Captain of Industry isn't planning a full release anytime soon.

  • Legendary actor James Earl Jones dies at 93
  • I figured he didn't have to do it if he didn't want to and he acted like he was having fun, which made me enjoy those scenes so much more. 'You know what? I like Star Wars'...mean unsure if he did but he said with such a grin and awesome delivery. Plus ding dong ditch on Carrie was the cherry on top.

  • The father of the Georgia school shooting suspect has been arrested and charged, authorities say | CNN
  • With the amount of them these days does it make a difference? I get the idea for sure, and when there were less of them it was easier and made some sense, but these days you may as well be plugging the hoover dam with bubble gum. Even if all the mainstream outlets didn't say the name, someone will.

    I do hope for better, but I don't think not printing a name is going to help.

  • What other movies wouldn't work today?
  • I thought he was playing a PlayStation game on a less known type of controller. Googled it, apparently was an early version of the game Wipeout, unsure if it was an arcade game. Kinda makes sense for the hackers to have an early version.

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