I wholeheartedly believe this story
I wholeheartedly believe this story
I wholeheartedly believe this story
Sounds pretty on brand for Duchovny at that time lol
Then definitely don't watch Californication.
It's basically a documentary about himself
Or Red Shoe Diaries, people kinda forgot that his big role before X-files was just softcore porn.
Entire show about how Hollywood amplifies the worst qualities in everyone.
Duchovny, that SLUT!
And a lounger.
All this lounging smh
I mean, have you seen Californication?? He’s the whorest of whores.
Wasn’t the show partly a bio pic for him?
He definitely fucked the posters mom. She’s bitter he didn’t call back
I think he fucked everyone in that class. Whoreishly
Didn’t he go into rehab for sex addiction at one point?
David, you ho.
One person's negative is another person's positive I guess.
teacher assistant
transgender awareness
He didn't lounge, he sauntered vaguely