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China’s newest nuclear submarine sank in dock, US officials confirm
  • I've been in the navy for over 15 years, so yeah, I know better...

    But... Isn't it supposed to do that? 👀

  • Alien ‘Cryptoterrestrials’ Could Be Secretly Hiding Deep Underground, Harvard Scientists Claim
  • "academic paper". The world in Idiocracy comes sooner then expected. Go to Harvard to publish an academic paper on ancient aliens in UFOs. What an achievement. Could have stayed in mom's basement and made a YouTube video instead.

  • Emotional Support Vehicles
  • It compensates for penis size 100% of the time though.

  • This is my deck, but this is not my cat...
  • Correction: it used to be your deck and you are now property of the cat.

  • YouTube Premium is getting a huge price hike in over a dozen countries, sparking user backlash. Some countries are experiencing hikes between 30% and 50%
  • And that, kids, is why you should pirate. Paying customers are restricted and being ripped off. Piracy gives freedom, it pays off, it makes sure you dont have to agree to stupid user agreements which take away you rights. Make sure to support your favorite creators though, through other platforms like Patreon. Don't take the money away from them. Just take away the power and control away from the evil mega corps like Google and Meta.

  • YouTube Premium is getting a huge price hike in over a dozen countries, sparking user backlash. Some countries are experiencing hikes between 30% and 50%
  • The awesome algorithm for recommendations on YouTube was turned off to prevent fake news bubbles. This means that when you listen to a song and want YouTube to create a Playlist with similar artists for you, this doesn't work anymore. But this function does still work with YouTube music.

  • It's a choice
  • You believe you know better. We all believe in something. Some believe in facts, some believe in fiction.

  • It's a choice
  • Jesus camp

  • It's a choice
  • I saw a documentary about them, about a children's camp. The indoctrination, mind control and child abuse sure would send you to a hell if it would exist. Next to that, the women running the camp were talking in jibberish tonge, which is the devils work according to the Bible. The irony is great.

  • It's a choice
  • I prefer to say "aww. Aren't you a bit old to believe in imaginary friends and faieytales? I mean, I liked Harry Potter but I don't believe something is real when I read a book about it. And Harry Potter even has seven books."

  • We're sorry...
  • Using an imaginary friend as excuse? Wtf

  • Weaponizing ordinary devices violates international law, United Nations rights chief says
  • Just because terrorists are doing horrible acts, doesn't mean you are free to do whatever you want. Crimes against humanity and war crimes do not have an asterisk saying "except when the enemy commits crimes too".

    About the pagers, are they specifically made for the military? Or are they commercially available? Just because terrorists use them doesn't mean no one else does. There are still many hospitals for example using pagers. Does that make doctors terrorists or military?

  • Weaponizing ordinary devices violates international law, United Nations rights chief says
  • As if Israel suddenly is going to care about international law. They have been committing war crimes and crimes against humanity for a long time now. This is telling nazis "hey, what you are doing is bad mkay?" like they would give a fuck.

  • Has this aged poorly?
  • Oooh you mean Elon Musk? xD

  • Has this aged poorly?
  • Did he became famous with an explosion? Did he affect millions? Is he still affecting many? Is he so legendary he will be around for a few hundred years? Does he have elephant feet? Does he own land where no one but him is allowed to live? Did the USSR try to hide him?

  • Youtube has fully blocked Invidious
  • It has its own like and dislike system, so it's not cluttered by yt bots.

  • Youtube has fully blocked Invidious
  • Sure, that works too, however with grayjay you can follow creaters across platforms. So in case someone's account gets banned by YouTube due to whatever bullshit reason, you can continue following them on other platforms. Next to that you won't get spammed with Shorts junk. If you want to download a video to watch it offline, you can actually watch it offline (you don't require a connection like with YouTube to watch something offline)

  • Youtube has fully blocked Invidious
  • They also can use sponsors in the video, but that only works when you have enough views.

  • Child abuse camps

    I just watched this documentary series. I'm flabbergasted. Truly. Internationally, this is considered crimes against humanity. They use banned torture techniques. The fact this ever existed is insane. The fact the people responsible for this are still walking free makes me sick. The fact that these people are still operating similar facilities is fucking outrageous. What the actual fuck. HOW! Like, how is it possible to operate child torture facilities for years and years without repercussions? I already thought the US incarceration system was fucked up but this is the ultimate dystopian horror.

    3 floof

    Tired after trashing my house.

    LordWiggle Lord Wiggle
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